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Old 03-31-2009, 04:21 AM
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Coralife salt. I believe there is a link in my journal which compares the various salts. I was looking for potassium concentration in the salts
Old 04-06-2009, 02:34 AM
pterfloth pterfloth is offline
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April 5 Update - End of Week 6

Test Results
Phosphate: 0.00 ppm
Nitrate: ~2 ppm
Calcium: 420 ppm
Magnesium: 1350 ppm
Alkalinity: 130 ppm
Salinity: 1.025

UltraBio: 4 drops/day
UltraMinS: 2 ml/day
UltraBak: 2 ml/day
50% UltraLith Changeout
Cost/day: $1.19

UltraPowerTrace #1: 2 ml/day
UltraPowerTrace #2: 4 ml/day
UltraPowerTrace #1: 4 ml/day
UltraPowerTrace #1: 1.6 ml/day
Cost/day: $0.68

Changed out 50% of the UltraLith today, the end of week 6.

Started adding the UltraPowerTrace #1,2,3,4 six days ago. Definite increase in the pink color of the stylophora's. Blues and purple acros may be intensifying as well. Too early to tell but positive signs.

All cyano in tank is gone. Sand bed looks great. No more hair algae. Will probably have to return sea hare to LFS. Excellent water clarity. All SPS growing well.

Much better results than I had with RowaPhos and vodka dosing. Happy with results.

Will provide before/after UltraPowerTrace pictures at the end of next week.
Old 04-06-2009, 02:37 AM
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So my change in dosing worked?
Old 04-06-2009, 02:42 AM
pterfloth pterfloth is offline
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Everything appears to be working well.
Old 04-06-2009, 02:47 AM
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right on man, good to hear that you had the same problems with your tank, the RED CYNAO I hope that i can get rid of mine too. im waiting on the rocks to come from Mike and then i will be in to it and once that is sorted out the POWER Trace will start once im in the 0 range....

good job on the progress too.
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Old 04-06-2009, 02:52 AM
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Ok so now you have changed the 50% media you are now on phase two.

After this initial phase, add 2 drops of Bio per 100 Liter every three
days, until the next exchange of the Ultralith filter medium

after the nutrient levels start to drop decrease the dose slowly to 2 ml per 1000L per day. If nutrient levels are extremely low you can decrease the dose even further to 1.0 ml per 1000 L per day.

Ultramin S should be used permanently and dosed every day
Old 04-06-2009, 02:54 AM
pterfloth pterfloth is offline
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Originally Posted by asmodeus View Post
right on man, good to hear that you had the same problems with your tank, the RED CYNAO I hope that i can get rid of mine too. im waiting on the rocks to come from Mike and then i will be in to it and once that is sorted out the POWER Trace will start once im in the 0 range....

good job on the progress too.
I had cyano all over my sand bed and on some of my rock. Really unattractive and I was worried about it spreading onto my SPS. Had bubbles everywhere. It is all gone now. My sand looks super bright and just like new. No bubbles on the rock at all. The last bit of cyano on my frag station left this week.

Hope you have the same good results and btw, thanks for serving our country!
Old 04-20-2009, 02:17 AM
pterfloth pterfloth is offline
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Default April 19 Update

End of Week 8

Test Results
Phosphate: 0.00 ppm
Nitrate: <2 ppm
Calcium: 430 ppm
Magnesium: 1450 ppm
Alkalinity: 135 ppm
Salinity: 1.025

UltraBio: 4 drops/day
UltraMinS: 2 ml/day
UltraBak: 2 ml/day
1 liter UltraLith
Cost/day: $1.19

UltraPowerTrace #1: 2 ml/day
UltraPowerTrace #2: 4 ml/day
UltraPowerTrace #1: 4 ml/day
UltraPowerTrace #1: 1.6 ml/day
Cost/day: $0.68

Ultra Amin Special Mixture: 4 ml/day
Cost/Day: $0.40

I have been adding the PowerTrace additives for 3 weeks. Although SPS colors improved a bit in the first week, not much changed after that. Maybe the purple acros were more purple, maybe the blue acros more blue.

Since my pink Stylo's were still fading, I resumed the additon of 4 ml/day of the Ultra Amin Special Mixture amino acids last week. The results were immediate. I am back to the neon pinks I had when I was doing this product before.

Phosphate and nitrate levels remain very low. Even more important than the test results is the total absence of cyano and hair algae. For me, this is a big plus. I have a lot of fish, they are all fat and happy and now I can keep my SPS under ideal conditions too.

I have removed my 2 anenomes, moved some SPS around and added 3 very nice new colonies, in addition to several browned out pieces from OA's 2 for 1 sale. They are all beginning to color up nicely.

I replaced 1/2 of the UltraLith 2 weeks ago, kept up my dosing regime to re-seed to the zeolite and now I am about to cut back on the UltraBio and UltraBak as recommended.

Here's a FTS from today.

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