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Old 01-02-2008, 01:04 AM
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I had the Hydro 4 on my 120 the glass is 5/8" and I didnt like the magnets on it that is the only down fall.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Old 01-02-2008, 01:58 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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It's not super powerful, but I had my HK4 on my 210g with 1/2" glass no problem. I now have it on the 120g with no problem.
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Old 01-02-2008, 02:26 AM
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Originally Posted by trilinearmipmap View Post
So it looks like I have a choice between a higher priced German unit that will break, or a lower priced one that will fall off its magnet.
Or you could buy the Maxi Jet 1200 ($27), the Sure Flow mod kit for it ($20), and a Sure Grip magnet holder for it ($28-40 depending on how thick your glass is). Then you beat all the problems...

Btw, the Sure Flow mod kit has two propellers in the kit, one propeller will make any MaxiJet do 1600 gph. The second propeller is for the MJ1200 only, and will make it push over 2000 gph. AND, it has a bracket that you super glue onto the Sure Grip magnet holder that allows the MaxiJet to swivel like the Nanostreams and Koralias. PLUS, it widens the flow of the MaxiJet as it uses a propeller instead of an impeller. Both the Tunze Nanostreams and the Koralias use propellers. A MaxiJet originally comes with an impeller.

MaxiJets have a 2 year warranty, and if they break down after that they're only $27 to replace. Well worth the money if you ask me!!

~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 01-02-2008 at 02:42 AM.
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Old 01-02-2008, 02:46 AM
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Just picked up a Tunze 6055. Those infamous clips are fine so far (knock on wood ). Looks like they've managed to work the bugs out of the original design and materials used. I think if you purchase any of the "post-fix" Nanostreams their build quality shouldn't be a huge issue anymore.
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Old 01-02-2008, 03:13 AM
erikages erikages is offline
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Originally Posted by trilinearmipmap View Post
So it looks like I have a choice between a higher priced German unit that will break, or a lower priced one that will fall off its magnet.
I've had Tunze pumps -- including the nanostream 6055 -- for a few years now, and they've never had a problem. Admittedly they're expensive, and for the price they should work flawlessly.

Perhaps I've been lucky, but thus far I'd recommend Tunzes. Also, their magnets are fantastic. I've got "0.5 inch glass and they stay fixed like bricks, never drifting down.

Some people have complained about too much noise with Tunzes, but this hasn't been my experience. If noise occurs, the pump may need to be nudged from whatever's causing it to vibrate. Once in the right location, they're noiseless.

I don't know about product support for Tunzes as I've never had to use support.
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Old 01-02-2008, 03:27 AM
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I worked for a short period at an LFS recently, and there were a TON of Tunze Nanostream returns. There was literally a HUGE box filled with them to go back on warranty work. Some of them ARE noisy, and need to be replaired, some break the propellers. I won't buy one. The Koralias are great for smaller tanks with thinner glass.
~ Mindy

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Old 01-02-2008, 03:38 AM
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I'm the proud owner of two 6045 nanostreams and no problems yet. I believe the problems may have been worked out. Flow wise they are really gentle and have a super wide stream. I'm happy with them. Although I will be getting rid of them once I talk myself into spending the money on the Ecotech Vortech.$400+ dollars though.... Ouch!
300 Gal 6x3x28 high Starphire peninsula w/external herbie/bean animal hybrid +150 Gal custom sump with 30gal fuge section, (both built by Concept Aquariums Calgary), 3x Ecotech Radion xr30w g2's(soon to be G3 Pros), Jebao DCT 12000 return pump, 2x Jebao RW 20 powerheads, Tunze Ato, Vertex ro/di, Reef Octopus Ext 200 skimmer run internally.
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Old 01-02-2008, 04:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I worked for a short period at an LFS recently, and there were a TON of Tunze Nanostream returns. There was literally a HUGE box filled with them to go back on warranty work. Some of them ARE noisy, and need to be replaired, some break the propellers. I won't buy one. The Koralias are great for smaller tanks with thinner glass.
Which is why I wouldn't buy a USED nanostream. Tunze obviously didn't do proper beta testing on the nanostreams until after the raft of returns on the first few batches of nanostreams. I've been watching the saga unfold over the last year or so on the Tunze forum over on RC.

To be fair, Tunze seems to be have been quite good about warranties and poor Roger Vitko has been handing out free replacement parts like a candy on Halloween. One reason why I waited until now to get a 6055 is because it appears that the build quality issues have finally been worked out on the nanostreams. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. So far I'm quite pleased with the 6055 - a bit pricey at $200 even on Boxing Day, but I already had a Tunze 6000 and wanted something to work in conjunction with that - meaning true variable speed control in a small package.

BTW, 30 secs with a Dremel tool on part of a nanostream's shroud will allow you to get at least another few hundred GPH out of them.
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Old 01-02-2008, 05:46 AM
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Originally Posted by fkshiu View Post
To be fair, Tunze seems to be have been quite good about warranties and poor Roger Vitko has been handing out free replacement parts like a candy on Halloween. One reason why I waited until now to get a 6055 is because it appears that the build quality issues have finally been worked out on the nanostreams. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Yes, they do have very good warranties, but it's still a royal pain in the butt to have to wait for a replacement/repair. I'm not sure if they've ciphered out the build problems, but I am hoping you are right. They'll get it figured eventually.

Personally, I want my powerheads on full blast all the time, so I have no urge to spend that amount of cash on a variable speed powerhead. The modded and magnetted MaxiJets work for me.
~ Mindy

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Old 01-02-2008, 03:52 PM
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I have a koralia 4 in my tank and it is quite noisy, I've had no problems with the magnet or the powerhead staying where it is tho. I myself am thinking of going with a tunze 6060
33 gal heavily planted with co2
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