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Old 08-04-2007, 06:31 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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I noticed you're also using the Seaclone on a sps tank. Good luck with that. SPS like almost nutrient-free water quality, which you probably won't get long term with this brand of skimmer. Overskimming, not underskimming, is the general rule of thumb with sps.
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Old 08-04-2007, 06:34 AM
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Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic View Post

I noticed you're also using the Seaclone on a sps tank. Good luck with that. SPS like almost nutrient-free water quality, which you probably won't get long term with this brand of skimmer. Overskimming, not underskimming, is the general rule of thumb with sps.
Ok what skimmer would you suggest that is under 200$ Ther probably isent any that will make the cut for sps. I will look on the local Craigslist and on canreef and hope to find something.
10g softie and LPS tank(SPS soon) coralife 28w 50/50 rio nano skimmer
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Old 08-04-2007, 06:42 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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A used Remora Pro would probably be a better bang-for-your-buck HOB skimmer. In general, hob skimmers just aren't as good as in-sumps like ASM or Euroreef RS series, in terms of bang-for-the-buck factor.
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Old 08-04-2007, 06:46 AM
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I got a remora pro for sale *hint* *hint*

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Old 08-04-2007, 06:50 AM
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-thats ok it's starting to skim finally, tweeked the intake on the power head and its foaming better-
33g fowlr / 20g sump / 400 watt pendant / Euro-Reef RC80~~~~lavendar tang, lemon butterfly, snowflake eel, hawaiian spotted puffer, tomato clown, chomis..

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Old 08-04-2007, 07:44 PM
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Originally Posted by krisalexander View Post
I got a remora pro for sale *hint* *hint*

Still for sale ? How much , will you ship ? PM me and let me know.

As for the rest of the thread, I think it is great that we have some younger people taking up the hobby. I also think it is great we have people here that are very experienced and are willing to give the younger, less experienced reefers the advice that will make the hobby more enjoyable for them.
Like it was mentioned above, we just need to remember that there is a "communication gap" betwen the different generations, there alsways will be. Just a little patience from everyone will go a long way.
It's cool that we have hobbys such as this that all age groups can enjoy together , very cool
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Old 08-04-2007, 08:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Captainhemo View Post
Still for sale ? How much , will you ship ? PM me and let me know.

As for the rest of the thread, I think it is great that we have some younger people taking up the hobby. I also think it is great we have people here that are very experienced and are willing to give the younger, less experienced reefers the advice that will make the hobby more enjoyable for them.
Like it was mentioned above, we just need to remember that there is a "communication gap" betwen the different generations, there alsways will be. Just a little patience from everyone will go a long way.
It's cool that we have hobbys such as this that all age groups can enjoy together , very cool
Thank you all for your positive reinforcement - I knew there were a few good people left here - (Well, most of you actually - )

I remember being involved with an astronomical society when I was about 9 or 10 years old and sitting in meetings that lasted until past 10 at night with a group of primarily "older" people. At the time I never sensed it, but a lot of the people showed up just to share my enthusiasm and mentor me. One time after I had received a substantial picture package from NASA I got to be the main speaker and make a 20 minute presentation to a group of about 40 people ranging from mill workers to physicists. The reception I received afterwards from a group of people that accepted me as their PEER was almost overwhelming. It was a terrific feeling to feel like "part of the group", even though I was their junior by at least 30 years. I am sharing this because we as a group have the ability to make these kids feel just as accepted as I did - and I welcome any opportunity in life that gives me the chance to give back what I once received.

Keep up the good work kids, and when you read a negative post from some grumpy old fart just remember that by the time you are their age, your tanks will kick royal butt all over theirs... OR their MOM's... haha
135G Mixed Reef. Bullet 2, 25 gal refugium, 2 X250W MH + 4X 96W PC\'s, DIY Calcium Reactor, Coralife 1/6 HP Chiller, Phosban, Tunze, 2 closed loops & SQWD\'s, Seios, Coralife 4 stage RO/DI & a bunch of other expensive gadgets... I may never retire, but I'm gonnahavahelluvanaquarium!
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Old 08-04-2007, 06:47 AM
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-but for $40 for a skimmer u can't go 2 wrong, used but what ever
-by the way i was worried that the berlin hang-on for up to 250-gallons that
i'm planning on gettin wud be over skimming but from what u say it shud be perfect!
33g fowlr / 20g sump / 400 watt pendant / Euro-Reef RC80~~~~lavendar tang, lemon butterfly, snowflake eel, hawaiian spotted puffer, tomato clown, chomis..

My reef~
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Old 08-04-2007, 06:50 AM
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Originally Posted by bv_reefer View Post
-but for $40 for a skimmer u can't go 2 wrong, used but what ever
-by the way i was worried that the berlin hang-on for up to 250-gallons that
i'm planning on gettin wud be over skimming but from what u say it shud be perfect!
When you get the Berlin I'm buying the SeaClone of you right?
10g softie and LPS tank(SPS soon) coralife 28w 50/50 rio nano skimmer
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- Green candy cane
- green zoas
- Fake percula clown
- Diadem dottyback
adding a 70w MH with 8 LED
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Old 08-04-2007, 06:55 AM
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i don't know..... just joking sure u do, 2 big skimmers on a 33-gallon softie reef, probablywouldn't be the smartest thing 2 do! -but that ain't hapening for a good 4-5 months, so until then enjoy ur sps tank and don't complain!
33g fowlr / 20g sump / 400 watt pendant / Euro-Reef RC80~~~~lavendar tang, lemon butterfly, snowflake eel, hawaiian spotted puffer, tomato clown, chomis..

My reef~
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