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6.75¢ per litre BCTFA 12¢ per litre Translink 1.75¢ per litre Provincial Gasoline Total: 20.50 cents per liter in taxes, not including the carbon tax or GST. Take away the taxes, and we are not paying much more then some areas of the US. Source |
![]() Being in the pipe business, we have seen our costs double from $900/Tonne to over $1800/tonne. These costs of course get passed on to the oil compaines putting the steel in the ground. So perhaps the price of a barrel of oil has dropped by $100, the cost to drill the wells is still the same as it was when oil was $147.
If you think about it: Calgary gasoline is ~$0.83/Litre Coffee at Tim Hortons ~$5.00/Litre My two cents ![]()
- Greg 90G : Light - Tek 6xT5 | Skim - EuroReef RS135 | Flow - 2xVortech MP40W | Control - Reef Keeper 2 |
![]() Calgary gasoline is ~$0.83/Litre
Coffee at Tim Hortons ~$5.00/Litre The real canadian black gold It doesn't jump start our economy but it gets my little business going in the morning. LOL Kevin Last edited by Red Coral Aquariums; 02-01-2009 at 03:43 PM. |
![]() I own 30% of a small manufacturing company (kitchen cabinets). We compete with approx. 120 small companies making the same products in our immediate area and 100,000's more world wide. We sell in Canada, Japan and the USA and can be competitive in each market with other manufacturers selling in that area. We all buy the same raw materials and use the same basic methods of construction. Yet none of us charge the same for our products. We have all used our expertise to modify and mechanize our production thus giving us a different efficiency and final cost.
Yet it never ceases to amaze me the oil companies can all produce their products within a 10th of a cent the same in an entire province. (can you say price fixing) oh no that would be illegal. Tom R Last edited by Tom R; 02-01-2009 at 04:04 PM. |
![]() How many investigations have been launched by government into price fixing by the oil companies? None have ever been able to conclude there is price fixing or collusion.
If joe charges 78.9 and pete across the street is charging 79.9 obviously joe is going to get the business. Pete looks across the street at the sign sees 78.9 and realizes why his station is slow. Drops price to 78.9 business picks up. Pretty easy to match prices when they are displayed on the sign in numbers that are 18" tall. Now lets all go make our tinfoil hats. |
![]() It is astounding that Coke and Pepsi can have a difference in their selling price at the same store and in different stores in the same block. The oil companies can not even justify 1/10 of a cent for better service, cleaner newer facilities or even a better product. I am not sure is one product better than another. They would like you to believe they are by their advertising. Does one actually give you better bang for the buck (kilometers to the liter)?
Tom R Ps I usually make a point of staying out of these types of discussions as they have nothing to do with the Canreef ideal. I must have nothing better to do. Oh well J&L and OA will be opening in an hour or so. This winter is getting to me. I do feel for all of our Canreef Friends who have been adversely effected by the resent down turn in our economy. I also Hope that no one within our Reefing community will have give up the hobby as a result of the current economic down turn. Tom R Last edited by Tom R; 02-01-2009 at 04:42 PM. |
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In NS or ON gas station Pete would undercut his competitor by $0.04 cents/litre in response gas station Joe slashes his price by $0.06 cents and you get a good old "Gas War". The radio stations jump on the bandwagon and everyone flocks to that neighborhood to fill up. Not so in BC. EVERY gas station within it's particular tax zone(metro, rural) is within $0.01 cents of each other and they all change their price together at the same time. It stinks of price fixing but the government is unable or unwilling to catch them at it. |
![]() The economy is in a bad way. IMO the blue collar people and the lower-level white collar workers are getting screwed. At the same time as they get laid off, their investment portfolio drops by 50% and the house they thought was worth half a million is dropping in value month by month.
I know a lot of friends/relatives who have been living beyond their means on credit, big mortgages, big credit card debt, and lots of fancy toys. If anything good comes out of this depression maybe people will learn to be more responsible with their saving and spending. Anyway the stock market will turn around in 3 to 4 years, I wouldn't count on it happening anytime before that. As far as the price of oil it is a delayed reaction. Big oil companies are slashing their capital expenditures. This will decrease the amount of oil produced a few years down the road. In a few years there will be an oil price spike due to lack of supply when the economy rebounds. In the near-term future there is still an excess of supply and as OPEC members can be trusted not to stick to their production quotas I see the oil price plunging further. There will be a time to buy oil stocks in a year or two, not just yet though.
120 gallon sps/anemones/LPS reef since 2004 Apex controller 8 x 54 watt T5 PowerModule Herbie's silent overflow system Jebao DC 12000 return pump Jecod CP-40 Cross-flow circulation device Mini Bubble King 180 Barr Aquatics calcium reactor Bucket fuge |
![]() Well i know nothing about the oil side of life, but here in our little world the loggers are finding it very "tuff".
Our biggest sawmill is down for 6 weeks, and on top of that all the other mills in the area are going down one week per month (or more). It doesnt effect me directly, but when you think of the trickle effect, i may have more time on my hands than i know what to do with. (I'm a bodyman, thanks ICBC for paying 99% of my salary!) Also on on the lighter side of things, i would guesstimate that about 50% of this town is pulling ina gov't cheque (school, hospital, native bands a plenty, cops...) So that does help out. |
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Ya West Fraser is going to a 3 day work week in all their mills, and they are planning a shutdown in the near future here. It really sux fro people who like to spend $$$ like me LOL.
Dan Pesonen Umm, a tank or 5 |