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Old 03-05-2003, 07:31 AM
GregJ GregJ is offline
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Default 5 gallon bowfront lighting?

I was at wal-mart today and saw that they have a 5 gallon bowfront setup for 59.00. The only thing is that it comes with a 25W incandescent light. I was thinking of doing a small reef, and was wondering what other alternatives i have for replacing the lights. Any ideas?

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Old 03-05-2003, 08:21 PM
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Why not unscrew the incandescent bulb, and replace it with a screw-in PC bulb. I think I have read that 6500K bulbs are available at your local lighting place (Brightlite I think) Ask Sam W.
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Old 03-05-2003, 08:50 PM
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I've seen 6500K self ballasted power compact bulbs (9 or 15W) at Big Al's and Aquariums West. Albrite carries the Panasonic Gen IV 5000K bulbs in 4 different wattages up to 23W. They also carry Galux 6500K bulbs.

I can't tell you what the maximum wattage to use though in that canopy. It was mentioned that there is a maximum of 25W but I don't know if that applies to power compact bulbs. At IKEA, I've seen fixtures that have labels that say maximum 60W for incandescent and maximum 11W (or something close) for power compacts on the same fixture so I don't know why it isn't 60W max regardless of bulb type.
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Old 03-05-2003, 09:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Samw
I've seen 6500K self ballasted power compact bulbs (9 or 15W) at Big Al's and Aquariums West. Albrite carries the Panasonic Gen IV 5000K bulbs in 4 different wattages up to 23W. They also carry Galux 6500K bulbs.
I can't tell you what the maximum wattage to use though in that canopy. It was mentioned that there is a maximum of 25W but I don't know if that applies to power compact bulbs. At IKEA, I've seen fixtures that have labels that say maximum 60W for incandescent and maximum 11W (or something close) for power compacts on the same fixture so I don't know why it isn't 60W max regardless of bulb type.
The problem usually is heat Sam. Some self ballasted PC bulbs get very warm, and Ikea does not want you to melt their canopy, and blame them I guess.

BTW I have a 15W screw in PC bulb in a very small plastic canopy over my refugium, and it works very well.
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Old 03-05-2003, 09:25 PM
Wannabe Reefer Wannabe Reefer is offline
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AGA makes a 10 watt screw in flourescent that I belive is a 6500 K. Or you could try finding a way to rig up some other type of lights. I am setting up a 5.5 gallon that will have five 13 watt PC's. And you can order lights from AH Supply on line they have good prices and they offer a 50/50 atinic/10000K bulb for a 13 watt. I have heard lots of good things but I do not have any experience with them. :twisted:
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Old 03-05-2003, 10:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Wannabe Reefer
AGA makes a 10 watt screw in flourescent that I belive is a 6500 K. Or you could try finding a way to rig up some other type of lights. I am setting up a 5.5 gallon that will have five 13 watt PC's. And you can order lights from AH Supply on line they have good prices and they offer a 50/50 actinic/10000K bulb for a 13 watt. I have heard lots of good things but I do not have any experience with them. :twisted:
Five times 13W? Does that not seem a little excessive? That has to be some bright. I have 2x13w brightlite kit from AH on my 10. I am going to try that for awhile. I have 2x32w 50/50 lights from CSL, and one 2x13W brightlite kit from AH on my 20H, and I consider that very bright.

I have one of those 13W half and half lamps. I got two from Jack Chu, but recently broke one . I really like them.

I agree AH supply seems to have good prices, but that is US dollars. By the time you convert to CDN, and pay shipping, and Gst, and the money our phoney baloney government charges for brokerage (because they can no longer charge duty), You end up paying a lot. Ask me, I bought two brightlite kits and a wooden top. When all was said and done I paid more than $150.00 for it. :x :x
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Old 03-05-2003, 11:09 PM
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I have 2 x 20w 6500K screw in PCs on my 10G Hagen incandescent tank. They are warm but certainly not hot. The lights are made by Envirolite and came in 20w or 26w. Some retrofitting was required to make them fit but it was pretty easy. I got them at Kevin's Aquatic Visions in Surrey.
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Old 03-05-2003, 11:19 PM
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BTW, I have not seen small, screw in, self ballasted PC bulbs like this that are either actinic or 50/50. Can anyone point me in the right direction? :?:
Best Regards,

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Old 03-06-2003, 05:06 AM
GregJ GregJ is offline
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I call albright today and was told that they have a 23W 6500K PC bulb for 13.95, so I might go with that. I guess I'm going to have to modify the cano :shock: py a bit to fit those monster bulbs. I'm a little worried now with what Sam said about the watt difference. Don't want to start any fire :shock:
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Old 03-12-2003, 05:00 PM
BCOrchidGuy BCOrchidGuy is offline
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Greg King Ed Pets has the same tank as Wal Mart but it is $10 cheaper. They have the screw in fluorescent 6500k bulbs too for $16 I believe.
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