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Old 10-11-2007, 01:59 AM
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make a new account with a new email address, hotmail or gmail or something. best to do to get an answer from them quicker, it seems they've seen almost everything to do with clams

You don't see anything along the shell rim that might affect the mantle at all do you? Also is there a chance that something fell into the clam? Have a good look in the incurrent siphon, perhaps some sand or something got lodged in there and its doing its best to get it out or something? Just a thought. I don't know what else to suggest.
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Old 10-11-2007, 02:26 AM
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I got it all sorted out with CD and have posted my question.

Nothing along the mantle, or the shell rim that may be crediting the problem. I did however pick up the clam and take a look inside, nothing to be found. There was a large bristleworm at its base, and I took care of it. Maybe that was issue, we will have to see.
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Old 10-11-2007, 02:29 AM
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Even the "what it normally looks like" photo doesn't look very good to me. That's not much mantle extension in that photo, either.
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Old 10-11-2007, 02:46 AM
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The mantle is usually more extended the in my "normal" photo. Its probably out by at least another 1". The camera seems to scare it into retracting its mantle.

I was just using the photo to demonstrate that the mantle isn't usually so sunken into the shell.
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Old 10-11-2007, 06:46 AM
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When I had a clam go that route, I usually found bristleworms at the base. I don't know if they found something wrong there, or caused it. Then usually, the bottom dropped out of the clam shortly after, and demise was rapid.
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Old 10-11-2007, 02:06 PM
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I don't think the worms are a the initial start of a clams demise. I am sure she checked for pyrams, but I don't see that happening as the clam has been there a while. I don't know if michika has clams close to this one but if she does the others might be showing the same pathlogy. As she has not mentioned it, that is not the case. I have read if a clams mounting surface is damaged (by moving it arouind) it could comprimse its health
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Old 10-11-2007, 02:29 PM
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None of the other 9 clams are showing anything similar at all. You're right I did check for anything that could be triggering it.

This clam's foot always looked okay. Granted it never liked to be on rock, and it would frequently move itself into the corner on the sand. This morning it looks the same as it did yesterday, no better, no worse.
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Last edited by michika; 10-11-2007 at 02:29 PM. Reason: bad grammar
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Old 10-12-2007, 03:51 AM
briansmyth briansmyth is offline
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Default Clam gaping

Is the clam getting enough light - nothing has changed such as bulbs getting older or having a build up on them?

No bristleworms in the area suggesting that maybe it is already too late for the clam?

No swings in the calcium levels sounds like. Those nine clams must be quite calcium demanding.

My two similar experiences would be one where a pygmy angel was fine with the clam for about six months and then I saw gaping with the clam ... sure enough the angel would take a `poke' at it occasionally - clam has been fine with the removal of the pygmy angel to another tank. The other experience was one where the clam seemed to become malnourished ( maybe related to light ) ... I could not stop that runaway train.

Last edited by briansmyth; 10-12-2007 at 03:55 AM. Reason: Missed one earlier post which answered a question.
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Old 10-12-2007, 04:28 AM
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Originally Posted by briansmyth View Post
Is the clam getting enough light - nothing has changed such as bulbs getting older or having a build up on them?

No bristleworms in the area suggesting that maybe it is already too late for the clam?

No swings in the calcium levels sounds like. Those nine clams must be quite calcium demanding.

My two similar experiences would be one where a pygmy angel was fine with the clam for about six months and then I saw gaping with the clam ... sure enough the angel would take a `poke' at it occasionally - clam has been fine with the removal of the pygmy angel to another tank. The other experience was one where the clam seemed to become malnourished ( maybe related to light ) ... I could not stop that runaway train.
- The clam got sufficient light. It lived in a shallow tank.
- No pests anoying the clam
- There are no fish in the tank that could bother the clam
- Ca, and dKH are maintained by reactors, there are no chemistry swings

The clam died yesterday...
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Old 10-12-2007, 05:12 AM
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Sorry to hear it.
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