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Old 03-30-2008, 03:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Mattgesy View Post
i been there, i havent found it a big issue with any of there stores, ya there is a few dead ones in like the odd tank, but dont you get that in any store?
in other stores they take the dead ones out!!!!!!!! dont buy their livestock but had no problem with their tanks.
My tanks @
two 220gal and 150gal in storage MUST GET HOUSE
Old 03-30-2008, 10:57 AM
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dont wanna bash aquagiant been there stayed 10 mins walked out the service sucked the state of their tanks they had up and running was at best mediocre and quite a filthy mess maybe store 2 will be better, the new one is where guardian drugs used to be on 50st just north of the yellowhead behind the mcdonalds by the arbys and beside the mcgavins breadbasket it is in the strip mall i make my bread deliveries there every night so i am the most reliable source as i see it once a day
always just 2cents until im broke
Old 03-30-2008, 03:07 PM
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the east store is no better. when i was there they were stocking brand new tanks that were no where near ready for anything. i bought a blueface angel there just so it didnt die. it had white spot and was swimming sideways while gasping. not long after moving him home u could see a big difference, doing good now. if they cared at all they wouldnt rush their opening or put clown triggers with multiple yellow tangs to have their eyes picked out of their head. must have been about 20 one eyed and no eyed poor little tangs. GIANT AQUA GRAVEYARD. if u take offense to this or disagree than u are no better than them and probably should not be in the hobby he also told me that he dosnt feed his fish very often because it dirtys up the tanks?!?!? thats why they all have sunken stomachs. not impressing and makes me want to leave the hobby just to stop it
My tanks @
two 220gal and 150gal in storage MUST GET HOUSE
Old 03-30-2008, 04:10 PM
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