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Old 03-23-2009, 06:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Leah View Post
So it gives us the right to take it. You have missed the point here. Yes we all are hypocritical. How would you like to be put in a cage and kept by seacreatures?????
Not much I would guess.
Give me a break. I haven't missed any point. Your just a little extreme, thus the comparison to PETA. I suggest you find a new hobby if you feel this way.

I have had many conflicting thoughts about the hobby over the years and I agree that it can get very hypocritical but if you feel like no one should be doing it, then start yourself and give up your tank.

And no not everyone is hypocritical because not everyone feels the way you do.

I myself, just couldn't carry on doing something that I felt so strong against. I also would never come to an aquarium board and start saying no one should be keeping the animals they keep.

I think the idea of this list is GREAT. If its done right. There just can't be the extremes or it becomes ridiculous. As stated a bunch of times, it needs to be worded right. A list like this will never be more than a learning tool for people to make a choice. In the end, its not going to stop everyone from buying from the "red" list but hopefully it will make people think twice. Like I said earlier too, I think its important to give people other options along with the difficult to keep fish. Its more likely they won't buy the hard to keep fish if they see that there is something else they like that is similar but has a better survival rate. Just saying no to people doesn't work.

Last edited by GreenSpottedPuffer; 03-23-2009 at 06:31 PM.
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Old 03-23-2009, 06:38 PM
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I think you guys are getting a little worked up here, and totally missing the point of this thread. This is supposed to be a learning tool to help newbies (and more seasoned alike) make informed decisions about the fish they choose to put in their aquariums. The more people who can be informed, the better the chances are that some of these fish will not be imported as often as they are. It's a learning tool, not a be all end all.

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
I think the idea of this list is GREAT. If its done right. There just can't be the extremes or it becomes ridiculous. As stated a bunch of times, it needs to be worded right. A list like this will never be more than a learning tool for people to make a choice. In the end, its not going to stop everyone from buying from the "red" list but hopefully it will make people think twice. Like I said earlier too, I think its important to give people other options along with the difficult to keep fish. Its more likely they won't buy the hard to keep fish if they see that there is something else they like that is similar but has a better survival rate. Just saying no to people doesn't work.
~ Mindy

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Old 03-23-2009, 06:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I think you guys are getting a little worked up here, and totally missing the point of this thread. This is supposed to be a learning tool to help newbies (and more seasoned alike) make informed decisions about the fish they choose to put in their aquariums. The more people who can be informed, the better the chances are that some of these fish will not be imported as often as they are. It's a learning tool, not a be all end all.

Yes the intention of the list is such a great idea and I hope it gets done...I am more than willing to help out of theres anything I could do.

All that gets to me is when you start to hear the extremes like we shouldn't be keeping any fish. These comments don't help anything. This is a REEF site! PETA has a site if people feel that way.
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Old 03-23-2009, 06:52 PM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Yes the intention of the list is such a great idea and I hope it gets done...I am more than willing to help out of theres anything I could do.

All that gets to me is when you start to hear the extremes like we shouldn't be keeping any fish. These comments don't help anything. This is a REEF site! PETA has a site if people feel that way.
Your help would be greatly appreciated. I just gotta figure out a way to deal with all the information and present it in an easy to read way. I don't want there to be too much info otherwise I think people will not bother to read it, ya know? Maybe provide minimal details on the main page with links to more information or something to that effect.

