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Old 12-10-2008, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by ShrimSkin View Post
Well, I think you have a very good point. But someone will buy that Naso, if not you someone will. At least you know that it will be taken care of correctly and your tank is more suitable for it then probably 90% of the tanks out there.
I agree with this. He has to go somewhere...whats done is done and a 260 is much better than what I figure he will go to if you don't buy him...a 180.
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Old 12-10-2008, 06:24 PM
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He is I believe a common porcupine puffer. The guy at Wai's did not have a lot of info, and I cannot remember what part of the sea he is from. Another thing I never usually do is buy anything I do not have more info on. I am trying to attach a picture, but will be putting pictures on my link below shortly.

It kills me when I see the fish you are selling since the price is not enough to recoup your costs mostly, and I know you love every one of them. The niger trigger was awesome, I'm glad you found him a home.

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
What kind of puffer? Sounds like a great addition to your tank...they always are

Puffers do well in captivity. They do get large but are not the most active swimmers even in the ocean and two seem to love human interaction although most of it is just a food dance Im not saying to cram a porc in a 30G but please don't feel bad about your puff in a 260G

This hobby is nothing if not selfish and you have to get over that to a point. Feeling guilty is good though IMO and if more people did, you would see less fish in unsubstantial aquariums. Most of the people on here or most online forums do make the right choices though and research. I am talking more about the millions of people who do not join forums or care to make sure a certain fish will be ok in their tank.

It is a dilemma with that huge tang. He has to go somewhere and there just are not too many huge tanks out there. He should never have been collected in the first place. IMO there are many, many species collected that never should be. Why are Starry Puffers collected? They get 4'...FOUR FEET!

I think fish should be collected based on adult sizes they will reach and not the 3" they are at the time. So many people buy fish thinking well I have a few years before it outgrows my tank...I have. Its wrong though because then what? I can tell you first hand, its not easy to find a home for a 16" fish. I have tried in the past and eventually had to take him back to a store and feel guilty ever since. I have no idea what happened to that guy.

Good luck and it sounds like you will make the right choice.

Last edited by my2rotties; 12-28-2008 at 06:59 PM.
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Old 12-10-2008, 06:26 PM
Pier Pressure Pier Pressure is offline
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I am moved by your dilemma and know exactly what you mean. I only keep a 28 gallon with nano fish in it who all get along. The other half of Pier Pressure wanted to go bigger, but when I showed him those big fish in the petstores he agreed it would be a bad thing to do as we would both be bothered by the "pacing". Reminds me of a lion in a cage that is too small at the zoo, and I cannot see ever being happy watching a big fish who should have been left alone in the ocean. However, the fish would probably be better off in your big tank than being sold to a newbie who thinks he would fit good in a 55 or some other such nonsense.
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Old 12-10-2008, 06:27 PM
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PT Barnum said there is a sucker born evry minute... I don't want to be that sucker. I will watch the sales section here and see if someone outgrew their tank and buy that one I suppose. I worry about fish in stores many a times, since they are so stressed out already.

Originally Posted by ShrimSkin View Post
Well, I think you have a very good point. But someone will buy that Naso, if not you someone will. At least you know that it will be taken care of correctly and your tank is more suitable for it then probably 90% of the tanks out there.
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Old 12-10-2008, 06:28 PM
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Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post
He is I believe a common porcupine puffer. The guy at Wai's did not have a lot of info, and I cannot remember what part of the sea he is from. Another thing I never usually do is buy anything I do not have more info on. I am trying to attach a picture, but will be putting pictures on my link below shortly.

It kills me when I see the fish you are selling since the price is not enough to recoup your costs mostly, and I know you love every one of them. The niger trigger was awesome, I'm glad you found him a home.
Yes you have a beautiful porc! Your very lucky

He will be a great "pet" and friend.

