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Old 05-14-2009, 01:25 PM
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Dave, as long as a thread is not coming out and accusing anyone of anything illegal, and you want to monitor it, feel free to discuss as you like. If a poster doesn't agree with a vendor's claims, then the poster can choose not to purchase from them. Not accuse them of lying, stealling, cheating, or any other immoral behaviour.

I'll start...

Personally, if I see a pretty frag for a price I'm willing to pay, I don't care what it's called, where it came from or how it got here. I have corals shipped fedex from the states, even a frag brought up in a film container in a shirt pocket. If someone wants to call it the the ORA Tyree LE anything, good for them.
As long as the frags I'm buying originated in captivity, I don't care what the rules say.
Carry on.......
Old 05-14-2009, 01:30 PM
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Default Reported Post from Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board


Further to the thread review request at apx. 9:05pm yesterday (as per the canreef email I received - and you were all sent), as requested, please accept the above noted reply to this thread as my response.

Further, I do not fully understand the reason portion of the email, so if it is not adequately addressed I apologize:

This is the reason that the user gave:
This vendor doesn't get it..... ??

The reason lacks adequate detail so I am not sure what I am to make of this, or specifically what it is I do not get.

I trust everything you require to complete the review of this thread is contained in my post above. If not, please contact me or post in this thread. Thanks.
I'm out.
Old 05-14-2009, 02:10 PM
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I think the problem lies in the name but also the value associated with that name. When a vendor uses the prefix ORA, Tyree, Ming,etc when marketing thier frag, that prefix is used for the sole purpose of marketing said product and to possibly add value to that product.

We all know that many people have sunset montis that did not come from Tyree, some come in with Indo aquaculture and such, the ocean is a big place. But I can also buy Armani clothing off ebay for 1/4 the price, did they come from the same factory as ones i would pay full price for at retail, probably not, do i care? No, but that is my own priority.

Some people though will buy an Armani product and want to pay that extra $ to make sure it is "authentic", that is thier own priority. Now what happens when a retailer that normally sells authentic Armani product starts selling ebay knockoff for the full price of authentics? The consumer does not know the difference, but does that make it right? But really how silly it is for a consumer to pay so much more for a product becuase of the authenticity of the name. One could argue that a consumer such as that begs to be taken advantage of.

I would not support this type of mislabeling for more profit activity nor would I support a company or individual that arbitrarially bent the rules to bring something across the border illegitimatly.

ramble ramble ramble
Old 05-14-2009, 02:49 PM
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I don't know exactly what the whole story is here or even what the topic is but I'll say this,
I believe the mods on this site do a pretty good job, and the site is run well. I don't agree with everything done but that's life, a small group of people will never be able to satisfy everyone else in the world. Just like government which most people rarely have anything good to say about. So first off good job guys, we all deserve a little ego stroke once in a while

The bottom line is the Mods run the site, they can do what they choice and will continue to do so if they believe it's what is best for the site. Do they owe explanations, well not really that's their decision but with every decision comes consequences. So mods don't get so uptight when people question your actions if you choice to go this route, this is a natural response.

Its the underlying tone that certainly makes me wonder why I continue here.

And it makes me wonder why I continue to do this.
A couple from this thread alone

Last edited by titus; 05-17-2009 at 09:04 AM.
Old 05-14-2009, 03:07 PM
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Well ,I never question why I'm here, and I certainly attempt to explain things thoroughly the FIRST time, but for people that keep whining about the same topic, after getting my nice answer, get the revised short abrubt answer.
We do make choices, we work within our given time on the board, and sometimes it's just not practical to offer an explanation for our actions. and trust me, it's a rare occasion when I notify the poster of a removed thread, where they just say ok, thanks for letting me know. More often than not, we get, well, you suck. It's a free country. I think I should be able to say what I want. It goes on and on. And seriously, I don't feel like spending my free time arguing about a point that isn't going to change. I had to argue with one person for weeks because he didn't like the rules, or my decision to enforce said rules. It's really sad sometimes. And yes, lots of qualified people could do this. You could do this. And 5 years from now, your posts would sound exactly like mine. Honest. Like I said, we don't just roll dice. We discuss, at length, most decisions that we make on the board. It's not the thankless job it's made out to be, it's mostly fun, we have a great time, and we've all met a lot of good friends doing this. Sure, some people get personal, not sure why, it's just an internet board. I know of some people here that just hate my guts, and have never even met me. Seriously, lighten up. We're all here for a common purpose, and the role the staff play is to make sure we stay on course for that purpose, and attempt to create an environment enjoyable to the majority of the members. Unfortunately some toes may get stepped on along the way, but that's the nature of the beast.
K, gotta go work for a living now...
Old 05-14-2009, 03:22 PM
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Ok - the intent of this thread still being open is not to review mod/admin performance, or interpret tones of members. I think we can all agree this site is the best you will find in Canada, so lets get back to the topic. In fact, I will open a new thread later today and close this one.

The first point below - well I could not disagree with you more about the sunset monti (being a bit of a coral freak myself). I have never seen a nice aquaculture nice sunset monti come through Toronto, not to suggest they have not, but I have made it to as many coral shipments as anyone over the last 8+ years. They do not aquaculture a good one, that is why it always retains it's value. Any other corals - ya I could see your point and agree with you. Your second point...ya that gets under my skin as well. We can discuss in another thread devoted to it a little later today.

Originally Posted by Ephraim View Post
We all know that many people have sunset montis that did not come from Tyree, some come in with Indo aquaculture and such, the ocean is a big place.

I would not support this type of mislabeling for more profit activity nor would I support a company or individual that arbitrarially bent the rules to bring something across the border illegitimatly.
I'm out.
Old 05-14-2009, 03:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
No, your tone IS belittling and insulting. It's no wonder you've been asked to leave other boards. Don't think it can't happen here either. Take your beef to PM's, continue along this line of public whining, and I guarantee the outcome will not be the one you wish for. This is just some friendly advice back to you, not an insult.
Read tone how you want, but coming back with a low blow which you know nothing about is pathetic. At one point I was part owner and a sponsor of that ONE site which I left by choice for good reason as I didn't want to support the things that were occurring behind the scenes anymore.

I was sticking up for the mods, if you'd only read what I said you'd know that rather than reading between the lines finding tone that doesn't exist and then threatening me. Real nice, is this the essence of Canreef?
Old 05-14-2009, 03:46 PM
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This discussion shall now be limited to PM. Does not belong in a wickedfrags therad. I think you can both agree on that...

The new thread to discuss the real topic, well that will be up shorly. Thanks.

Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Read tone how you want, but coming back with a low blow which you know nothing about is pathetic. At one point I was part owner and a sponsor of that ONE site which I left by choice for good reason as I didn't want to support the things that were occurring behind the scenes anymore.

I was sticking up for the mods, if you'd only read what I said you'd know that rather than reading between the lines finding tone that doesn't exist and then threatening me. Real nice, is this the essence of Canreef?
I'm out.
Old 05-14-2009, 03:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Ephraim View Post
I would not support this type of mislabeling for more profit activity nor would I support a company or individual that arbitrarially bent the rules to bring something across the border illegitimatly.
I agree with the mislabeling thing of course, but bending senseless stupid rules is on of my hobbies.
Old 05-14-2009, 03:49 PM
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Well what happened to taking this stuff to PM's... I for one (and will only speak for myself) have found this site (and the mods) to be a great resource for information and support. I would really like to see this conversation continue (with regards to the corals not the mods). If there is still a need to debate the moderator actions, opinions or otherwise can you take THAT elsewhere so the rest of us can continue to learn and discuss what is affecting our hobby.
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