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Old 12-31-2002, 10:06 PM
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Tony I don't think it's directly a ph problem.
I just got my moniter calibrated and such and here is my results.
tank ph=8.15
reactor ph=6.58
I suppose it could be a low ph + something else but I don't think it just has to do with low ph.

Hope this helps in some way
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Old 12-31-2002, 10:39 PM
rossb rossb is offline
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I thought that dinoflatulence disappeared with the dinosaurs
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Old 01-01-2003, 01:51 AM
clintyiu clintyiu is offline
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Been there. It was a horrible messy end to my skimmerless SPS experience. The corals were doing great until I vacuumed the substrate with a closed loop micron filter and the dinoflags... started. You can actually see particles of it multiplying within seconds!

Use carbon, phosphate remover, clean out your skimmer but don't change the water and filter out some of the lighting. It will dissappear.

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Old 01-01-2003, 08:57 AM
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Drawing from what Clint said I think it may have been caused by the disturbance of your sand bed when you took out all the calurpa.

I think we found it watson! :shock:
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Old 01-01-2003, 08:58 PM
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It does seem to be a smoking gun, doesn't it. There were two major things that just preceded the start of this goo, 1) I switched to ARM in the reactor (seems an unlikely cause since many people use ARM without problems) and 2) I started removing caulerpa, and some of it is quite disruptive into the sand bed.

Since dosing kalk with the topup, the pH has been down to 8.18 (which I hope is close enough to 8.2) at night, and 8.38 during the day (which I hope is close enough to 8.4). We'll see if this helps.

If anything, it doesn't seem to getting worse, not significantly anyways (KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!)

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions and words of encouragement!
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Old 01-01-2003, 10:15 PM
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It's kinda weird Tony,
I checked the moniter a few times today( I am doing a daily up and down)
and it's at 8.45 as of last night and this morning and all day.
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Old 01-01-2003, 10:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus
It looks an awful lot like cyano, but cyano has more cohesiveness. This, basically, is brown stringy "snot." Like cyano, it creates an awful lot of bubbles. It covers everything...
Ummm, don't know if you would consider it, Tony, but Chemi-Clean kicks cyano @ss. Worked like a charm here, and for other discreet persons who don't want to mention it (persecution, you know). I think the stuff has a bad rep, plus it's expensive. But if it would work, you'll be glad for it afterwards I think.

Just a thought, if all else is failing.

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Old 01-02-2003, 01:20 AM
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I think the stuff has a bad rep, plus it's expensive. But if it would work, you'll be glad for it afterwards I think.

Just a thought, if all else is failing.

It has a bad rap only among those who are unaware of its fine qualities. It has a good reputation among some very experienced reefers. One of the moderators on Aquariacentral has said some very good things about it. It is well worth giving it a shot. My opinion of course.
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Old 01-02-2003, 01:24 AM
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What is chemi-clean and what does it do? Is it like chemi-pure??

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Old 01-02-2003, 01:40 AM
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Hard to say exactly what the stuff is - maybe some sort of trade secret...
Check out the website:
Not a lot of information.
But the stuff takes out cyano, and the dinoflagellistic plague might be closely related??

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