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Old 04-27-2008, 01:19 AM
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Yes some great pieces to be had. Thanks Bill for all the pieces I got today. Just finally got them aclimated and in the tank.
Thanks again, Chris
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Old 04-27-2008, 10:34 PM
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Glad to hear you guys are happy with your corals etc. I appreciate you guys helping me out. It's really hard to shut this thing down, Sat night was tough looking at the half empty tank and some of the woodwork already taken down. It's not what I envisioned 5 years ago. But then I didn't know a horrible disease called RSD would envade my life a few years later.

It's the best thing for me and for the everything living in there that it go to good reefkeepers like yourselves. It makes me feel better knowing the corals and fish and the hardware are going to good places.

Clint I'm looking forward to the thread where you start building your new system.
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Old 04-27-2008, 10:42 PM
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Just to let you know there is still a Lawnmower Blenny that needs a good home. My daughter is taking my clowns, so she needs to get rid of a pair of her Clarks clowns. They are young but look to have definitely paired off.

The Clarks Clowns we could sell for $15 for the pair.

There are still other items left for sale so please check back on page one for updates to see what's still available. I really would like to sell everything off so please take another look and see if anything interests you. I'd like to get rid of all corals, and live rock by next Saturday, May 3.

This way on May 10th Clint can pick up his tank and the fish can be caught as we drain the tank and the skimmer and sump can be picked. This is only a tentative schedule.


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Old 05-03-2008, 08:42 PM
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I've updated what is available and have lowered some prices as I want to get rid of everything. So look for the section that says UPDATED MAY 3RD. Ignore the very first set of pricing with the pictures. Just go down halfways through the page to see the updates.

I'm hoping that the tank will be taken down on May 10th. So anyone that is purchasing hardware can come the following week. Saturday's gonna be crazy with Chris an his crew working at my place. So if you have any interest in hardware or have a confirmed sale with me, contact me after Saturday May 10th to arrange for pickup. I want to make sure the tank is indeed gone before I arrange for the pumps and skimmers etc to be picked up.

Anyone purchasing Fish should come on Saturday. My suggestion would be mid afternoon around 2PM. But please contact me first.

Again, I want to thank everyone who has helped me out and have purchased things from me. Most guys got their arms wet and others helped take the woodwork apart as it's become too hard for me physically. You guys have been great. I'm really gonna miss the tank. But so far everything I've sold has gone into good hands and it makes me feel better about that.

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Old 05-08-2008, 05:49 AM
Dobber Dobber is offline
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if you want 150 for the calcium reactor system il buy it
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Old 05-08-2008, 01:30 PM
JPeach JPeach is offline
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I don't know if i missed it in the tread but would you ship the Ca Reactor?
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Old 05-09-2008, 12:20 AM
kevin S kevin S is offline
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