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Old 04-10-2009, 09:43 AM
Dolf Dolf is offline
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In an earlier posting it said that the windows were papered over and the poster doubted that they would be open in March- maybe in April. I am assuming from
Originally Posted by Joshua Jones View Post
Sorry Ryan. Didn't mean to rub you like that. I thought we were on the same page, but i guess we weren't.
that it was a joke gone wrong or the likes. I have never been there and do not know much about it. However, usually an owner / operator strives to give good service and somehow I would assume that there are lights on order and he is having to make due with what is there. Opening a store (or any business) never goes exactly as planned or the time line as planned and it almost sound like self depreciating humour to me. What would you like me to do- bring the {non existant} halides over? Ah well, it sounds like at least there is another choice in Edmonton (which from what I hear is very limited when it comes to marine fish.)
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Old 04-10-2009, 02:35 PM
fishguy29 fishguy29 is offline
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I went there a couple weeks ago and i will be honest lights over the tank would be alot better but in time i'm sure they will have them. As far as the customer service goes; I think it was great service. The staff was very helpful with questions that i had. I think it will be a great store once it has a chance to get up and running. I will be back.
Old 04-10-2009, 02:53 PM
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I went there a couple weeks ago and i will be honest lights over the tank would be alot better but in time i'm sure they will have them.
And they will! They aren't completely finished setting things up, which is obvious for people who are returning on a regular basis to see more stock, more changes and more progress with the setup.

You're right -- you can't please everyone, and many of those people you can't please you simply don't want as customers.

Yes, I agree, the fish are hard to see without lights -- I do, however, understand the opening of a new store and the slow progress of finishing touches. And I bought from there with no problems whatsoever.

The fact that Joshua came on and addressed your complaint, and apologized for a miscommunication, says a lot to me -- many vendors wouldn't care. He obviously does, since he faced it publicly. Otherwise, he would have ignored it or pretended he didn't see it.
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Old 04-10-2009, 02:56 PM
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Some people like to whine and complain. There's one in every bunch. Josh is doing a good job, his store will compete with the rest soon.
Old 04-10-2009, 02:58 PM
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Originally Posted by The Codfather View Post
Some people like to whine and complain. There's one in every bunch. Josh is doing a good job, his store will compete with the rest soon.
Who was whining and complaining all I did was give my experience at the store. Sorry if you didnt like it if it wasnt a good one.
Old 04-10-2009, 03:14 PM
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his store will compete with the rest soon.
I think it already is.
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Old 04-10-2009, 03:25 PM
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Everyone has the right to say what they want good or bad, have no problem with that.
[quote]Ahh its ok I spent my $400 at Aquarium Illusions. i got exactly what I wanted, with great customer service and best of all their tanks have lights so I can see what I am buying./QUOTE]
But this sounds like whining to me
Old 04-10-2009, 04:06 PM
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This won't stop me from checking the store out, It's only one comment. There is very limited stores in Edmonton so the more stores the better. I might take awhile to get there though since it's waaaaaay on the south end.
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Old 04-10-2009, 04:10 PM
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I might take awhile to get there though since it's waaaaaay on the south end.
Do you drive or take the bus?

Takes me about 45 minutes.

I'm coming from out of town. If I can do it, you can DO it!!! LOL
“May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.” ~George Carlin
Old 04-10-2009, 04:21 PM
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Originally Posted by leezard View Post
Do you drive or take the bus?

Takes me about 45 minutes.

I'm coming from out of town. If I can do it, you can DO it!!! LOL
Takes me about an hour from where I am but I've made it over there a couple times.
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