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Old 05-28-2003, 04:10 PM
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Default Re: reef tables

Originally Posted by tkhawaja
Originally Posted by Canadian Man
Mine will be supported by pvc though and not extension's resting on the rock.
Hmmm. . ... If the rock is porous would that create a column of anarobic (sp?) water? Or, do you seal off the ends?
I am going to use 4" pvc and drill a bunch of holes in the pvc.

I used portland, grey cement. I got it from TAU2301 who i believe got it from out local REVY/RONY
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Old 05-29-2003, 03:23 AM
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I made some tables out of eggcrate and 1/2" pvc water pipe.

Cross drilled the pipe, about 10" long. Use plastice wire wrape to tye it to the eggcrate.

Put down a layer of rock mix, pressed the eggcrate (topside down) into it.
Layer of rock mix on top of that. Used handfuls of rock mix to form pillars around the water pipe - 4 or 5" from the bottom of the table.

Covered it all with damp clam shells to make it hold it's form.

Let it sit in the mould over night. Remove after 24hrs and let air dry for another 24hrs.

Begin the curing process.
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Old 05-29-2003, 04:42 AM
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You can actually make live rock??? Is it beneficial as a filter?? Is it cost effective??
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Old 05-29-2003, 04:51 AM
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Originally Posted by 1bigstud
You can actually make live rock??? Is it beneficial as a filter?? Is it cost effective??
Well it's not live till you seed it with life. so it's considered dead rock.
It's quite cost effective. pennies per lb and is very porus.

Some tanks at well most of their tanks are 100% agrocrete.
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Old 05-29-2003, 04:58 AM
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Default zero impact

Originally Posted by 1bigstud
You can actually make live rock??? Is it beneficial as a filter?? Is it cost effective??
I'm going to try to be as close to zero or VERY low reef impact with my new aquarium. And Aragocrete made according to the recipe at is a whole lot cheaper than buying any sort of rock anywhere. Plus, you can basically decide exactly what your aquarium is going to look like and then create the pieces you need to achieve that aquascape.
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Old 05-29-2003, 10:19 PM
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Default donut and linked rock pictures

After two days of setting in the sand, I took out my home made reef rock. I have added the pictures to the same photogallery. The link is in the very first post of this thread.
Tahir the "advanced" newbie.
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Old 06-23-2003, 12:52 AM
Hark Hark is offline
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here is a link to the rock that I made too. I have no idea what I am going to do with it alll (what you see is only 1 garbage can full), I have one more garbage can full and some more in the pond behind my house

Oh well...anyone need some rock

( PS...if you are going to be making some, i learned a very neat trick that I have not seen mentioned here yet. I also used the exact same formula that others did in this thread, but to create a far more porous rock...I filled my mix with 2 parts of rock salt. the rock salt gives the rock an amazing texture and leaves the rock (dissolves) during the curing process....)


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Old 09-28-2003, 11:22 PM
DiscusZ DiscusZ is offline
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Anyone ever add any plastic shreddings (PVC) to their homemade rock? I heard this also helps in making it lightweight, as well as a good starting point for coraline to attach too.

I have never made any rock myself (yet) So if someone around calgary is going to make any soon, I would like to tag along and watch/help

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Old 09-29-2003, 12:18 AM
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Originally Posted by DiscusZ
Anyone ever add any plastic shreddings (PVC) to their homemade rock? I heard this also helps in making it lightweight, as well as a good starting point for coraline to attach too.

I have never made any rock myself (yet) So if someone around calgary is going to make any soon, I would like to tag along and watch/help

Hey Jim. I made quite a bit of rock for my 230 as well as many other's in calgary. If you want to pop by some time and check it out feel free. We can discuss the process then if you wish.

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Old 03-29-2004, 09:43 PM
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I just tried to make Rock with Oyster Shell, but it never seemed to stick enough to make a ball. I tried 4 part Oyster 1 part Type 10 cement, I tried it 3 parts to 1 cement, but it seems the oyster shell maybe in to big of particals. It did hold up alittle so I will let it sit in the molds for the few next days and see what happends.

Did anyone else seem to have this happen with them?
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