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Old 12-30-2008, 11:09 AM
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Alright - last bump. If Seamazter decides not to contact me or post here, I would like to see this removed. My rationalle is provided in my posts above.

If you are reading this, well I would like your opinion.

Mods/staff - would it be acceptable to remove this given there was a 2 week timeframe to elaborate??? Thanks.
I'm out.
Old 12-30-2008, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by View Post
Alright - last bump. If Seamazter decides not to contact me or post here, I would like to see this removed. My rationalle is provided in my posts above.

If you are reading this, well I would like your opinion.

Mods/staff - would it be acceptable to remove this given there was a 2 week timeframe to elaborate??? Thanks.

Yep, LMK when you want it done
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Old 12-30-2008, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by View Post
Alright - last bump. If Seamazter decides not to contact me or post here, I would like to see this removed. My rationalle is provided in my posts above.

If you are reading this, well I would like your opinion.

Mods/staff - would it be acceptable to remove this given there was a 2 week timeframe to elaborate??? Thanks.
I'd have to agree that it should be removed, I'm glad Christy will do that. I think it's admirable that as a vendor you are willing to take the time to find out what went wrong and try to correct it, or at least understand it. I know if someone had an issue with me I'd want to know why and see what I could do about it. Personally if I had a problem with a vendor I would want to share and try to have my issue resolved. It doesn't make any sense to me that if someone was "very unsatisfied" why they wouldn't want anything done about it.
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Old 12-30-2008, 09:04 PM
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Allow me to reply publicly about this, I have written the canreef staff in regards to have this rating removed for you to keep your rating higher and promote yourself as a reputal dealer.
This is my personal user name I do not represent any company.
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Last edited by Seamazter; 12-30-2008 at 09:24 PM. Reason: removed text.
Old 12-30-2008, 09:18 PM
Treebeard Treebeard is offline
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Why would you want to air your laundry here publicly instead of responding privately to the vendors numerous requests for an explanation of your rating?
Old 12-30-2008, 09:22 PM
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By his request.
"I would prefer the discussion to be public and become part of my sponsor forum history so members can evaluate and come to their own decision"

I have responded to the staff of canreef prior to this.
This is my personal user name I do not represent any company.
“When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.” ”

Last edited by Seamazter; 12-30-2008 at 09:24 PM. Reason: spelling
Old 12-30-2008, 09:24 PM
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Fair enough!
Old 12-30-2008, 09:26 PM
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Really not fair to give a unsatisfied rating when you didn't even buy anything from the vendor in my opinion.
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Old 12-30-2008, 09:45 PM
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Hi Seamazter,

I just thought I would reply here so that everyone can read this as it applies to all.

The vendor rating forum is just that a rating for vendors which you have done business with. I do not find that you did business with said vendor and a few emails back and forth do not make for any type of "vendor rating" while it does apply to how a vendor may do business with you, it does not really apply until a transaction is completed. This is merely how I envisioned the ratings system to exist.
I have done business with several vendors that just aren't chatty via email as they have many emails and private messages to contend with and can't really spend all their time replying to someone that "may or may not" do business with them. I have also done business with other vendors that are extremely chatty and go out of their way in email conversations. I think that is a personality thing more than a way of doing business but I digress. As far as I know even though Dave was short with you he was likely courteous or you would have hopefully mentioned it in a PM to one of the moderators to back up your vendor rating.

Also, in order to see how people voted, you do not need to place a vote. To my knowledge there is a button to at the bottom right of the voting box that says "view poll results". This will show you how people voted without having to cast a vote.

While I agree that people who vote poorly for a vendor do not need to be harassed, you could have just done us the justice of merely stating to the mods that your vote standsor can be removed as that was your experience and we could leave it at that. It is my feeling that while giving a vendor a bad rating, you certainly don't need to justify it to the vendor or the moderators if you choose not to. However, as you only have a few posts, we like to make sure that the voting is legitimate (which is why we contacted you). We have had several cases where people have either voted in the wrong category or voted for the wrong vendor and it is our right to contact the voter to be sure that they voted correctly. Until we can perfect this ratings system, we will continue to contact voters if the need arises.

I'm sorry if you feel put out in this matter but this is just the way it has to be for now. Please accept our apologies.
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Old 12-30-2008, 10:42 PM
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Originally Posted by christyf5 View Post
Hi Seamazter,

I just thought I would reply here so that everyone can read this as it applies to all.

The vendor rating forum is just that a rating for vendors which you have done business with. I do not find that you did business with said vendor and a few emails back and forth do not make for any type of "vendor rating" while it does apply to how a vendor may do business with you, it does not really apply until a transaction is completed. This is merely how I envisioned the ratings system to exist.
I have done business with several vendors that just aren't chatty via email as they have many emails and private messages to contend with and can't really spend all their time replying to someone that "may or may not" do business with them. I have also done business with other vendors that are extremely chatty and go out of their way in email conversations. I think that is a personality thing more than a way of doing business but I digress. As far as I know even though Dave was short with you he was likely courteous or you would have hopefully mentioned it in a PM to one of the moderators to back up your vendor rating.

Also, in order to see how people voted, you do not need to place a vote. To my knowledge there is a button to at the bottom right of the voting box that says "view poll results". This will show you how people voted without having to cast a vote.

While I agree that people who vote poorly for a vendor do not need to be harassed, you could have just done us the justice of merely stating to the mods that your vote standsor can be removed as that was your experience and we could leave it at that. It is my feeling that while giving a vendor a bad rating, you certainly don't need to justify it to the vendor or the moderators if you choose not to. However, as you only have a few posts, we like to make sure that the voting is legitimate (which is why we contacted you). We have had several cases where people have either voted in the wrong category or voted for the wrong vendor and it is our right to contact the voter to be sure that they voted correctly. Until we can perfect this ratings system, we will continue to contact voters if the need arises.

I'm sorry if you feel put out in this matter but this is just the way it has to be for now. Please accept our apologies.
+1 I think that's only fair.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie

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