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Old 06-11-2009, 03:33 PM
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Thanks for the photos, looks like good candidate for all sorts of things

I need first to know what we are dealing with, what is the devil inside

Can you give me full tank spec including

PO4 - heat test
fitration method
lighting cycle
sand bed depth
live rock or not?

I will then give you a dosing regime for this. But from the looks of the tank you will need to do some maintenance steps firect, the products for reviewing are good, but lets give the a head start
Old 06-11-2009, 06:06 PM
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I will test the parameters this afternoon and post the readings. Equipment as follows
-135gal glass tank dual overflow
-Lighting 2x 72" VHO T-12 Icecap660 10hours on 14 off (bulbs changed annually)
-35 gal sump
-Older Tunze skimmer (planning upgrade)
-Lifeguard 40w UV sterilizer (new bulb every 6 months)
-Approx 100 lbs liverock (10+ years old, good coralline coverage, pest free)
-Substrate approx 100lbs very coarse coral rubble
-Circulation, 800gph return pump and Vortech MP20

Fish load ( All fish 7 years old and very healthy)
-1 Majestic Angel
-1 Threadfin Butterfly
-2 Green Chromis
-1 Ocellaris Clown
-2 Cleaner Shrimp
-2 Yellow tail Damsels

Minor Hair Algae and persistent Cyano problem, suspect problem is Dad overfeeding the tank, I do 30 gal waterchange every 6 weeks, not dosing any additives currently.
Old 06-11-2009, 08:34 PM
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Gonna need those paremters though

Nitrate and PO4 especially.
Old 06-12-2009, 01:27 AM
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-PH 8.1
-No3 19.1ppm
-Phosphate 16.2ppm
-Ammonia 0
-Nitrite 0
Readings taken with Medusa Colorimeter, I am mixing water as we speak to do a water change.
Old 06-12-2009, 01:38 AM
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Bingo, there is the little devil


Do a heat test at that level and it will be higher than that.

First thing important here is regular water changes, what is happening by doing such staggered changes is the PO4 is leaching into everything it can including the live rock, in fact your live rock is one big yummie PO4 bath right now.

You need to do at a one off 25% for two weeks followed by weekly 10%.

The Ultra Life and the Ultra Bio will help significantly in skimming out all the nutrients, but this will not be a quick fix under no illusion.

If you are game I will send you the Ultra Life and Bio, but you will need to be strict in following what is recomended.

Old 06-12-2009, 03:41 AM
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I'm game, I will be doing a 30 gal waterchange tomorrow and will repeat every 2 wks untill the numbers get back in line, did'nt think it was that bad as the fish are looking real good.
Old 06-12-2009, 04:35 AM
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My PO4 allways .005 or less. Most times, I can not detect it with the Salfert kit.
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
Old 06-12-2009, 01:29 PM
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In regards to the fish not being affected by high PO4 you are 100% right they will show no real sign of stress although it can lead to a general weakness of teh immune system as the fish are kept in conditions that are not native to them, nitrate in high levels will also cause gill deformaties.

The biggest issue for fish only systems is tank appearance, algal blooms Cyano, to name just two.

Drop me an email at and we can go from there.

Dan - do a heat test on the PO4 then see the results, it could be higher than you really think.
Old 06-12-2009, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Aqua-Digital View Post
In regards to the fish not being affected by high PO4 you are 100% right they will show no real sign of stress although it can lead to a general weakness of teh immune system as the fish are kept in conditions that are not native to them, nitrate in high levels will also cause gill deformaties.

The biggest issue for fish only systems is tank appearance, algal blooms Cyano, to name just two.

Drop me an email at and we can go from there.

Dan - do a heat test on the PO4 then see the results, it could be higher than you really think.
Never heard of a heat test, how do I do that?
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
Old 06-12-2009, 01:37 PM
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Take a sample of tank water
Heat to 80oC
Allow to cool for 5 mins
Take PO4 test

What does this do?

PO4 is bound into the water molecules, when not heated only the loose PO4 elements are tested, by heating it PO4 elements are released and as such giving you the TRUE PO4 reading.

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