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Old 07-02-2008, 09:36 PM
Tigger Tigger is offline
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pm me your phone number and address and I can come over.
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Old 07-03-2008, 12:53 AM
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pm sent on flame angle and oceleris.
10g softie and LPS tank(SPS soon) coralife 28w 50/50 rio nano skimmer
Live stock
-1 Pulsing xinia
- Green candy cane
- green zoas
- Fake percula clown
- Diadem dottyback
adding a 70w MH with 8 LED
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Old 07-03-2008, 05:41 AM
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PM'd you as well.
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Old 07-03-2008, 07:21 AM
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Add me to the list of PM's
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Old 07-03-2008, 08:26 AM
fmelindy fmelindy is offline
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oy, that's a lotta PM's!!! be patient folks, i'm trying to get to everybody!
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Old 07-04-2008, 04:49 AM
fmelindy fmelindy is offline
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updated..... remaining stock, no hardware sold yet... kind of waiting until all livestock and live rock sold....

1. 90ish gallon cube tank 30X30X24. Bottom drilled in two places. Free standing overflow at present in the rear right corner is dead silent and in my living room. - will sell as a package with the sump and stand for $800 but will sell individually for the right offer as well.

2. Matching stand for the tank. Is a homebrew solution but turned out quite nice and quite functional and up to the task. Again, will add pics tomorrow. No canopy, due to current pendant setup. - see above

3. Sifiligoi Infinity XR4 pendant. 250 watt metal halide has Geisemann 14.5 K hqi bulb around 5 months old right now. Also 4 24Watt T5's actinics with around 6 months on them. Oh yeah, did i mention it has the ACLS dimmable ballast system?!? - $1500 obo

4. Deltec AP-701 recirculating skimmer, gravity fed from the overflow. A bit of overkill for skimming this size tank, will never let you down! - $750 obo

5. Custom 3/8" acrylic sump made by Superfudge (thanks man, was a superb job) with bubble tower, 3 baffles, and large skimmer compartment. Anyone familiar with his work can attest to the quality and beefiness of construction. Probably around 40 gallons, just fits snugly into the stand. - see entry for the tank above

6. Neptune Aquacontroller Jr. Comes with DC8 and temp probe. Ph probe included but needs to be replaced as is probably at the end of its useful life (I've been using it for over 2 years on this and another setup). - $150

7. Coralife calcium reactor and CO2 setup. Never had any problems with it, works great as long as is fed by a peristaltic pump (aqualifter included). Monitored by the aquacontroller, has always kept my Calcium, magnesium and and alkalinity rock solid. 10 lb CO2 canister and milwaukee solenoid, regulator, needle valve and bubble counter. Reliable little CO2 setup. - $250

8. 2 Koralia 4 powerheads. Around 9 months old, working well, no mods and no issues. - $30 each

9. Eheim 1260 return pump. Perfectly sized for this size sump, in my opinion. Very reliable pump, no issues. Very quiet. - $80

10. 2 Tunze 6055 nanostream powerheads with single controller. Great flow, small form-factor, comes with light sensor for calm nights. - $300

11. Aquamedic kalkwasser stirrer - $120

So that's it for the equipment. Now for the livestock:

3. Yellow tang, around 3"
4. Sailfin Tang (desjardin), around 3"
5. 2 Tomato clowns, 1-2"
6. Ocellaris clown, around 1.5"
7. Yellow wrasse, around 3"
8. Black leopard wrasse, around 3"
9. Male anthias squamipinnis, around 3"
10. Dottyback, not quite sure of species, never saw it for sale before, 3"
11. Randall's shrimp goby with tiger pistol
12. Blue/regal tang, around 2"
13. Yellow and blue-spotted rabbit fish

And the inverts:

2. Sea hare that came as a hitch-hiker on the liverock now around 2" - free if you take the live rock
3. tiger tail cucumber, getting large now - $10 - noticed last night that it has divided! so now 2 tiger tail cukes for $10 each!
5. Red coco worm, is perhaps a little less healthy than when I bought it - free if you take the live rock! let's say $20 on it's own
6. 1 crocea clam, around 2-3" - $50 each
7. 1 maxima clam was listed as "ultra" when purchased, around 2.5" - $40
8. Large favia colony, purple with green centers, really nice - $50
9. Large red goniopora colony - not doing well, would give away to anyway who wants to take a try at reviving it
11. 2 photosynthetic gorgonians, one still a small frag, the other a large colony - the small one will be difficult to remove from the LR so may include the LR in the price and it's a large piece of LR I noticed, the large one is $25
12. 1 zoanthid colony, bright green - $20 each
14. green sinularia - $30

18. Around 100 lbs of beautifully coraline encrusted mostly vanuatu or tonga rock, almost entirely purple now! - $400 would prefer to sell as a whole

And wouldn't you know that all the fish have ich now, since I started moving things around! Anyone interested in the fish will have to take that into consideration but the fish would be a lot cheaper/free? to anyone who is still interested.
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Old 07-05-2008, 12:06 AM
reeferious reeferious is offline
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Default want that maxima

pls let me know if maxima is still available, thanx
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Old 07-05-2008, 12:35 AM
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Ill take the nanostreams....ygpm
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Old 07-06-2008, 09:04 AM
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Fmelindy can you let me know when you can part out your Eheim 1260 return pump,I will take it, I know its gonna be a while

p.s. your PM box its full!!!
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Old 07-06-2008, 04:44 PM
reeflife89 reeflife89 is offline
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interested in live rock but pm box is full
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