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Old 06-07-2003, 05:48 AM
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Originally Posted by kari

Here's some info to help explain imperial units to your little one.
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Old 06-07-2003, 08:18 AM
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My heaters are set for 81-82F. Yesterday tank was 86F when I got home at 10pm. That's on the high side but not lethal. Nonetheless, I reinstalled the acrylic lens in my MH fixture, optimized a household fan directed across the top and plugged into a timer (I love these things ), and blocked off half of my huge sliding glass doors with cardboard. These suckers face SW and turn my place into a greenhouse on hot bright afternoons. Tonight, the tank barely hit 83F.

So if you have alot of window, using shutters, awnings, or carboard (yeah it looks like hell but fish are more important ) can help keep the heat away from the tank in the first place. These really need to be used on the outside, stopping the sunlight from refracting through the glass and transferring heat.
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Old 06-07-2003, 09:50 AM
Dresden Dresden is offline
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its almost 3am and i got home to a 92 degree tanks =(
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Old 06-07-2003, 03:54 PM
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When I was learning measure in school, we learned only Imperial. Later on in high school, they tried teaching us Metric. I will probably use imperial til the day I die. I only know that 20C is about 70F and that's it.
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Old 06-07-2003, 05:22 PM
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ok I thought this might be a good time to show a product that I use and could be handy for you guys that don't know how hot your getting.

this one is the step up from mine as it has humidity also. This might be handy for monituring room humidity also. The good thing about thease is that they have a memory of your lowest and highest temps, and humidity in this one also.

I have been using mine for over a year now and the probe is fine.

I am going to go buy this one myself as because of pour placement I have nocked mine into my sump twice and part of the display isn't working right. (good thing it is the indoor display part)

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Old 06-08-2003, 12:57 AM
psuedo psuedo is offline
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okay, with my tank being screwed up with the temperature, I have now lost my longhorn cowfish ( with no ill effects on the tank...yet ), my cleaner shrimp and my strawberry psuedochromis. Corals seem to be fine, for now. Elegance has now doubled in size after all this stuff, and the same goes for my mushrooms. I can't seem to find my arrow crab, but I did find a recent molted shell of his. The anemone crab survived and the olive tang, and my redtail diadema, and both of my clownfish, even though my small sebae was laying on his side this morning having problems breathing. The tank temperature has now been brought somewhat under control for now, it is at 86.6, not bad for 6pm.
I am crossing my fingers for the next few days
Starting to put together a new tank for my new place.
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Old 06-08-2003, 01:58 AM
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Whoa! Just in time...I just installed a new 10000btu AC in our livingroom.
I've completely reversed the photoperiod on all the tanks' light timers & placed a desk fan on max to blow across the lights.
Time for a little fan in the sump I think...God I can't wait for the day I get a chiller!
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Old 06-08-2003, 02:15 AM
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Default Re: So how is everyone's temp holding up?

Temp swings are a thing of the past for us now that we have AC

Good thing we have it too, because our sub-tropical seahorses require temps between 72 and 77 F.

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Old 06-08-2003, 04:38 AM
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my tank is at 86. doesn't bode well for someone who just set up their tank. and it's not even that hot out yet.

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Old 06-08-2003, 05:22 AM
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Originally Posted by teevee
my tank is at 86. doesn't bode well for someone who just set up their tank. and it's not even that hot out yet.
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