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Old 01-23-2008, 04:04 AM
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Originally Posted by findingnemo1 View Post
Where was it in the post that he was asking for sympathy? I am pretty sure it was posted to remind people to keep up on there tank maintenance. Life happens to everyone. And people make mistakes and we all learn from them as i am sure Russ has as we'll.
It was the feeling I got from his original post and his followups since. Everyone offering their sympathies doesn't help either...
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Old 01-23-2008, 04:25 AM
Canuckgod420 Canuckgod420 is offline
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Its funny....the wife and I where discussing if this reply was a good idea or not...
I(we) just find it rather silly that everyone is so quick to OFFER sympathy(never did I state he was seeking sympathy) and new livestock to someone who openly admitted his neglect was the cause of such a loss in didnt feed my cat for 3 weeks...he died, anyone have a kitten for sale?
Didnt think so.
I guess my point of all this is...if for some reason you are unable to care for your animals...there is always a fellow reefer out there willing to take things off your hands so no life is lost....Am I wrong?
180G tank, custom DIY stand, Sunlight Supply-Sun Blaze 48" 8 bulb T5HO fixture, EuroReef CS6-1 and Vertex in 180 skimmers, 1/4 HP chiller, Tunze wavebox, 40G sump, and 40G refugium.
Old 01-23-2008, 05:26 AM
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Okay now i agree with you to a point. Yes it was a mistake that he obviously regrets. And yes it was preventable or maybe not.

What i don't agree with is the fact that people feel that it is okay to say that he should be embarrassed to tell people. Isn't that the reason that we all come to these boards? To learn from other people even if it is from there mistakes. Not you and Not I can say we have never made a mistake in this hobby that has cost some kind of death.
Okay he made a mistake her told everyone(i might add instead of lying about it) now lets move on.

Can you honestly tell me you have never lost a coral or fish?
Now you are going to tell me that it was not preventable right

Okay we'll considering you are a memeber of PETA( which i might add i agree with alot of the issues they are involved with) Then in all reality there mandate per say is that any animal is not to be used for entertainment purposes among other things.. We'll what is our tanks? Purely for our enjoyment and entertainment. And considering we are taking fish out of the ocean which is how big and placeing them into glass boxes then in all reality that would be what??? So you can not tell me that all the deaths of fish and corals in the aquarium industry is not preventable and that you and I and everyone that has any kind of aquarium are not are contributing to that.

Not trying to condemn anything but people need to look at there own actions before they start biting someones head off

Old 01-23-2008, 06:05 AM
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I didn't see him asking for sympathy either. Just a reefer who said he messed up. I dont know of anybody in this "hobby" who hasnt made a mistake or two that may have caused the premature death of one of our "livestock". To chastize or belittle a person when they come into a public forum like this is wrong. He wasn't asking for sympathy or for replacement stock, Just admitting he screwed up. When I see reefer's chastizing him for this I am reminded of a famous quote. "Can't we all just get along" No matter what group or association you belong to, this isnt the place to point fingers and say "your bad" or irresponsible.
Old 01-23-2008, 06:56 AM
Canuckgod420 Canuckgod420 is offline
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Wow you guys are missing the point of my responses....of course we have all had deaths...i have, you have.
Thats not the point....the point of MY REPONSES was that he completely neglected the care of the animals....something he confessed on his own....that is what caused the deaths...not an honest mistake....or just an unanswered death.
And for the record...I never pointed a finger....I stated my suprise at all the reefers out there who felt sympathetic for this persons negligence...thats all.
180G tank, custom DIY stand, Sunlight Supply-Sun Blaze 48" 8 bulb T5HO fixture, EuroReef CS6-1 and Vertex in 180 skimmers, 1/4 HP chiller, Tunze wavebox, 40G sump, and 40G refugium.
Old 01-23-2008, 07:05 AM
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I think this is off topic a little but a old friend of mine was (is I would assume) a member of PETA and she once told me they do not believe in keeping any animals as pets...period. Is this not true?
Old 01-23-2008, 09:07 AM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
I think this is off topic a little but a old friend of mine was (is I would assume) a member of PETA and she once told me they do not believe in keeping any animals as pets...period. Is this not true?
It's not that PETA love animals or believes in their continued existence as free beings. It's that PETA hates people.
This and that.
Old 01-23-2008, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
It's not that PETA love animals or believes in their continued existence as free beings. It's that PETA hates people.
I agree PETA Hates people. First off I don't need peoples pity. Second Yes I was trying to give people a reminder to take care of thier tank and do the proper mateinance. And finally I would like to offer an apology to Myka and Canunkgod420 I am sorry That I am not as perfect as you and that I that I can't offer every waking hour of my life to hug my pets, trees or what ever you hug to take care of it in such a perfect way that you do. I would also like to say that I am surprised that PETA members automaticly trash someone when they read a post like my first one. Just for the record I love my tank, anyone in Edmonton who knows me knows I love this hobby, so Thank you for judging me.
its time to get up, dust myself off, and begin the process of rebuilding my tank!
Old 01-23-2008, 01:02 PM
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Originally Posted by mr_alberta View Post
Did you ever get that copper test done on your water Russ? I really doubt a lack of water changes is the only reason.
No I have not I think I will. If it does turn out to be copper in the water supply that would suck. At least the tree huggers couldn't blame me than.
its time to get up, dust myself off, and begin the process of rebuilding my tank!
Old 01-23-2008, 01:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Canuckgod420 View Post
Its funny....the wife and I where discussing if this reply was a good idea or not...
I(we) just find it rather silly that everyone is so quick to OFFER sympathy(never did I state he was seeking sympathy) and new livestock to someone who openly admitted his neglect was the cause of such a loss in didnt feed my cat for 3 weeks...he died, anyone have a kitten for sale?
Didnt think so.
I guess my point of all this is...if for some reason you are unable to care for your animals...there is always a fellow reefer out there willing to take things off your hands so no life is lost....Am I wrong?
My tank went from looking good to looking like crap so fast I hardly had time to dish my coral off to others. Which I did by the way so thanks for judging before you know all the facts. Oh yah just so you know I do feed my fish.
its time to get up, dust myself off, and begin the process of rebuilding my tank!
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