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Old 05-09-2009, 12:03 AM
seanoman seanoman is offline
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I appreciate the responses that everyone has had so far and I realize that everyone is entitled to there opinions, and I respect that. However, the title of the thread was not that of whether or not we as the hobbyist should be attempting to keep these fish. I would appreciate and I assume others would too, that if you wish to voice your opinions on that, that you do it in the correct thread. For example the Red List thread. I am not going to bash anybody for there opinion either way, but all I was asking when I started the thread, was what experience people have had with MI's and SPS.

Thanks again to everyone who has replied with there experiences, and I will try and keep you updated on how our MI is doing. As of so far, I have only seen damage to one small frag that I saw him picking at. So I will not be removing him from our tank as of yet. All the other corals are showing good PE, so I think It should be fine. I also saw that it seemed that he only had interest in corals that were in the corner of the tank by his normal sleeping hole. Don't know if that has anything to do with it or not, just an observation. As i have never seen him touch corals on the other side of the tank.
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Old 05-09-2009, 01:55 AM
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With respect, I think it is quite proper to comment either for or against.
Experienced reefers don't want to leave the wrong impression.
If only those who had success posted in answer to your post the seriously wrong impression would be left that this fish a keep able.
That is not what I personally would like newbies to read.
You may have noted that all comments for and against were polite and that is what is important.

Good Luck with your MI!
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Old 05-09-2009, 03:20 AM
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Why is it that people cannot ask for opinions of the question at hand for a change... It always has to turn into a ****ing match and it is getting real old. As much as people feel that this fish should not be caught, IT IS. Be it ethical or not, it is a reality that people can special order these fish. When they do and want to insight and experience, please give just that. Why is it people feel they have to hijack a thread and jump on their soap box?

The poster did not ask what your opinion is one the fish being collected from the ocean... he asked if anyone else has had an MI eat corals.

Hobbyists kill so many fish that are not red list fish due to inexperience and lack of knowledge... When an experienced hobbyist decides to raise the bar and try something difficult they should be entitled to do so... Even newbies that did not know better, should be allowed to ask questions, rather then get into a ****ing match.

Because these fish ARE available, people whom have kept them should not be ashamed to give any help in their successes. Perhaps if people can feel comfortable in asking questions and sharing knowledge, many of these species can be kept more successfully.

Originally Posted by Edmonton Eskimo View Post
I think it's funny when someone considers keeping one of these for a year a success. I'm not saying every one collected dies in captivity and I don't know the exact percentage that do but I would suspect it is in the 90 plus percent. To me that is us as cocky humans thinking we run the world and taking what we wish. It's completely wrong and NONE of us should be buying these fish. To say"I bought it because it was at the store already is silly. The only reason stores keep bringing these fish in is because people buy them. I think governments need to step in and make this an illegal fish to collect and distribute. I'm not bashing any individual that buys one I'm just saying that us as supposed responsible reefkeepers need to stop purchasing these, or any fish, coral, invertebrate that has a higher than 50 percent death rate in captivity. Just my 22 cents
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Old 05-09-2009, 05:07 AM
Edmonton Eskimo Edmonton Eskimo is offline
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okay hero. I think the original poster made his point. No one said anything that was remotely offensive or bashing to anyone so relax. To the original poster I think once a fish gets a taste for the yummy corals they won't stop. Keep it well fed and cross your fingers.
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Old 05-09-2009, 05:26 AM
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I can live with hero... usually it's "what a bitch"... probably what you were thinking, but might get in trouble saying it on the forums... We are all passionate about the hobby and I have have been beat down a couple of times for asking a question... now I don't ask anymore. I find this to be a negative since there is nothing to be learned from silence. Aorry if I came off as a bitch, but it is what it is.

Have a good night.

Originally Posted by Edmonton Eskimo View Post
okay hero. I think the original poster made his point. No one said anything that was remotely offensive or bashing to anyone so relax. To the original poster I think once a fish gets a taste for the yummy corals they won't stop. Keep it well fed and cross your fingers.
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Old 05-09-2009, 05:35 AM
Edmonton Eskimo Edmonton Eskimo is offline
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The way I see it is,the only dumb question is the one unasked. There will always be those who are rude or condescending but the wonderful thing is it can be ignored and the good points taken and used. Never stop asking questions because you feel like you will be bashed.
Hi, my name is Jason and I\'m addicted to reefs
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Old 05-09-2009, 07:39 AM
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Seanoman, next time your in at J&L, come find me (Derek) in the livestock area and I'll give you some sponge to start culturing in your sump. Its the same sponge that i've been feeding mine.
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Old 05-09-2009, 02:26 PM
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Drock, would you happen to know the Latin name of the sponge? Or do you have any pictures?
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Old 05-10-2009, 03:33 AM
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Having trouble finding a name for it, from what i've found is that its a white finger sponge, its soft white tubes, finding a scientific name seems to be difficult,i honestly cant figure out what the scientific name is, looks like Leuconia.
if i get a chance to take a pic i will.
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Old 05-12-2009, 01:08 AM
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Default Sponges

Originally Posted by Drock169 View Post
Having trouble finding a name for it, from what i've found is that its a white finger sponge, its soft white tubes, finding a scientific name seems to be difficult,i honestly cant figure out what the scientific name is, looks like Leuconia.
if i get a chance to take a pic i will.
yeah tanks a lot! I have to find some fairly faster growing sponge to keep the MI happy.

On a side note, I did find something interesing regarding growing sponges. There is an article that suggests to increase the levels of carbon in the tank to propell the growth of sponges. Ie, vodka dosing.
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