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Old 10-13-2007, 07:14 PM
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Here you go save scouting for it

Hope this helps, Thanks AMP!
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Old 10-14-2007, 01:37 AM
Moose Moose is offline
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I am trying to hook up two digital power bars and a analog one I also have the western socket expansion for L and S Every which way I have tried to hook them I can't get all three to work say S1throughS16 three power bars 16 outlets. I tried daisy chaining the two digitals but the second one uses the same numbers as the analogged one I'm all messed up now. OH MAN! Please can someone help me thanks
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Old 10-14-2007, 10:17 AM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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Hi Moose

the numbers of the analog power bars are ALWAYS determinded by the western socket where they are plugged in. The numbering of the analog bars CAN'T be changed. That means for analog powerbars:
- plugged in S1-S4: the sockets have numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4
- S5-S8: numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8
and so on

The numbering of digital powerbars can be changed. Default is 1...6.

This means for your setup:
- connect analog powerbar to S5-S8 -> these are sockets 5...8
- program the digital powerbar #1 to be numbered 9 ... 14
- program the digital powerbar #2 to be numbered 15 ... 20
(while programming: connect only the powerbar which should be programmed, otherwise both powerbars are programmed)

This is only an example configuration; any other numbering can be assigned if you want to. But then make sure that there are no socket numbers twice - then they would switched simultaneousl.y
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Old 10-16-2007, 11:26 PM
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i'm setting it up right now like that but the controller only recognizes up to 19 sockets. i have analog in s5-s8 and numbered accordingly. then the first digital to 9 - 14 second 15 - 19 so i'm losing one outlet. any ideas

i'm also having the problem like moose. i have analog in s5-s58 outlet, 1st digital in s1-s4 i program the analog and 1st digital powerbars, then when i connect the communication cable to 2nd digital, the outlets are identical to 1st digital bar and i cannot control them different. help!

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Last edited by niloc16; 10-16-2007 at 11:51 PM.
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Old 10-17-2007, 05:43 AM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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"i'm setting it up right now like that but the controller only recognizes up to 19 sockets" - i have no idea what you mean.

You can program the START NUMBERING for a digital powerbar. If you program "1" as a start number the powerbar will have sockets 1,2,3,4,5,6 (this is default).
If you program "2" as a start number -> sockets 2,3,4,5,6,7
and so on until 19
if you program "19" as a start number the powerbar will have sockets 19,20,21,22,23,24
Where do we loose here sockets?!?

"the outlets are identical to 1st digital bar and i cannot control them different."
-> you must program different start numbers for them. See manual "Digital powerbars"

Last edited by Matthias Gross; 10-18-2007 at 04:48 AM.
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Old 10-17-2007, 07:37 AM
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on the menu settings when i got select what socket number i am programming, it stops at 19. but my biggest problem is getting the 2nd powerbar to have seperate outlet numbers. how do i program the second bar to start at different socket number. initially with the first bar i programed it right, then connected the second bar daisy chained and it copies the 1st bar outlet settings. i know i sound confusing, but i hope you get what i am saying. i did go by the manual, it says to program the 1st bar first then connect the 2nd bar which i did but it doesnt say how to start the 2nd bar programming

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Old 10-17-2007, 07:44 AM
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I am having some trouble getting my dimmable ballast to turn off. It will Dim untill about 5% and then get brighter (about 30% level) and not turn off, even though the controller says it is at 0%.

I have the black on the ballast connected to the L on the ballast driver blank (In the power supply Ballast 1) , and the white on the ballast going to the N on the ballast driver blank (In the power supply ballast 2). For the Control Lines to Ballasts, I have the + connected to the violet on the ballast, and the - going to the grey on the ballast. In the software I have the 10v interface set to 1v min and 10v max.

Any suggestions?
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Old 10-17-2007, 11:14 PM
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ok so i feel a little bit stupid but i'm posting this to help others in case they have the same issue. i was settting up the analog and 1st digital powerbar properly but where i was going wrong is once i programmed the 1st digital bar i was daisy chaining the 2nd to it to program the 2nd digital bar. what i figured out laying in bed at 2am was that once the 1st digital bar is programmed i disconnect it from the computer and then hook the 2nd bar into the computer to program it. once both are programmed then you daisy chain them together. hope that makes sense.

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Old 10-18-2007, 04:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Todd View Post
I am having some trouble getting my dimmable ballast to turn off. It will Dim untill about 5% and then get brighter (about 30% level) and not turn off, even though the controller says it is at 0%.

I have the black on the ballast connected to the L on the ballast driver blank (In the power supply Ballast 1) , and the white on the ballast going to the N on the ballast driver blank (In the power supply ballast 2). For the Control Lines to Ballasts, I have the + connected to the violet on the ballast, and the - going to the grey on the ballast. In the software I have the 10v interface set to 1v min and 10v max.

Any suggestions?
Figured it out, I had the control lines backwards (although in the correct order which I had checked several times). So now the ballast will fire and dim correctly, but will shut off when it reached around 20% on the way to full power. I can get it to turn on by unplugging and replugging the Profilux controller, but unplugging and plugging in the ballast does nothing.
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Old 10-18-2007, 04:53 AM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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regarding programming of digital powerbars:
Under "digital powerbars - important hints" can be read:
"When the initial state or the numbering shall be set, only one digital powerbar respectively dosing pump unit may be connected. If several devices would be connected during the programming, all would overtake the new programming!"
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