It is definitely a bit pointless to be going to the extreme of saying we shouldn't have reef tanks, which does have a certain amount of truth to it, but we shouldn't be eating animals either. In the end, we all have tanks, and most of us eat meat, so it's a bit of a moot point. The idea though is to create as little impact on the natural environment as possible by making informed decisions, and spreading the word.
~ Mindy

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Old 03-23-2009, 06:54 PM
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Just wondering if Chin Lee's fish lifespan polls can accompany this list in any way? The polls are becomming more informative as they age and more people provide input and experiences.
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Old 03-23-2009, 07:00 PM
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I was thinking along those lines...or even having threads dedicated to each fish on the lists where people can share their good and not so good experiences, but that might end up creating a bunch of new threads that the mods won't be impressed with!!
~ Mindy

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Old 03-23-2009, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I was thinking along those lines...or even having threads dedicated to each fish on the lists where people can share their good and not so good experiences, but that might end up creating a bunch of new threads that the mods won't be impressed with!!
Doubt the mods would go for it but a new section for this would be the way to go. Then inside a thread for each species which somehow is organized into the color categories such as Red (Extremely difficult, Best left in the ocean), Orange (Difficult, Not recommended) , Yellow (Proceed with caution, experienced keepers), Green (Good survival rate) and then maybe even Purple (Best fish choices for new to the hobby). Might be too much but you get the point. If there was a quick reference list as a sticky at the top of this section with the fish names, species names and color key, that would help direct people quickly.

As for the first post in each individual fish you said not too much but at least reasons either to keep or not keep the fish along with some data in much the same fashion Fishbase has. Then after that people are free to discuss/debate the fish and share experiences.

Might be too much work though plus I doubt mods are going to want to get that far in depth.
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Old 03-23-2009, 08:50 PM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Doubt the mods would go for it but a new section for this would be the way to go. Then inside a thread for each species which somehow is organized into the color categories such as Red (Extremely difficult, Best left in the ocean), Orange (Difficult, Not recommended) , Yellow (Proceed with caution, experienced keepers), Green (Good survival rate) and then maybe even Purple (Best fish choices for new to the hobby). Might be too much but you get the point. If there was a quick reference list as a sticky at the top of this section with the fish names, species names and color key, that would help direct people quickly.

As for the first post in each individual fish you said not too much but at least reasons either to keep or not keep the fish along with some data in much the same fashion Fishbase has. Then after that people are free to discuss/debate the fish and share experiences.

Might be too much work though plus I doubt mods are going to want to get that far in depth.
Great idea GSP.
Hope the mods go for it.
If experienced reefers using expert authors opinions are willing to share their experience in species they are familiar with in formulating the list, posters can be referred to the list.
Newbies can be directed to the list to avoid unnecessary fish deaths
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Old 03-23-2009, 09:45 PM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Doubt the mods would go for it but a new section for this would be the way to go. Then inside a thread for each species which somehow is organized into the color categories such as Red (Extremely difficult, Best left in the ocean), Orange (Difficult, Not recommended) , Yellow (Proceed with caution, experienced keepers), Green (Good survival rate) and then maybe even Purple (Best fish choices for new to the hobby). Might be too much but you get the point. If there was a quick reference list as a sticky at the top of this section with the fish names, species names and color key, that would help direct people quickly.

As for the first post in each individual fish you said not too much but at least reasons either to keep or not keep the fish along with some data in much the same fashion Fishbase has. Then after that people are free to discuss/debate the fish and share experiences.

Might be too much work though plus I doubt mods are going to want to get that far in depth.
I don't mean to confuse the issue (aww who am I kidding yes I do ) but how do you go about keeping things straight within the colour groupings ie: damsels, great fish, tough as nails, can go in small tanks but still not recommended as a good fish for newbies to get because of the fish's desire to rule the world... or mandarins, they're a hardy, tough as nails fish to keep, providing you can keep it fed. If your tank is big enough and has had enough time to grow a thriving pod population, the mandarin pretty much can look after itself. Nobody bothers them, they can take a wide variety of water parameters and they are disease resistant

300g tank
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Old 03-23-2009, 10:32 PM
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We have a local website in my town and I have been working on putting a list of different species of fish and a basic description of it with a photo. I did not think of a green, red, or yellow kind of thing. I stole the idea from liveaquaria. Here is an example. It's alot of work but I'm learning in the process as well.

Last edited by Madreefer; 03-23-2009 at 11:39 PM.
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