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Old 11-06-2008, 01:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Melonbob View Post
So is a honda worth 5 times more than a hyundai?
Not really the point now is it?

Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
I take that back, it's not even close. The aqua-bee pump is comparable to ehiem at best not even close to the red dragon which has a custom housing and stand, titanium shaft, and lifetime bearing warranty. Just look at the airflow specs and power consumption. The Magus is probably comparable to a Euro Reef or Deltec not Bubble King.
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Old 11-06-2008, 02:03 PM
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Thats exactly my point, even a vette isn't 5 times more than a hyundai. I'm sure the BK is better, I'm sure its alot better, but I very much doubt it is 5 times better. Fact is, its a great time to be buying a skimmer right now, there are alot of very good skimming units (BM, Octo) to be had at a very reasonable price.
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Old 11-06-2008, 02:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Melonbob View Post
Thats exactly my point, even a vette isn't 5 times more than a hyundai. I'm sure the BK is better, I'm sure its alot better, but I very much doubt it is 5 times better. Fact is, its a great time to be buying a skimmer right now, there are alot of very good skimming units (BM, Octo) to be had at a very reasonable price.
I don't really care about these skimmer threads anymore, if you want a cheap Chinese knock off that's fine and you don't need my permission, so just leave me out of it.
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Old 11-06-2008, 05:26 PM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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So have you received your Bubble Magus skimmer yet?

Originally Posted by ReefJunkie View Post
Fish-street also has 110v pumps available for an extra 7 or 8 bucks, and with some versions the pumps are optional. I have ordered the bm100 and it should be here in a few searches for reviews on these skimmers (from people that actually have them) have been pretty positive so far. Of course no long term reviews yet. I will post my experience with this unit once I get the new tank going.

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Old 11-06-2008, 05:38 PM
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This is one of the greatest hobbies in the world.

You can get by on the cheap or you can buy the most expensive in both livestock and hardware. There is also everything in between.

Our selection of products is based on what each and everyone of us is able to substantiate in our own minds. The support come from those that can substantiate and justify. The criticism comes from those who can not substantiate or justify.

A few years ago I decided to buy an ASM G5 skimmer. It was a cheaper version of the then front running Euro Reef skimmer. It was all I could justify to spend on a skimmer at the time. My ASM does a great job. Would a Euro Reef do a better job, that I do not know. In my estimation they both do a great job and yet the Euro Reef was about twice the money at the time.

There will always be new products developed for the hobby and there will always be knock offs. Generally speaking though if you were offered a Bubble King for the same price of a Bubble Magus I bet you would take the Bubble King but would it do a substantially better job.

Tom R
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Old 11-06-2008, 06:15 PM
geeluk geeluk is offline
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Tom R, I totally agree with your comment which I can relate to my situation. I purchased the Bubble Magus 150 several months ago and used it until very recently I replaced it with a BK mini 180. I probably didn't need the upgrade, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to buy a used one. I can say the quality of the build and production of the BK is in a league of their own, but it is also 4 or 5 times the price of a Magus. The magus worked very well for me and I would have no regrets in using it for the long term. The magus produced more skim then my previous skimmer which was more expensive. On another note, I see that a new mesh impeller will be available for the magus in the near future.

For the value, the magus does an excellent job. If you do not have a budget, get a Bubble king.

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Old 11-06-2008, 07:19 PM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
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I was very close to getting a Bubble Magus.

For me it came down to practically a coin flip.

Having the distributor local and having the vendor known to support their products was a big factor.

My Mini BK 180 is much quieter than my Euro-Reef was, however it is not silent as there is a quiet highpitched hum.

For me I was having some nutrient issues and wanted the best skimmer possible. Also I was concerned that if I didn't blow the money on a skimmer it would just evaporate in the stock market anyway.

If I run a tank in the future that is less nutrient-critical such as a FOWLR or a softie reef, the Bubble Magus would definitely be my first choice. And if I were a student or broke the Bubble Magus would definitely be my first choice.

Anyway the jury is still out on this BK, I will see how happy I am with the skimmate in a couple of weeks.
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Old 11-06-2008, 10:08 PM
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Originally Posted by geeluk View Post
Tom R, I totally agree with your comment which I can relate to my situation. I purchased the Bubble Magus 150 several months ago and used it until very recently I replaced it with a BK mini 180. I probably didn't need the upgrade, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to buy a used one. I can say the quality of the build and production of the BK is in a league of their own, but it is also 4 or 5 times the price of a Magus. The magus worked very well for me and I would have no regrets in using it for the long term. The magus produced more skim then my previous skimmer which was more expensive. On another note, I see that a new mesh impeller will be available for the magus in the near future.

For the value, the magus does an excellent job. If you do not have a budget, get a Bubble king.

Since your one of the few than can speak first hand, how's the difference in performance?
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Old 11-08-2008, 04:22 AM
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I will update in a few days, I have only had the Bubble King running for a couple days.
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Old 11-12-2008, 01:08 AM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
I wouldn't waist the money on a Bubble Magus, just a cheap knock-off that won't be around for long. Look at the Bubble Master for example, a very good skimmer at the time with great reviews, then pumps start to fail after a year and replacement parts are next to impossible to get as the product line has been dropped by distributors. Now most people wouldn't even consider the BM but the bubble kings stay strong, they aren't going anywhere and the craftsmanship and quality is second to none.
Actually Steve I love my Bubble Master and yes its a great skimmer, I actually found a place near by to purchase the Sicce Pumps 130 each for the pump and you also get the needle wheel and the Mesh Wheel installed for 130 dollars
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.
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