Originally Posted by fishmaster
I would be very interested in you starting another thread on your palytoxin experience. I've read that some palytoxin's are up there with the most toxic substances known to man! Not common, but who knows which ones are the most toxic? Does anyone know where to find that kind of info? I usually wear gloves & eye protection when fragging zoa's/pally's. I'm sure I could take more precautions as well. Your experience could be valuable to the rest of us to learn from. Sorry for changing the topic a little...
I thought about this but decided against it. The possibility exists that it was something else that triggered my reaction, I handled a lot of different things that day. I'm pretty certain it was the palys that did it given my reaction and the fact that I handle the other things involved regularly but I can't say 100%. I don't want to spread false info and get someone else in trouble.
I won't go into the details of the symptoms but it was unique in my experience and kept me in bed for 3 days.
As for finding out which are the dangerous ones it's tough. Palyotha Grandis is easy to id and has a bad rep in this regard but given that colour and shape of most plays seems to vary by environment I doubt you could ever identify what is dangerous and what isn't easily.
Originally Posted by Delphinus
I thought you had to more or less eat the paly's or ingest the slime after touching them for the neurotoxin to be bad???? Glad you're OK dude, BTW... 
Small cut on my finger. Yes I'm an idiot.