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Old 12-05-2007, 05:23 PM
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Originally Posted by michika View Post
Should I fear your mother? I wonder if she is like my Mum?
She puts the "C" in Conservative!

But here's the rub: books that contain magic or evil characters are often banned and/or protested. But J.R.R. Tolkien's books have been widely accepted, despite the fact that his depictions of evil and magic are as intense and graphic as anyone's. Same with C.S. Lewis' children's fiction. Why? Simply because they were both Christians.

I hope this doesn't turn into a religious discussion, because I'm pretty sure that's not But I just think it's interesting.

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Old 12-05-2007, 05:52 PM
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Even though I have never met your mother I already have a fear. The C in conservative is a frightening though.

Its all about the politics I guess. It doesn't matter how far things are from reality, or how good the story really is, it often seems to be about who wrote it as being the deciding factor more so then what the book actually contains.

Some of the reasons for people wanting to challenge or ban a book come off as a bit odd...
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Old 12-05-2007, 06:01 PM
pandafishowner pandafishowner is offline
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JRR Tolkeins books have been banned in some places.
I'm Melody (or Panda )

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Old 12-05-2007, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by pandafishowner View Post
JRR Tolkeins books have been banned in some places.
Yes, sure. But more *widely accepted*....

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Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. ~S. Ertz

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Old 12-05-2007, 06:59 PM
skylord skylord is offline
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I dont see the problem with this. Its a private school and they have decided that it wont be offered in their library. They havent said that parents cant allow their children to read this book. They havent said they will be excomunicated if they read it and condemed to an eternity in the bowels of earth and all that other mumbo jumbo crap. The funny part...Im against all organised religion and Im defending them......never mind.

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Old 12-05-2007, 09:03 PM
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I guess since I grew up surrounded by that mentality, I have a big problem with it. It's the type of thinking that doesn't allow people the choice to decide what is right or wrong for them. Granted, we shouldn't let kids run around with crack pipes and whiskey....just so they can decide. But, literature that presents some contrasting ideas is fairly innocuous. Or should be.

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Old 12-05-2007, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by skylord View Post
I dont see the problem with this. Its a private school and they have decided that it wont be offered in their library. They havent said that parents cant allow their children to read this book. They havent said they will be excomunicated if they read it and condemed to an eternity in the bowels of earth and all that other mumbo jumbo crap. The funny part...Im against all organised religion and Im defending them......never mind.

It's biggest than just this one school though and the article at the start implies such. Maybe I'm expanding the original post but shows the power of a small vocal conservative group and how their views cross borders.

This form of power might be a good thing say for world peace but when it takes an oppressionist slant I shake my head.
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Old 12-05-2007, 10:22 PM
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But it does give people the right to choose. Go home and get your parents to buy the book for you or go to the public library and check the book out. The more religious zealots make a big deal about books like this the more copies of the book are sold.

This is not just a school....its a private school. If this were a non-religious private school would it be getting the same attention?

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Old 12-05-2007, 11:49 PM
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I haven't read the book,so I don't know how far the ideas slant from Christianity.But the article refers to not just a Christian school,but a school from a particular sect of Christianity,Catholicism.Keeping that in mind,I can see why they would ban the book from the library,or ban the teachers from using it for a class project.As it has nothing to do with Catholicism.But not an outright ban,as in confiscation if brought into the school by a pupil to read during spare time.
If on the other hand this was happening in a public school(banning),I think we would all have a reason to be concerned about which direction our children are being brain washed...Oh sorry guided.
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Old 12-06-2007, 12:57 AM
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Last edited by mark; 12-06-2007 at 01:48 AM. Reason: letting it go
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