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Old 12-31-2007, 09:55 PM
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Question Nano Skimmer

I am new to SW and my tank is now 48 hrs old. It is 20 gal, with 20 lbs live rock (Fiji) and 20 lbs. sand. I have a 20,000K Metal halide light, Hydor Koralia circulation pump, submersible heater and a Rio Nano Skimmer. The temp fluctuates between 24C-27C, Salinity is 35, PH 7.9, Nitrates under 5, Nitrites less than .1, Ammonia 6.1 and Phosphate .5

Of course I'm watching every hour to see if anything new has developed (Only 1 little clear worm coming out of a hole approx 3/8" long,so far). My problem is understanding the Nano Skimmer. I finally have the bubbles climbing up the tube and dumping into the collection cup, but should the collection cup also be filling with water at a rate of 1/2" every 1/2 hour. Am I supposed to let the water level in the collection cup fill up and flow back down the tube. This is very confusing and I hope someone can shed some light on this for me.
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Old 12-31-2007, 11:44 PM
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Your Rio Nano would definitely Not fill that fast. It all depends on how much protein is available to skim, as well as on how efficient your skimmer is.
I have one of those and it is not very efficient the only reason I got it was that it mixes some air and keeps ORP somewhat higher.
Having said that it also skims (was a bonus for me I did not expected it to skim at all).
But my Nano tank has no fish at all so there is not much to skim. The cup is empty for a week before i get 1/2" in there.
On the side note if you don’t like the noise coming from the air intake put a 35mm photo film canister on it (with holes) it will act like a muffler.
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Old 01-01-2008, 01:29 AM
RMHL RMHL is offline
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Default Nano Skimmer

What live stock do you have in the tank. If you are just setting up your tank, then you should not get any output from your skimmer. A skimmer uses small bubbles of air to attract excess protiens and concentrate them as they rise up to the top of the skimmer. You should aim for as dry a discharge as possible. You have to remember that this liquid is also your aquairium water. The instructions for your skimmer should also tell you how to adjust the skimmer to achieve the desired dryness of your skimmer output.
But for now, if you have no livestock, I would adjust your skimmer so you have no output at all!
Hope this helps!

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