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View Poll Results: Would you pay double price for certified cyanide free livestock?
YES 93 60.39%
NO 61 39.61%
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Old 12-30-2008, 09:22 PM
Treebeard Treebeard is offline
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I hope you are not assuming that all fish perish because they were caught with cyanide. I suspect the majority of fish do not survive in captivity because the purchasers buy them on impulse with no idea on how to properly sustain them.

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Yes. It saves a lot of money. I am not sure why people are even saying they would not pay double...It will save you lots in the long run when you have the fish for years and do not have to "replace" it.
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Old 12-30-2008, 09:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I would pay 50% more.

Originally Posted by Trigger Man View Post
I would pay more, but probably 50% more, not double.
So you both voted no?? Just wondering b/c you technically should have... there should be more options on the poll
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Old 12-30-2008, 10:01 PM
fdiddy fdiddy is offline
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Cyanide poisoning if fast acting. If it's the cyanide that killed them they would be DOA. It certainly does play a large roll in adding stress. I would pay more, maybe not double... but i said that about gas prices hitting 1.50/litre and I still drove. There is no way of policing this IMO and one could be easily led to believe they were not caught with cyanide. I'm totally against cyanide, but from what i understand about foreign policies (Next to nothing :P) it would be hard to get this rolling, but definitely worth the try.
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Old 12-30-2008, 10:51 PM
DBM DBM is offline
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I wouldn't buy the fish if I thought it was juiced - but I was in the industry for awhile and have a better handle on what's suspect (a large portion of it is). Paying more for a clean fish is probably the way to go, and alot of the confusion can be had by avoiding suspect countries of origin or avoiding commonly juiced fish altogether.

I'm not sure the fish that's dying in your tanks can be attributed to collection with cyanide but more likely poor handling and packing from the collector through to the retailer. It's the damage to the fishes habitat and larval fish that's the bigger problem with cyanide collection.

I've got no problem paying more for a clean fish.
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Old 12-30-2008, 10:52 PM
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when I was in indonesia, the collectors there told me that there is no such thing as cynanide-free bigger fish such as large tangs or angels.
I talked to a few different ones all saying the same thing - if you don't knock them out temporarily, they mark themselves up too much in the net. (this was just for the big fish that would damage themselves)
that is straight from the horses mouth and when you think about it, it makes sense.
the trick is how much is used and that it is used directly at the fish they are collecting.
just thought I would my add my 2 cents worth.
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Last edited by howdy20012002; 12-31-2008 at 01:53 AM.
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Old 12-30-2008, 11:08 PM
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^hmm when you think about it that way it makes alittle sense, less of a fight from the fish, less stress and easier to catch. But I wonder what the long terms effect of these cyanide catching do to the fish. Maybe a few here are right when saying that the fish died after six or whatever months because they don't have the proper/condition enviroment. We are all still learning to keep certain fish for longer than a few months here but at what price?
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Old 12-30-2008, 11:45 PM
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Originally Posted by howdy20012002 View Post
when I was in indonesia, the collectors there told me that there is no such thing as a big cynanide free fish. and I talked to a few different ones all saying the same thing
if you don't knock them out temporarily, they mark themselves up too much in the net. (this was just for the big fish that would damage themselves)
that is straight from the horses mouth and when you think about it, it makes sense.
the trick is how much is used and that it is used directly at the fish they are collecting.
just thought I would my 2 cents worth.
well of course it makes sense. he works getting fish in. that is why i knows this.. and another thing that people will blame the LFS and other factors to the fish deaths. and not consider that its them making the huge mistake
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Old 12-31-2008, 01:49 AM
chandigz chandigz is offline
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It sounds good in theory, but I don't think it is possible to police so no I wouldn't pay double for "cyanide free" fish. Cyanide caught fish don't look any different from cyanide free fish. You can not test every fish for cyanide. There are too many chances along the supply chain for unscrupulous dealers and fisherman to substitute for more profit. Just look at MAC, they have been trying for years to regulate the industry, but with all the hassles of paperwork and the cerification process, many along the supply chain have given up or not even bothered. There is one MAC certified wholesaler in canada and no certified shops. So technically there are no true MAC certified fish available ( shops can not call fish MAC certified unless they are certified themselves) There is also the problem of pre exposure to cyanide from other fisherman, so even if the fish was net caught doesn't mean that it is cyanide free.
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Old 12-31-2008, 02:23 AM
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at the mark up that a lot of stores here in victoria.. i dont even wana pay the price they have for fish that may be cyanide caught! i worked at a number of pet stores and the price they pay and the mark up is horrible! thus i buy from vancover.. stores that i know are reliable. they are cheeper.. and i know im getting good quality! im not sure about the rest of the country but i know JandL and ocean aquatics are very reputable and there product is awsome. so why bother with other stores ? with higher prices for 100%Cyanide free fish
when these stores offer awsome selection anyways?
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Old 12-31-2008, 02:35 AM
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It is tricky business. I will say that I would like to support stores that claim to source responsibly captured fish....and that I would easily accept that it might cost more to deal with those stores.
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