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Old 05-04-2009, 10:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquatic Addictions View Post
Good news and some ...well news lol.

Batch of MP40's has arrived. The 20's to come next week. If your name is listed on here in this thread as wanting an MP40 you can come and get it (or we can ship).

Did I miss any of the MP40 Takers????

As for the MP 10's I do have information.....The launch of these is actually not expected to be until Sept 1. They have not had any allocated for international orders only USA and those are only Beta testing. we may see these in a pre-release limited quantities prior to Sept but again it will only be 4-6 units only!!!

I have asked that we be considered for some of the test units in Canada and pre release units. I will post when they are to become available but I can say it wont be for some time. Sorry

Thanks for looking into it!

I may end up getting a 20 then. I would wait but I leave for Singapore in the fall and would like to enjoy the vortech this summer before I go!

I will let you know.

By the way, I talked to a friend out east who is on a waitlist for the MP10 and the shop he is buying from was also told September, so this isn't a huge surprise

Last edited by GreenSpottedPuffer; 05-04-2009 at 10:28 PM.
Old 05-04-2009, 11:11 PM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Thanks for looking into it!

I may end up getting a 20 then. I would wait but I leave for Singapore in the fall and would like to enjoy the vortech this summer before I go!

I will let you know.

By the way, I talked to a friend out east who is on a waitlist for the MP10 and the shop he is buying from was also told September, so this isn't a huge surprise

My 20 is going in my 28in. 30g cube. I figure it should be fine in there. Tried my 6080 stream but a bit to much but not lots.
Old 05-04-2009, 11:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Doug View Post
My 20 is going in my 28in. 30g cube. I figure it should be fine in there. Tried my 6080 stream but a bit to much but not lots.
Should can turn it way down if needed. I love the Reef Crest mode!

The only reason I wanted the MP10 was the smaller size and lower price but like I said, I also don't want to get it and then have to leave a month or so later. I would like to enjoy the thing before I go!

But for size we are only talking about 3/4" on the wet side and 1/2" smaller than the 20 on the dry side. Not much at all really.
Old 05-05-2009, 12:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquatic Addictions View Post
Good news and some ...well news lol.

Batch of MP40's has arrived. The 20's to come next week. If your name is listed on here in this thread as wanting an MP40 you can come and get it (or we can ship).

Did I miss any of the MP40 Takers????
Thanks Dan!
Old 05-05-2009, 12:40 AM
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Can you put me down for a MP20 as well please?
Old 05-05-2009, 12:58 AM
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I am going to make an attempt to pick up my pump tomorrow (Tuesday 5th). If any LMD people want me to pick up your pump I can make arrangements with you to pick it in Richmond. You will have to pay Dan yourself. I don't know if Dan accepts credit card over the phone.

I will know better in the morning if I can make it out. PM me with your phone # if you would like me to pick it up for you.

Old 05-05-2009, 04:43 AM
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Originally Posted by ameekplec View Post
This happened to a retailer out here in Ontario - he was offering the MP-20, MP-40W, battery back ups and upgrade kits for less than the MSRP and when the other retailers complained to EcoTech, he got cut off.
Well to ease everyones anxiety about the situation. I have spoken to Ecotech International Division and have told them what I was doing and this is only a one time thing. Every product needs to get the ball rolling and this is basically an introduction pricing till May 15th and ONLY pricing for those whos names get posted in this thread for the group buy. Some have PM'd me and asked they not be announced as buying so they do not cause friction between themselves and other possible vendors.

I didnt just do this for the fun of it ...I made sure we could do this...and again it is an MSRP that we will adhere to after the initial group buy has completed. Should Ecotech advance any offers in the future for us we will be sure to pass those on.

Thank you all so far who have ordered. Thanks to Ron for Organizing this group buy.

Old 05-05-2009, 12:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Canadian View Post
My point was that simply because something is commonplace doesn't make it any more responsible. Trust me, I'm the farthest thing from being your "bud".

My intent is to point out that the MAP exists for a reason and while I can appreciate trying to save a few bucks I don't want to see it done at the expense of diminishing a sustainable supply and support for the products locally.

I'll refrain from posting in this thread from here on in because it seems to offend your sensibilities.
Ok, it was addressed by Dan. Lets leave it at that please.
Old 05-05-2009, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by wisesam View Post
Can you put me down for a MP20 as well please?
You have been addded.
Old 05-07-2009, 02:51 AM
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Just wanted to say thanks again for the great PH. Now I just have to get the rest of the gear I need to set up the 65 and try it

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