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Old 02-24-2009, 06:03 PM
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Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post
I am on the fence about it and HOPE something does happen. Humanity is all abut money and profit. I really hope something does happen to control the population although I love my life and want to be here until I am old. People do not care what is happening in this world, and hopefully nature does do something to knock out population down. The earth owes us nothing and we should respect it. Many of us do, but hopefully mother nature MAKES us either change our ways or kills us off. I am not perfect and I know I don't help the earth's cause and protection the way that I should, however that is a whole different topic altogether.

Putting my flame suit on now.
Wow, if you honestly felt that way how come your carbon footprint is at least 10 times better than it needs to be?
Pretty sad that someone could actually wish that kind of thing on the world, pretty disgusting if you ask me.
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Old 02-24-2009, 07:28 PM
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IMO i think its not going to happen.
Like who says the myans didn't just stop writing the calendar and decided they'd start writing it again when they needed more calendar?

And look at Y2K. everyone was freaked out about that too, but nothing happened.
The world is millions, possibly billions of years old. that means the solar flares of the sun happened before. It was defiantly not the end of the world.

What i'm trying to get at is we are just people. there will always be hundreds of conspiracy theories, or many religions, or many different answers to questions.

The thing is, we are just humans. There's no way we know everything and this could just be a theory that got really popular.
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Old 02-25-2009, 04:15 AM
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you're very mature for your age, Karazy. Got a good head on your shoulders, don't lose that.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions/philosopies what have you. I used to work at a bowling alley way back in the day and there was this WW2 vet who actually wrote and published a book explaining his theory on humans and evolution. I read it and it had some interesting points regarding pyramids, unexplained phenomina etc. I'll have to try and find it, he was a great guy, Alfred, was part of the Polish Nazi group and still held fast to his beliefs (scary, and I didn't agree with any of it, but admirable)

Personally, I don't follow any sort of particular religion. I find aspects of each and sort of go with what works for me. I had alot of bad experiences when I was little, and, I'm not affraid to admit it, I believe in ghosts (but that's a whole other thread, interesting story though). But I've also died. I was dead for about a minute on the operating table when I was 10. Because of that, I don't live in the "future", I don't worry about what might happen in 2012. I live for today, cheesy I know, but that's the truth. Ask anyone who knows me. I live hard, party hard (hahaha), love hard and am brutally honest. No regrets about anything.

And done. LOL
75 gallon with 20 gallon sump in the works.
R. Bacchiega. Tattooer
I didn't smack you, I simply High Fived your face.
I've got so much glue on my pants it looks like a Friday night gone horribly wrong.
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Old 02-25-2009, 04:21 AM
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thnx randi

i believe in ghosts most of the time, but try not too as there's some loop holes.

i basically have no religion too. im in catholic school, but i don't listen to any of that stuff they tell us. it's too outrageous.
im more for the darwin theory and atheism :P

i think its great that you live every day like its your last. look at how you ended ended up with a friggen shark pool!
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Old 02-25-2009, 04:38 AM
RuGlu6 RuGlu6 is offline
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Originally Posted by Rbacchiega View Post
you're very mature for your age, Karazy. Got a good head on your shoulders, don't lose that.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions/philosopies what have you. I used to work at a bowling alley way back in the day and there was this WW2 vet who actually wrote and published a book explaining his theory on humans and evolution. I read it and it had some interesting points regarding pyramids, unexplained phenomina etc. I'll have to try and find it, he was a great guy, Alfred, was part of the Polish Nazi group and still held fast to his beliefs (scary, and I didn't agree with any of it, but admirable)

Personally, I don't follow any sort of particular religion. I find aspects of each and sort of go with what works for me. I had alot of bad experiences when I was little, and, I'm not affraid to admit it, I believe in ghosts (but that's a whole other thread, interesting story though). But I've also died. I was dead for about a minute on the operating table when I was 10. Because of that, I don't live in the "future", I don't worry about what might happen in 2012. I live for today, cheesy I know, but that's the truth. Ask anyone who knows me. I live hard, party hard (hahaha), love hard and am brutally honest. No regrets about anything.

And done. LOL
I am always wondering what people who died see on the other side? or is it nothing just void? I think time does not exist on the other side and one minute means nothing it could be a minute here but a long time there...
herd many stories but still fascinated by this phenomenon.
One thing for sure is true for all who died that this will change the person in many ways!
thank you so much for sharing that !
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Old 02-25-2009, 05:01 AM
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I didn't see/feel/experience anything. But I was in a coma for a week afterwards. Pretty scary.
But I agree with you
75 gallon with 20 gallon sump in the works.
R. Bacchiega. Tattooer
I didn't smack you, I simply High Fived your face.
I've got so much glue on my pants it looks like a Friday night gone horribly wrong.
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Old 02-25-2009, 04:53 PM
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When my soul mate Diva the rottie died in my arms of cancer. The last thing I asked her to do for me is tell me she made it out okay... (this is so hard to talk about still)

The vet did a house call to end her suffering that day and we took her to Pet Heaven for cremation. I stopped at the florist for flowers to put with her and they were very tightly closed. The crematory was very dark and cold and we wrapped Diva in a blanket and put the flowers between her front legs. The tulips suddenly bust open into full bloom. They just opened quickly and stayed that way. I never felt or saw anything beyond that day just over two years ago, but it must have been her making my last request happen.

