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Old 05-08-2009, 03:51 AM
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I very often see them at a few LFS...

Originally Posted by naesco View Post
Actually, they are omnivores and that is the problem. They are almost impossible to keep and I am surprised that a LFS is importing them. We do not yet know what is missing from their diet that makes them so difficult to keep.

The quote below summarizes everything.

{{I would steer clear of this fish. While it may be "eating like crazy", whether it's eating enough of the right things is most likely a different story. A VAST majority of Moorish Idols do not survive more than a few days or weeks in captivity. Of the ones that do, and snare a hopeful buyer like yourself, another 95% percent of those are dead within a month or two.
It will in all Likelihood not bother your clams, but in all Likelihood it will not be alive in your tank in 6 months either.
This is one of those fish that should NOT be collected for the trade to begin with, and is best left in the ocean.
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Old 05-08-2009, 04:18 AM
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Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post
I very often see them at a few LFS...
You need to consider giving them a talking to the next time you visit.

Loser LFS import them, knowing they are almost impossible to keep and sell them to unsuspecting newbies.
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Old 05-08-2009, 04:41 AM
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I don't really think I am in any position to tell a store what to stock or not to stock. I don't think what I said would matter, as the fish are there on special order... When I have mentioned the MI I am quickly told they are hard to keep and they don't usually live. I don't think a store would bring them in without special order due to low survival rates and they do not want to lose money themselves. However, what do I know?

Originally Posted by naesco View Post
You need to consider giving them a talking to the next time you visit.

Loser LFS import them, knowing they are almost impossible to keep and sell them to unsuspecting newbies.
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Old 05-08-2009, 05:27 AM
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I agree with you.
If an experienced reefer wants to order a Moorish Idol, I have no problem with a LFS special order bringing one in.

I have a big problem with loser LFS stocking Moorish Idol and selling them to unsuspecting newbies, though
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Old 05-08-2009, 06:01 AM
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I've had my moorish idol for about 7 months, mine also eats SPS polyps, zoanthids, cespitularia, but doesnt eat LPS or gorg's yet. I've been buying zoanthid colonies to feed mine as well as culturing sponge in my sump. From what I read sponge is an important part of their diet. Mine also eats pellets, mysis, and nori. He quite thick now, probably around 5".
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Old 05-08-2009, 06:36 AM
Edmonton Eskimo Edmonton Eskimo is offline
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some fish are better left in the ocean. This fish is at the top of that list
Hi, my name is Jason and I\'m addicted to reefs
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Old 05-08-2009, 06:51 AM
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I had my Moorish idol for over a year before I sold the tank, eating nothing but standard frozen foods. I believe the idols from Hawaii are suppose to be much better in captivity than those from other places like Indo.

I've also had a variety of sps picking fish, the only time you run into major problems is when they target a single colony as appose to spreading it out, which will likely happen once or twice. If you'll be devastated with a loss or two best to save yourself the grief and give it up or make a new home for him
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Old 05-08-2009, 04:12 PM
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I personally have never seen one up for sale. They are always sold and I am always told they hardly ever make it... They are beautiful, but even that is not quite enough for me to chance ordering one. If fish are in stock, it is one thing to try, but to have one pulled from the ocean on my behalf is not right for me to do. Even if they are in stock, I would have to do miles of research, which I did do for my Regal angel whom is happy and healthy.

Originally Posted by naesco View Post
I agree with you.
If an experienced reefer wants to order a Moorish Idol, I have no problem with a LFS special order bringing one in.

I have a big problem with loser LFS stocking Moorish Idol and selling them to unsuspecting newbies, though
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Old 05-08-2009, 05:33 PM
seanoman seanoman is offline
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Just so you all know, this was not an impulse buy for us either. We know the history of this fish and that they are supposed to be really hard to keep. There is an LFS that stocks these fish on a somewhat regular basis and before we bought it, we had a good long talk with the employees there. Whomever they get the MI's from, they have had fairly good success in keeping them healthy and eating.
The fish was eating at the store before we even took it home. I should also mention that the employees at the store were not willing to just sell it to anyone, they made sure that they asked us how long our tank had been up and running, and how big it was and who it would be housed with. He was the last one available as the others had been sold and he was missing part of his top fin and had no streamer. Since introducing him to our tank, both his fin and streamer have fully recovered and he is nice and chubby now. I wouldn't call us successful at keeping him yet though as it has only been a couple of months but I think we're off to a good start.
We're not ready to pull him quite yet and are keeping a close eye one him. I would hate to have to give him up.
Thanks to everyone for there help so far!
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Old 05-08-2009, 06:01 PM
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I personally think it is totally awesome that you have kept one of these guys!!! I think two months is great and perhaps he is nipping at corals to get the nutrition that he is needing. Since you posted about yours, I did some research, and see a connection between the ones that survive for the longer term with coral nipping. Many of the other fish that did not survive lived in tanks without many SPS and LPS.

I have a regal angel that is thriving in my display, but he trashed my organ pipe corals, and does nip at other things. He is even growing at a fairly fast rate. I see him sampling a lot of things in my tank, and he loves sponges and tunicates as well. However he really liked the organ pipe more so then anything else. I have PMd you a couple of times asking questions about the fish you have and the success you have had in keeping them. I find you are a wealth of knowledge and commend you on keeping this fish.

I guess you might have to buy a few more corals to keep him happy, but I doubt he will do that much damage. My regal trashed the pipe organ pretty good but anything else is faring well.

Do you have any pictures of your MI?

Originally Posted by seanoman View Post
Just so you all know, this was not an impulse buy for us either. We know the history of this fish and that they are supposed to be really hard to keep. There is an LFS that stocks these fish on a somewhat regular basis and before we bought it, we had a good long talk with the employees there. Whomever they get the MI's from, they have had fairly good success in keeping them healthy and eating.
The fish was eating at the store before we even took it home. I should also mention that the employees at the store were not willing to just sell it to anyone, they made sure that they asked us how long our tank had been up and running, and how big it was and who it would be housed with. He was the last one available as the others had been sold and he was missing part of his top fin and had no streamer. Since introducing him to our tank, both his fin and streamer have fully recovered and he is nice and chubby now. I wouldn't call us successful at keeping him yet though as it has only been a couple of months but I think we're off to a good start.
We're not ready to pull him quite yet and are keeping a close eye one him. I would hate to have to give him up.
Thanks to everyone for there help so far!
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