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Old 03-25-2009, 01:30 AM
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As far as I'm concerned the fish polls are great and I check it a lot. If only they could be reset on a yearly basis it would be even better

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Old 03-25-2009, 01:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post

My ass. I could have said 63%, would that have worked better for you? Seriously though, I have done enough work in retail stores when I was younger, and also just simply by looking on forums like these or RC, and it's not difficult to see that 95/97/99% (a large percentage anyway) are not capable of housing a Flying Gurnard or a Banded Bamboo shark. Do you disagree?

Who knew your a$$ was so smart (sorry I just really couldn't help myself) Honestly though Myka makes a very good point, there are certain fish that should not keep until they get more experience and their are some fish that probably should never be kept.

For example a LFS here got in these cute little butterflyfish (eightbanded or cheatodon octofasciatus) when I asked an employee about them he admitted that the order was a mistake and that probably all of them would die since they only eat certain types of SPS coral in the wild. Now say it wasn't a reputable fish store or had knowledgeable staff working there and they said it was fine and suitable, now say if I have knowledge of a quick list I could easily check and this fish come up "red" then maybe I'll decide for myself that it would be a poor choice.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 03-25-2009, 01:44 AM
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I wasn't going to reply again (but of course I am) because this thing has really gotten so ridiculous.

This really was just meant to be a good, positive thing. I really can't wrap my head around why anyone who doesn't like the idea of the list would even care if its made or not. No one is trying to pass laws here and take your fish from you. No one is telling you your wrong. If you didn't like it, stay away. Don't contribute to this thread. Just move on to the next one. Why reply at all?!?

Myka didn't start this to be a debate about whether a list should be made or not. The list was simply being made as a GUIDE for people to learn from. If its done right, it can be a great tool to go along with the others we have already on this site. Instead this thread has just gone WAY off topic and become a stupid debate about what would go on what list and why there shouldn't be a list at all.

It only got off topic because people didn't like the idea...well you didn't have to get involved.

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Old 03-25-2009, 02:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Madreefer View Post
Anyone remember where this quote is from? "Save the cheerleader, save the world."
Originally Posted by VFX
Hiro in Heros
You got it
I guess that one went over some heads.
One person can save the world?? I give up. Explain.

Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
And I got fired for setting the fishies free in English Bay
So that's where the lionfishes came from.
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Old 03-25-2009, 02:21 AM
saltwaterseahorses saltwaterseahorses is offline
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Smile hey about your frags

Originally Posted by zoaElite View Post
Wow Great Idea! Can you add a few species of Octopus to the red list, specificly the Mimic? Perhaps something about species of Cuttlefish and there has to be some species of Sea Horses that don't do well in captivity/ are rare in the wild?
are they still for sale?what type?
send a pic?send a pm also in reply?

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Old 03-25-2009, 02:50 AM
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Evan as usual you outshine most of us older folks... please always stay positive, as a young gentleman like you speaking out does mean something. Next time I'm in the store I'll have to bring you something.

Originally Posted by karazy View Post
Guys, girls,


Yes you want to voice your opinion, and yes you probably think the other guys/girls opinion is wrong, but come on already.
You people are taking shots on each other, some of which don't even pertain to the topic,
and just voicing your opinion in a very immature way that no one really needs to read about on a public forum for all ages.

This thread was obviously made to help out people who are new to reef keeping, or even people who aren't new to the hobby, find out if fish that they want would be a suitable and responsible choice.
Not a 10 page long fight over your opinions.

I will be making no reply's if someone calls me out on this because i didn't reply to this thread for more fighting.

Mods, can you please get rid of this thread so canreef can be a more positive place?

And reefers, I personally think its kind of sad when a 13 year old has to tell you whats wrong.
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Old 03-25-2009, 03:02 AM
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I would really love to start this thread again and actually do a list!
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Old 03-25-2009, 03:06 AM
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I do find the guide most helpful especially for endangered fish. I had no idea they were collecting endangered species and I as a hobbyist will not ever buy an endangered species. That is my first and foremost concern so if the list specifies this I will always consult it. I now know to look for this on my own sicne it has been brought up.
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Old 03-25-2009, 03:08 AM
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Karazy I think it was me that started stirring this thread up and I do apologize but I have noticed lately that a few members get annoyed when their advice isn't taken as gospel truth when in fact it is just advice to be taken or not at the posters discretion.
Having a *red* list on canreef may make some feel obligated to harass anyone who stocks or attempts a fish on the list

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Old 03-25-2009, 03:10 AM
russp russp is offline
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As a newbie to the sw fish hobby I would like to say that this list would be a great reference tool , this does not mean that I would follow to the last letter but somewhere to start my research on a new fish or invert. Also i would like to add that I have noticed that Myka & many others are always willing to offer a valued opinion & it is much appreciated. It means more to me to gain knowledge through my own & others questions on this forum than trial & error . By the way the needle that broke the camels back???????

needle in haystack
the straw that broke camels back
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