The funeral director said he had been in this business for people and animals for over thirty years and he said if that was not a sign he didn't know what was. I am not religious or have a belief system of any kind. However that dog was a gift to me from a greater power. I have had dogs all my life and she was truly special and everyone that knew her knew she was different.

It is in our nature to want things to never really end. Of course I do not want the ones I love to die and there to be nothing beyond that. However, this last gift from my soul mate was enough to make me wonder.

When my first Rottie Sheena died, a few months after her passing I was sitting outside at the pond crying with Diva. A little ember came floating in front of my face, when I batted at it, it expanded into a huge ball of white blue light and made a humming noise. It scared me because I thought it was a firefly (hate bugs) and ran away. After that I thought about it and asked everyone I could if we had fireflies and how big they got and what colour the light they made was... we have no fireflies and there is no explanation for what I saw that day as well.

I am a very stable and reasonable person and am not at all crazy. However these two things make me think a lot about what happens after we die. I don't know about heaven or souls or energy... I just know what I saw those two times and hope they were indeed signs. Some people say if it was not a sign they don;t know what it would be, but perhaps it was nothing and I am hoping it was something...

Now I'm in tears but I felt I had to say what I experienced myself and I know I am not crazy.
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Old 02-25-2009, 07:12 PM
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So this is a bit freaky

I read this post last night and thought ... here we go again y2k yadda yadda etc etc

Then I open one of my hotmail accounts today that I rarely use but some of my cousins still send me stuff to and I open the contents of the email listed below that was sent to me on Jan 12th ( I only saw it today )

