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Old 02-26-2009, 04:20 PM
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I'm fairly new to the saltwater bug, having had tanks up for only one year, (almost). I've only had one tiny fish loss so far, (touch wood), but it was only in my tank for 1 1/2 days so I wasn't attached to it yet. I am dreading the day when one of my "pets" meets it's end. I'm totally shocked at how attached I've gotten to certain ones, and like so many other people I catch myself talking to them through the glass all the time.
Now on the other hand, if by chance something should happen to my yellow-tailed damsels.....................
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Old 02-26-2009, 07:05 PM
Pier Pressure Pier Pressure is offline
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I stopped naming my fish - other than Fake Clown, Real Clown, Blenny, etc. It seemed everytime I gave one a name I would lose it. Now I know this is probably just superstitious, but since I stopped naming them - I have not had a loss yet. And I am reluctant to post this as I am worried it will change my luck.

However, I am very sorry for the loss of your Angel. I think most of us on here can relate!
28 Gallon Saltwater Reef Aquarium
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Old 02-26-2009, 07:14 PM
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Losing an angel sucks but any fish with personality tugs the heart strings.

Originally Posted by Pier Pressure View Post
I stopped naming my fish - other than Fake Clown, Real Clown, Blenny, etc. It seemed everytime I gave one a name I would lose it. Now I know this is probably just superstitious, but since I stopped naming them - I have not had a loss yet. And I am reluctant to post this as I am worried it will change my luck.

However, I am very sorry for the loss of your Angel. I think most of us on here can relate!
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Old 02-26-2009, 07:32 PM
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When I lost my Pacu (grown from toonie size to about 10" across) maybe 12 years ago or so it was quite drawn out. Had an eye infection that spread and I tried everything I could to no avail. I had him out in the alley of my parent's place and my friend pulls up on his bicycle as I am trying to bash the poor guy with a big rock to end his misery.

The fish was not dying very fast and I was bawling my eyes out. I was pretty embarrassed but yeah you can get attached.

Little more off-topic than my pacu...I lost my turtle that I had had for about 7 years. I was in grade 10 I think. Anyways my mom knew I was pretty devastated. She was kind enough to call my high school. I get called down to the principals office and I'm freaking out. I walk in and he asks me how I'm doing...he heard my turtle had died!

Still not as bad as finding a cat down in the basement. That's a heart-ripper.
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Old 02-26-2009, 07:51 PM
Leah Leah is offline
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I agree it is upsetting when the unexpected happen's. I really am attached to all my
fish. It is weird for other's to understand as yes a little crazy, I even admit being a
little off my rocker at times. Like when I was coming home once just before Christmas
and could see no lights on while driving up the hill. My stomach turned and I started
in with OH MY GOD. My mom was like what's wrong, generally I am very calm. Oh and
yes I just discouvered that one of my green spotted gobies is an excellent leaper and
found him lying on the carpet. It was to late even mouth to whole fish did not help. Rip
little guy, I am still consoling his widow. All jokes aside I was so mad at myself I was
washing the canapy and did not put it back on as I was thinking it was cool without..
not. I am a believer that fish really can jump. Won't try that again.
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Old 02-26-2009, 09:20 PM
Whatigot Whatigot is offline
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you ever have a fish die and then feel horrible you never named it?
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Old 02-26-2009, 11:34 PM
wgama wgama is offline
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Ya I had a fire fish named Chimo and I knew he was a jumper so I put eggcrate on top of the tank and he was fine for 5 months then one day we found h8im on the floor! I was so sad I didnt want to flush him!
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Old 02-27-2009, 01:13 AM
fiorano fiorano is offline
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i am very attached to my fish... except the chromis they just dont seem to do much for me... anyway my copperband ...alex his name is... makes eye contact and everything when i walk in the room and twitches his hand and stuff to let me know hes hungry i would be totally devastated if he died. same with delilah my regal tang but i do like all of my fish so much some just seem to connect better than others
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