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Old 09-13-2008, 05:41 PM
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Aqua-Digital Aqua-Digital is offline
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Talking How to Dose Ultra Lith - Its so simple

Here is a simple step by step guide mainly based around 400L or 100 gallons of tank water. When calculating your own volume please decrease by 20% to take into account displacement of sand and rocks etc.

To start
• Use 250ml of Ultra Lith per 400L of water as an initial start up
• Increase by 250ml every two weeks until you have reached 1L capacity per 400L of water
• After 4-6 weeks exchange 50% of the Ultra Lith. Repeat this 4-6 week 50% cycle from now on
• Clean (shake) the Ultra Lith daily, for best results utilise an Ultra Lith reactor, this makes life so much easier.

Initial dosing from start up

Dose as follows

Ultra Bio

• Dose 1 drop per 100L of water per day for the first two weeks
• Week 3 do not dose
• Repeat after 1 week break
• Turn skimmer off for 2 hours when dosing.

Note – after initial set up it is only required to dose as above when changing the Ultra Lith media.

Ultra bak and Ultra Min S
• Dose 3ml per 1000L of water every day of each until nutrients have dropped significantly then reduce dosing to 1ml a day of each.

Continued use.
• Repeat Ultra Bio dosing schedule when replacing media every 4-6 weeks.
• Dose Ultra Min S and Ultra Bak 1ml a day per 1000L of water keeping check on your parameters.
• It is now advisable to be adding trace elements such as Ultra organic this is key to colouration. Dose as instructed on the bottle.
• You can also use Ultra organic with Ultra Amin to achieve very bright colouration
• I recommend using Ultra carb L also this is important for removing the yellow tannins from the water.

Well as you can see, step by step and it really is not that difficult to achieve amazing results. Just one golden rule never over dose.

Last edited by Aqua-Digital; 09-14-2008 at 08:24 PM.

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