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Old 02-28-2009, 01:31 AM
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Default Whooot! Whoooot!

All is well in my little world again!
The Tuskfish is recovering nicely. He was in such bad shape and I couldn't catch him for treatment. He lodged himself way down in the rocks and I couldn't get at him. I was ready to drain the tank to get him, but yesterday he was looking a little better and even ate a little, so I thought I'd give it one more day. Today his eyes are clear again and he ate a whole clam! He's even out and about now. And as a bonus, my L.M. Blenny decided to try frozen food and found it to his liking. I was a little worried that he may be running out of food as the Hair Algae is nearly gone now. So, all-in-all it was a pretty good day!
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Old 02-28-2009, 01:41 AM
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Good to hear you TF is on the mend
260g mixed reef, 105g sump, water blaster 7000 return, Bubble King SM 300 skimmer, Aqua Controller Jr, 4 radions, 3 Tunze 6055s,1 tunze 6065, 2 Vortech MP40s, Vortech MP20, Tunze ATO, GHL SA2 doser, 2 TLF reactors (1 carbon, 1 rowa). . Tank Video here and here
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Old 03-03-2009, 10:06 PM
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Default Tuskfish is a Wuss!

So, apparently my big, tough, predator is a wussy! The Foxface has him totally bullied and will not let him out of his cave, where he hides all day long. Won't even come out to eat. I have to feed him with a feeding stick. (PITA)
They are about the same size, Foxface only a little larger. Funny how this just came about now. The Tusk has been in the tank for 20 days now. I wish he'd realize he could beat the snot out of the Foxface if he tried. I'm hoping when the SF Tang and Chocolate Tang go in the tank it alleviates the problem.
225g reef
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Old 03-03-2009, 11:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Lance View Post
So, apparently my big, tough, predator is a wussy! The Foxface has him totally bullied and will not let him out of his cave, where he hides all day long. Won't even come out to eat. I have to feed him with a feeding stick. (PITA)
They are about the same size, Foxface only a little larger. Funny how this just came about now. The Tusk has been in the tank for 20 days now. I wish he'd realize he could beat the snot out of the Foxface if he tried. I'm hoping when the SF Tang and Chocolate Tang go in the tank it alleviates the problem.
My tusk is the same. He gets bullied by my Hippo Tang all the time. It kind of drives me nuts because the tusk could beat the crap out of the hippo if he realyl wanted--guess he just doesn't realize it.

I have noticed a few scales have kind of lifted up in one side of my tusks body. I am not sure if its from a fight or rubbing against something but it worries me...looks kind of bad. He doesn't seem to care though.
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Old 03-03-2009, 11:17 PM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
My tusk is the same. He gets bullied by my Hippo Tang all the time. It kind of drives me nuts because the tusk could beat the crap out of the hippo if he realyl wanted--guess he just doesn't realize it.

I have noticed a few scales have kind of lifted up in one side of my tusks body. I am not sure if its from a fight or rubbing against something but it worries me...looks kind of bad. He doesn't seem to care though.
Hopefully it's just a scrape and not serious.
Have you ever noticed that the cheap fish or fish without personality never develop a problem. I only ever seem to have a problem with my favourites. Stupid little cheap Chromis just keep on pluggin' away, healthy as hell.
225g reef
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Old 03-03-2009, 11:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Lance View Post
Hopefully it's just a scrape and not serious.
Have you ever noticed that the cheap fish or fish without personality never develop a problem. I only ever seem to have a problem with my favourites. Stupid little cheap Chromis just keep on pluggin' away, healthy as hell.
Yeah I hope so. It worries me because their scales are quite large and the two scales I am talking about look like they were kind of peeled back or up off the tusk a bit. Looks kind of serious to me but hopefully its not.

Im glad yours is doing better!
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Old 03-04-2009, 06:11 PM
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Default Foxface or Two Face?

My nice mellow Foxface is a Dr. Jekyll/Mr Hyde. He lived in my 90 gal for over a year and was a model citizen (except for the occasional nip at the corals and feather dusters). Now he's in the 225 gal and turned into a real SOB. He won't let the Tuskfish and Chocolate Tang out of their cave. When I feed the Tusker with a feeding stick he attacks him and steals his food. At feeding time he spends more time chasing other fish than he does eating.
Anybody else have a similar problem with this fish? If I banish him to the QT for awhile will he settle down? Suggestions?
225g reef
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