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Old 10-13-2008, 06:19 AM
X-Treme X-Treme is offline
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I had a problem with my Telus speed too a while back, so I phoned and complained. They walked me through a speed test and it came back LOW, so he pushed a few buttons on his computer at his end and whala.....WAY faster for me after that.

Phone and complain!!!!

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Old 10-13-2008, 06:56 AM
whiteice669 whiteice669 is offline
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what is the speed test ? where can I try it ?
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Old 10-13-2008, 07:46 AM
Moogled Moogled is offline
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FYI, speed test also depends on your location and web traffic. It may be marginally slower than what it shows.

My suggestion is to switch to Shaw. Telus continues to get customers due to ignorance that Shaw is a better ISP and provides way faster speeds. With lines nowadays, you don't need to worry about unstable Cable connections as opposed to half a decade ago where a dedicated DSL line was a "bit" slower but far more stable.

For those interested, run a speedtest @
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Old 10-13-2008, 11:40 AM
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wow! cool little test site!
I got 6691 download and 787 upload

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Old 10-13-2008, 03:40 PM
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The "phone and complain" doesn't always work; I went round and round in circles with them when I was having speed complaints... They kept claiming it was my home network limiting bandwidth (somehow my 802.11b router was the cause for 500k/s speeds - even if it was removed and my computer was plugged directly into the modem) had techs out on at least 2 dozen occasions to figure it out; swapped modems a dozen times. I'm pretty sure it was the hardware in the neighbourhood; but they'd never admit it (other than a few techs out at the box cursing and swearing about old junk).

On the other hand, my neighbour was with shaw at the time, we just bounced back and forth off eachothers wireless networks continually - his connection came and went, mine was rock steady and slow as sin...
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Old 10-13-2008, 04:08 PM
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Here's the site Telus will want you to go to for a speed test. Mine's slow a molasses too, but I'm stuck in a 3 year contract. Under a year to go, then I'm switching to Shaw. There's no way I'll ever trap myself into another contract with any ISP.
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Old 10-13-2008, 04:58 PM
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Just did a speed test on my ISP I am on SHAW just switched from Telus about 2 months ago and will never look back
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Old 10-13-2008, 05:15 PM
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I just called, and apparently the problem is that my household has a limited bandwidth, and each Telus TV box takes up some of that, as well as the internet. If all three are running, it leaves little for the internet.

I turned off one of the Telus TV boxes and did a speed test again, which came out at 3460 kbps. Much better.

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Old 10-13-2008, 05:30 PM
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getting good numbers with Shaw now

But not always, have seen drop to a quarter or less of above.

Last edited by mark; 10-13-2008 at 05:32 PM.
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Old 10-14-2008, 06:57 AM
midgetwaiter midgetwaiter is offline
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Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef View Post
I just called, and apparently the problem is that my household has a limited bandwidth, and each Telus TV box takes up some of that, as well as the internet. If all three are running, it leaves little for the internet.

I turned off one of the Telus TV boxes and did a speed test again, which came out at 3460 kbps. Much better.
I bet they forgot to mention that when they sold you the TV boxes didn't they?

If you have a fairly recent router you should be able to setup a priority scheme for your PC but it would probably be tough to get the right balance so you don't screw up the TV too bad.
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