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Old 12-30-2007, 12:25 AM
erikages erikages is offline
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Default Buying in Victoria vs online and mainland

I tend to buy online for equipment, as prices in Victoria just can't compete unfortunately. There are examples that drive me insane -- such as maxijets at one third the price online as opposed to retail in Victoria. This is one example among many. I try to buy from Canadian online retailers, but sometimes resort to US suppliers when the price differences are worth the risk of customs hassles.

People refer to a mainland store called OA. I'm not familiar with this store. Please PM me with the name, or post it online (can't see the harm in this, frankly).

All of the above noted, it's still important to support local retailers or we won't have any. I buy much of my livestock here, along with odds and ends where the prices are fair. The front line staff in local shops here are well-intentioned and excellent, in my opinion.

All the best, and welcome back to Victoria!
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Old 12-30-2007, 12:28 AM
scumchug scumchug is offline
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OA = Ocean Aquatics
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Old 12-30-2007, 12:40 AM
Cameron Cameron is offline
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Originally Posted by scumchug View Post

I'm quite irritated with the fact that you charge $15.00 per zoo polyp. Could you imagine how ****ed off I would be when I see you selling $75.00 Ric frags that I gave/traded you ?

Thanks, but no Thanks. I would rather give them to someone that appreciates them, and will hopefully continue on with what i'm trying to start.
Sorry but I don't sell anything for $15 per polyp. I don't know why you are out to get me. Frag Factory and Frag a lot sell for much more. OA charges $25-40 for a ric frag.

Are you irritated at the local stores that ask $50-60 for ricordea? Or $90 for a 3' colony of SPS, or $90 for a torch or frogspawn?...or just me because I sell it for cheaper than the stores here in town?

The ones that I do sell for $7 per polyp cost me $55 from frag factory and when I got it, it only had 5 polyps on it. So in fact I am selling them at a discount than what I paid and what anyone else would buy them for. So I am giving back to the community locally. I give away mushrooms when people come over, they get more kenya tree than they ask for.
Cameron 604-217-5621

Last edited by Cameron; 12-30-2007 at 12:43 AM.
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Old 12-30-2007, 05:31 AM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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Ive seen two of you post now that you have seen frags in Victoria at the LFS for $100?? I havent been out and about the LFS's here for a few weeks, but I have to say I have never seen frags being sold for 100$! Now maybe Im missing out on some very special Limited Edition frags.. or your seeing small aussie acan colonys and calling them frags,,, or someones exagerating a tad bit???
I will be the first to admit I am pretty picky about what I buy, but Ive gotten some pretty nice COLONYS from each of the LFS's here for 40-100$. And if I think they are too pricy.. I just dont buy them.

Im actually getting pretty tired of seeing people whining about prices here on the Island.. jeeeze guys you have THE POWER to buy online, or to walk out of the LFS if you think they are asking too much No one is twisting your wrist making you fork over $$.
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Old 12-30-2007, 08:55 PM
erikages erikages is offline
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Default Prices, online retailers, etc.

Hi, all. Thanks for the Ocean Aquatics link! Not sure I've ever been to their store; I'll definately check them out. If they're in Delta (Richmond), this makes livestock purchases simpler, too.

Back to the retailer issue: retailers traditionally mark up 100% from wholesale, at least this was the way of the world back in the days when I managed a retail operation.

I've moved past my youthful resentment of standard markups. Retailers have got bills and staff to pay, their inventory and ordering and cash flow balances are tricky and often risky -- and they've got to make a profit, in the end. There's nothing wrong with making profits.

So (personally speaking) I pick my battles.

Buy locally when you can, and when the retailers' prices are on par with the market. Buy online or whereever you can when the price differences start to make you twitch. Your local retailers will get the message when overpriced items don't move off the shelves. But another suggestion is to let them know--graciously--when you're not buying something from them because their price is too high compared with others. This gives them the chance to adjust more quickly to competition (or not, I suppose), which helps all of us.

Cheers, everyone -- and happy new year!

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Old 01-05-2008, 06:31 PM
JoelV JoelV is offline
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Thanks Guys! For the mention of the Company and your positive comments.
I PM'ed the moderator of this site and there is nothing wrong with mentioning the company name in the threads as long as its not direct advertising For example
widgets 5$
gadgets 25% Off
Or direct Company promotions.
if it comes up in conversations no problems
Can reef has also welcomed me having my Company web address in my Signature as lots of other users also have theirs.
My main motivation for being on the forums is to gain information about the industry and the hobby.I also was completely green when it comes to Reefing So I very much value all the free advise I have been given, keep it coming! There are some really good people in this hobby, I'm am so excited every day I go to work that I'm going to meet another. its so fun once again I get to learn something new every day.

Check out my tank build thread on this Forum.



Last edited by JoelV; 01-06-2008 at 05:24 AM.
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Old 03-27-2008, 04:56 AM
chaser chaser is offline
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Hey I am new to Victoria, and I have just set up a 20 gallon reef. Its my first and still cycling so I am a ways away from adding things but if there is anyone out there who would be selling frags at a decent price (I am a starving student, with a limited budget), I would be glad to pick up a few things. PM me and let me know if you will have anything that I could buy. I am through my ammonia spike portion and into the nitrites so Its still a few weeks yet.
Thanks everyone!
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Old 03-28-2008, 04:38 AM
Cameron Cameron is offline
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I have some Kenya tree and anthelia you can have for FREEEEEE
Cameron 604-217-5621
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