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Old 01-02-2008, 04:09 PM
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My Koralia gets a bit noisy at times, but it just takes a good soak in some vinegar water to make it right again. The same thing also happened with the Nanostream, but vinegar water never did help the shattered impeller shaft

10G Nano * 10G Sump * Deltec MCE 600 Skimmer * JBL Viper 150w MH * Zeovit * Vortech MP40W

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Old 01-04-2008, 11:06 PM
erikages erikages is offline
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Originally Posted by Skimmin View Post
I'm the proud owner of two 6045 nanostreams and no problems yet. I believe the problems may have been worked out. Flow wise they are really gentle and have a super wide stream. I'm happy with them. Although I will be getting rid of them once I talk myself into spending the money on the Ecotech Vortech.$400+ dollars though.... Ouch!
The Ecotechs look very interesting; has anyone had experience with them? My only reluctance is that much of the cost seems to be for the wave algorhythms. I run a Profilux system that already runs wave features (providing the pumps are variable), so don't need this feature set. It's the combination of high output and heat reduction that look so great.

Have any of you who run these experienced noise and magnet drift with thick (.65") glass?

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Old 01-05-2008, 05:36 AM
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Please keep in mind that when you see Roger going above and beyond on RC that you won't get that kind of service here in Canada. Roger will refer you to Tunze Canada if you contact him with warranty issues. I have 2 6025s that I've modded (shortened the shrouds and cut out the flow restrictor out to bring the flow rate up to about 1100GPH). The infamous clips have broken and I've fixed them. When I contacted Phil at Xenia (the Canadian distributor for Tunze among other German products) about getting the new and improved C-clips he ran me around, lied and then just ignored me. Worst warranty/customer support of any product I've purchased. And don't assume this is an anomoly - there are tons of threads about Phil's poor customer service on RC (warranty issues with Giesemann products as an example) and I've spoken with several LFS owners, employees etc. and they all say that Phil is a great guy to hang out with but his product support is atrocious. I'm sure things are busy for Phil with all the distribution stuff he does but it's incredibly frustrating to see the great customer service Roger provides to a much larger population in the US and know that you won't get that up here.

Keep that in mind if you decide to go with Tunze.

With that said, if I had to do it again I'd still probably go with Tunze and, again, modify the shrouds if only because the Koralias are ridiculously huge in comparison for a comparable flow rate.
SPS Dedicated 24x24x20 Trimless Tank | 20 g Sump | Bubbble King Mini 160 Protein Skimmer w/ Avast Swabbie | NP Biopellets in TLF Phosban Reactor | ATI Sunpower 6 x 24W T5HO Fixture | EcoTech Vortech MP20 | Modified Tunze Nanostream 6025 | Eheim 1260 Return Pump | GHL Profilux Standalone Doser dosing B-Ionic | Steel Frame Epoxy Coated Stand with Maple Panels embedded with Neodymium Magnets

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Old 01-06-2008, 07:56 PM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
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OK a couple of final questions.

Comparing the Tunze 6045 vs. the Koralia 4 vs. the modded MaxiJet vs. the Vortech: which would be quietest and which would be loudest in order?

Also what is the cord length for the nanostream and Koralia?
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Old 01-06-2008, 09:28 PM
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Don't even think about buying the 6045 if you own a Dremel and have even the slightest amount of patience. If you mod the shroud on a 6025 you'll get the same 1189 GPH out of the 6025 that you will out of a 6045. The only difference between these two (the 6025 and 6045) is that the shroud on the 6025 restricts the flow - the "motor" for the 6025 and 6045 is the same. Roger has admitted this on RC. The restriction of the shroud on the 6025 was done so that there was a Nano Stream that could be used on small tanks.
SPS Dedicated 24x24x20 Trimless Tank | 20 g Sump | Bubbble King Mini 160 Protein Skimmer w/ Avast Swabbie | NP Biopellets in TLF Phosban Reactor | ATI Sunpower 6 x 24W T5HO Fixture | EcoTech Vortech MP20 | Modified Tunze Nanostream 6025 | Eheim 1260 Return Pump | GHL Profilux Standalone Doser dosing B-Ionic | Steel Frame Epoxy Coated Stand with Maple Panels embedded with Neodymium Magnets

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Old 01-07-2008, 12:15 AM
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Originally Posted by trilinearmipmap View Post
OK a couple of final questions.

Comparing the Tunze 6045 vs. the Koralia 4 vs. the modded MaxiJet vs. the Vortech: which would be quietest and which would be loudest in order?

Also what is the cord length for the nanostream and Koralia?

The K4 is silent and so should the Nanostream (Canadian is correct - get the 6025 and cut the shroud). Most people have no problem with the recent commercially modded Maxijet products such as the Oceanflows, but they will click on wavemakers and you have to understand that you are modifying something so there is a chance that you'll get some vibration. The Vortech is in a different league both price wise and performance. Some people find the two halves tricky to line up correctly resulting in vibration and noise.

The cord length on the nanostream is easily enough to reach across a 6-foot long tank.
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Old 01-21-2008, 02:17 AM
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I have a 6025 and the bracket broke and also the propeller cage won't stay on all the way. I'm about to try the HK.
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Old 01-21-2008, 04:10 AM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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Where can I get directions on cutting the shroud on the 6025?

290g Peninsula Display, 425g total volume. Setup Jan 2013.
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