I am selling them for many reasons. For one I don't feel the tank was big enough anymore which is along the lines of what you were struggling with. I think I will end up with many of the same fish one day but when I can have a 300G plus tank. I still have most of them though because I am being very picky about where they go. So far the grouper and Niger have found good homes with people I know can care for them. Tank size is not always a huge issue for me but how they will be cared for is. I would rather see them in good hands in a slightly smaller tank than in a huge tank with someone who just doesn't care about them.
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Old 12-10-2008, 06:30 PM
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I'm going to phone and ask shortly and let you know. I know these people have to pay the bills, but it worries me that they will sell a fish to almost anybody and don;t think of the animal's well being. Then people like me buy them and they die, and we are out the money and have a lot of heart break.

We have many bills to pay and I think VERY hard about things we buy... do we need it and the like. You get what you pay for, but when I bought the skimmer and pump last week, I felt sick to my stomach. However it is needed and it was for the well being of my animals. At this point we are in too deep to walk away.

Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
There's no price on that Naso at Oceans and I've never asked. It has however been there for months so sometimes someone else *doesn't* come along and buy it.
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Old 12-10-2008, 06:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Pier Pressure View Post
I am moved by your dilemma and know exactly what you mean. I only keep a 28 gallon with nano fish in it who all get along. The other half of Pier Pressure wanted to go bigger, but when I showed him those big fish in the petstores he agreed it would be a bad thing to do as we would both be bothered by the "pacing". Reminds me of a lion in a cage that is too small at the zoo, and I cannot see ever being happy watching a big fish who should have been left alone in the ocean. However, the fish would probably be better off in your big tank than being sold to a newbie who thinks he would fit good in a 55 or some other such nonsense.
Pacing bother me SOOOO much. I don't have a problem with it in other peoples tanks but I can't deal with it in mine. The tank doesn't have the same serene, calm feel to it if fish are pacing back and forth. When I was at Untamed's place and saw the fish in his 400G, it was nice to see because they were swimming all over the place and never pacing.
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Old 12-10-2008, 06:34 PM
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I feel your pain! I mistakenly (in my early days of reefkeeping) bought a Hippo Tang for my 55G. I ended up giving it over to a new (and much bigger) home, but it still made me feel bad for the poor thing.

Now I have to exercise some real control in what fish I DO put in my 55G. Yes, it is a selfish hobby, to an extent, but that selfishness should only extend so far.

I think you can find an equally beautiful, active and engaging fish (even another type of tang) that will thrive in your 260!

10G Nano * 10G Sump * Deltec MCE 600 Skimmer * JBL Viper 150w MH * Zeovit * Vortech MP40W

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Old 12-10-2008, 06:35 PM
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I love Gryphon very much. He is adorable and it makes me happy I could have something I wanted since I was a kid. I never got into aquariums since I knew they were expensive. This 260g is a fortune, but it is much easier to maintain then the 55g I am finding. I see your posts of fish for sale and wish I could hop on a plane and take them carry on. I respect you a huge amount since I know you love your fish. I saw your post or your porky all puffed up and it made me laugh. I want Gryphon to love me that much too. Right now he just sits and stares out the window, but lets me touch him and I am already showing him my hands are things with rewards. He is not super hungry but did appall me with his eating habits last night. I have never seen anything quite like. We stood there staring, and just didn't speak. Then it was an outburst of laughter and I checked my weater and did a water change. He is a PIG. I need a bigger clean up crew, if he doesn't eat them all.

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Yes you have a beautiful porc! Your very lucky

He will be a great "pet" and friend.

I am selling them for many reasons. For one I don't feel the tank was big enough anymore which is along the lines of what you were struggling with. I think I will end up with many of the same fish one day but when I can have a 300G plus tank. I still have most of them though because I am being very picky about where they go. So far the grouper and Niger have found good homes with people I know can care for them. Tank size is not always a huge issue for me but how they will be cared for is. I would rather see them in good hands in a slightly smaller tank than in a huge tank with someone who just doesn't care about them.
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Old 12-10-2008, 06:36 PM
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I think you might be in the wrong hobby?? Maybe try something with inanimate objects
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