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Old 04-09-2009, 08:32 AM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Much better =)

Rockslides are nasty things. Are your rocks all stacked or are some fixed together in some way?
Stacked that's the problem.

I shouldn't really say rockslide though. Only one rock fell and the big red cap on the right side.

So basically all I did was make sure the right side was a little more secure and put the cap on the bottom kind of near the middle.

I will take pics tomorrow. The tank seems to look much different but really not much moved. I guess some corals did but the main structure stayed the same. Its just too bad because I have had no intention to move anything but the tank keeps forcing me too. Oh well...still looks good I think.

I do see some cyano coming back though
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Old 04-10-2009, 05:10 AM
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Ugh...this is REALLY starting to test my patience.

I got home from the Canucks game in a great mood...few beers, Canucks won, picked up my playoff tickets...

...then I got home to see the tank had another rockslide. LOL. Actually I really did just laugh this time and walk away.

Went back over the tank a moment later to check out the damage. Pretty bad this time. Soooooo many corals were crushed into pieces

I think its time to rethink this right side of the tank I think its the Hippo to be honest. He wedges himself into the smallest spaces he can find over on that side of the tank and I have seen him actually tip rocks over a few times.

Well...I guess I know what I am doing tomorrow.
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Old 04-10-2009, 03:31 PM
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Sorry to hear that (canucks and rocks).

My wife's gonna be ****y if the flames get edged out in the conference so I'm a Flames fan of sorts.

Sounds like you need to glue the rocks together or use acrylic pins?
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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Old 04-10-2009, 06:14 PM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Sorry to hear that (canucks and rocks).

My wife's gonna be ****y if the flames get edged out in the conference so I'm a Flames fan of sorts.

Sounds like you need to glue the rocks together or use acrylic pins?
Well sorry to say but...get ready for your wife to get '****y' then The way the Flames have played for the past 6 weeks they would be lucky to win more than a game in a row against anything more than a minor league team...

Anyways, Yeah I have to do something about the rocks.

I have to be less stubborn and this time NOT put them back the same way. Its obviously not working. So far I have rearranged the right side a bit and its much more secure and also kind of looks nicer I guess.

I will take some pictures tonight or tomorrow.
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Old 04-17-2009, 01:31 AM
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So things are really going to be changing with the tank.

My fiance and I have decided to change it to a FOWLR and set up a much smaller reef. For one, I am going through Puffer withdrawal. This is the first time in about 12 years I have not owned one and first time in about 6 years I have not had a saltwater puffer.

Secondly, the big reef is just way too much work for me after only a few months. Its consumed my life a bit and I just don't like spending so much time on my tanks. I also feed my fish as much as they want, all day long and thats not working out so well with the sps, even with ZEO.

And lastly, the cost is just adding up way too much. Just maintaining calcium and alk right now is insane. Weekly 30G water changes are getting old and costly.

Oh and I have a friend who needs a good home for both his Porc and Golden Puffers.

So I am building (or maybe buying) a cube tank this weekend. Somewhere under 30G. Keep my favorite corals and sell the rest. The cube will be skimmerless/sumpless and NO fish. Just a few shrimp. I will be able to load the FOWLR up with fish.

Cube will just have a dosing pump for two part and an auto top off. Thats it.

Anyways, big changes this weekend and I will try to take pictures along the way.

No more ZEO at all of course. If anything, I will go to vodka dosing on the FOWLR to keep nitrates down.
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Old 04-17-2009, 01:46 AM
pterfloth pterfloth is offline
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Let me know what sps you are selling. I really like some of the pieces you have!
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Old 04-17-2009, 01:55 AM
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the cube sounds like a good idea.

you should make a 24x24x18 for a cube. its an awesome size, and good for controlling flow. (i know its a little bigger than what your looking for)

no fish? aww come on man! how bout a pipefish?
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Old 04-17-2009, 02:01 AM
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Originally Posted by karazy View Post
the cube sounds like a good idea.

you should make a 24x24x18 for a cube. its an awesome size, and good for controlling flow. (i know its a little bigger than what your looking for)

no fish? aww come on man! how bout a pipefish?
Yeah that would be nice but the only problem is I don't have room where i want to put it.

Pipefish could be cool too. I would have to see about flow though since this will be an sps tank and might be a little too much for a pipe. Your tempting me though cause I have always wanted one!

I am not to concerned with fish for the cube since I can get my fish fix with the 200!

We'll see. I am pretty sure plans will keep evolving and changing over the next few days. All I know is that the big tank will be FOWLR and I will keep a smaller tank for coral.
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Old 04-17-2009, 02:03 AM
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Originally Posted by pterfloth View Post
Let me know what sps you are selling. I really like some of the pieces you have!
Sure I will. But to be honest, I will be keeping most of the nicest ones

Although I may just keep frags of a lot of them and sell the colonies. I prefer to watch stuff grow.

The hope is that between selling my wavebox and some coral, it will pay for the new tank
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Old 04-17-2009, 02:13 AM
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Ohhhh sad news... I really liked your reef man... its a great looking tank.. FOWLR's just seem to lack something IMO... (corals! haha)

Anyways, good luck with the switch..
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