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Old 11-08-2008, 10:47 PM
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Default Lesson Learned

Until now I always thought that the tank should fit the fish and vice versa. It was never so apparant as when I brought a new foxface home last week.
My last one lived for about five years and died suddenly so I do have experiance with the fish.
Because this guy was a little smaller I figured he could probably go in my 50 cube until he got bigger and then it would be downstairs with the big boys. What a mistake. From the moment he got in the tank he was stressed.
First he would hide and do the mottled skin thing (very cool). Then he would repeatedly swim back and forth on the glass (not cool) Tank parameters were all fine by the way.
This guy had major stress written all over him. So, into the big tank he went.
By the next morning he was a new fish. Swimming lazily back and forth, a few end runs with the big guys and eating like a trooper. What a difference.

Just thought Id share this little experiance in case any one else comes up with the same problem.
Have a good day all.
250 gal display tank plumbed directly to my wallet
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Old 11-11-2008, 04:05 AM
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fishoholic fishoholic is offline
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So true, I have also witnessed how much less stressed a fish can be when put into the right sized environment.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 11-11-2008, 04:26 AM
2manytanks 2manytanks is offline
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Too true. When I got my new 210 and put all the inhabitants from my 3 smaller tanks into it I was amazed at the difference in their behaviours. They are all so much more relaxed, even when strangers are watching them. It's rare that any of them hide anymore, not even my blue tang who previously would rarely come out if anyone but myself was around. And not only has there been no fighting, but 2 of my gobies who had previously been in different tanks paired up immediately upon finding each other.

210g reef
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