Lucia reveals the 3rd secret of Fatima

The Church has given permission to reveal to the people the last part of the message. The Blessed Virgin appeared to three children in Fatima , Portugal , in 1917, this is a proven fact; one of these children is still
alive, her name is Lucia, she is a cloistered nun and lives in a monastery in Portugal .
Lucia disclosed the message for the first time to Pope Pius XII whom, after reading it, he sealed it and stored away without making it public. Later Pope John XXIII read it and, in the same manner as his predecessor, he kept it out of the public eye because he knew that once revealed; it will bring desperation and panic to human kind. Now the time has come, and permission has been granted from Pope John Paul II to reveal it to the children of God, in order not to create panic but to make> people aware of this important message so everybody can be prepared. The Virgin told Lucia: 'Go my child and tell the world; what will come to pass during the 1950's - 2000's. Men are not practicing the
Commandments that our Father has given us. Evil is governing the world and is harvesting hate and resentment all over. Men will fabricate mortal weapons that will destroy the world in minutes, half of the human race will be destroyed, the war will begin against Rome , and there will be conflicts amongst religious orders. God will allow all natural phenomenon's like
smoke, hail, cold, water, fire, floods, earthquakes, winds and inclement weather to slowly batter the planet. These things will come to pass before the year 2010. 'Those who won't believe, this is the time,' your beloved mother told you, 'those lacking charity towards others and those who do not love thy neighbor like my beloved Son has loved you, all, cannot survive. They will wish to have died, millions are unimaginable, they will come, and there is no doubt our Lord God will punish severely those who do not believe in him, those who despise him and those who did not have time for him I call upon all of you to come to my son Jesus Christ, God helps the world but all of those who do not show fidelity and loyalty will be destroyed' Father Agustin, who lives in Fatima, said that Pope Paul VI gave him permission to visit sister Lucia who is a cloistered nun (she does not leave the monastery nor is allowed to receive any visitors). Father Augustin said
that she received him greatly overwhelmed and told him: 'Father, our lady is very sad because nobody is interested in her prophecy of 1917, though the righteous are walking through a narrow path, the evil ones are walking through an ample road that is leading them straight to their destruction, believe me father, the punishment will come very soon.' Many souls will be lost; many nations will disappear from the earth. But, in the middle of all these, if men reflect, pray and practice good deeds, the world can be saved. One of all these, if men persist with its evil, the world will be lost forever. The time has come for all to pass on the message of our Blessed Lady to their families, friends, and to the entire world. Start praying, to make penitence and sacrifices. We are at the last minute of the last day and the catastrophes are near. Due to this, many that were far from the church will return to the open arms of the Church of Jesus Christ . The
joining of the churches will result in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church ; England , Russia , China , Jews, Muslims and Protestants. All will return believing and worshiping God our creator, in his beloved Son and in our Blessed Mother Virgin Mary'. WHAT AWAITS US??? Every where there will be 'Peace Talks', but punishment will come.
This war will destroy everything, darkness will fall over us for 72 hours (three days) and the one third of humanity that survives this obscurity and sacrifice, will commence to live a new era, they will be good people. In a very cold night, 10 minutes before midnight , A GREAT QUAKE will shake the earth for 8 hours. This will be the third signal that God is who governs the earth. The righteous and those who propagate the faith and the message of the Lady of Fatima SHOULD NOT FEAR, DO NOT BE AFRAID. WHATTO DO???
Bow your heads, kneel down and ask God for forgiveness because, only what is good and is not under the power of evil will survive the catastrophe. In order for you to prepare and remain alive I will give you the following signs: ANGUISH........ AND IN A SHORT PERIOD THE EARTH QUAKE WILL COMMENCE... THE EARTH WILL SHAKE....The shake will be so violent that will move the earth 23 degrees and it will return it to its normal position. Then, total and absolute darkness will cover the entire planet... All evil spirits will be mingling around and free, doing harm to all those souls that did not want to listen to this message and those who did not want to repent. To the faithful souls, remember to light the blessed candles, prepare a sacred altar with a crucifix in order to communicate with GOD and implore for His infinite mercy.... All will be dark; IN THE SKY A GREAT MYSTIC CROSS will appear to remind us
the price that his beloved Son had to pay for our redemption...In the house the only thing that can give light will be the HOLY CANDLES... Once lit, nothing will put them off until the three days of darkness are over. Also, you should have Holy water that should be sprinkled abundantly on windows and doors. The Lord will protect the property of the chosen ones.. Kneel down before the powerful cross of my beloved Son, pray the Rosary and after each Hail Mary you must pray the following: 'Oh God forgive us our sins, preserve us from the fire of hell, take all souls to heaven, specially those who are in more need of they mercy. Blessed Virgin Mary protect us, we love you, save us and save the world'. Pray 5 Creeds and Rosary which is the secret to my Immaculate Heart. All those who believe in my words go and take the message to everyone.
Talk to all the souls. now that there is time, those who keep quiet will be responsible for all those souls who will perish in ignorance.
All those who pray humbly the rosary will have the protection of heaven and those who are bound to die I will help them die in peace and they will be holy when they enter the other world. I wish all my children to attend mass every first Friday and every first Saturday of each month, to confess and receive Holy Communion and in doing so, save the world from its TOTAL DESTRUCTION.WHEN the earth shakes no more, those who still not believe in our Lord will perish in a horrible way. The wind will bring gas and it will disperse it everywhere, then the sun will rise. Maybe
you will survive this catastrophe. Do not forget that God's punishment is holy and ONCE IT HAS STARTED YOU SHOULD NOT LOOK OUTSIDE, UNDER NO
CIRCUMSTANCE, GOD DOES NOT WANT ANY OF HIS CHILDREN TO SEE WHEN HE PUNISHES THE SINNERS.... All this encompasses with the writings of the Holy Scriptures..
Read on the New Testament: Luke: 21 - 5:121, 12:19 , 20:20 , 29:33 Letters
of St Paul 3 - 8 - 14 Isaiah 40, 1:5:9. You must understand that God allows all this to happen. The Pope and Bishops are now awaiting another message that speaks about repentance and prayer. Remember that Gods words are not a threat, but good news...Please reproduce these pages and send them to all you know so we all can have the opportunity to repent and be saved. We do not know if those receiving this message believe or not in GOD, but think that if you are receiving this message is for a reason!! Maybe the Creator is giving us the chance to be saved, no matter what
religion or creed. If you don't believe in this message at least send it to others, it costs you nothing. To all those receiving it, they can have the opportunity to judge for themselves. Remember, we can avoid a great deal if we practice the Commandments that our Father God left us. There are 10 simple things, that if we all put in practice we can obtain God's pardon.
in good terms with GOD, though we never know when we will be leaving this
Independently of any Creed or Religion, is better to be prepared and be

“The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.”
― Voltaire
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Old 02-25-2009, 07:54 PM
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Funny how nearly every religion will say that those who practice a different religion will see the error of their ways and turn to Christianity, Muslim, Buddhist what have you..
75 gallon with 20 gallon sump in the works.
R. Bacchiega. Tattooer
I didn't smack you, I simply High Fived your face.
I've got so much glue on my pants it looks like a Friday night gone horribly wrong.
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Old 02-25-2009, 09:16 PM
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I always lose interest quickly when religion comes up in conversations such as these...I will shut up now, or I will get myself in a bit of hoopla...

Originally Posted by Rbacchiega View Post
Funny how nearly every religion will say that those who practice a different religion will see the error of their ways and turn to Christianity, Muslim, Buddhist what have you..
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