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Old 05-29-2007, 06:14 AM
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when my tank's levels were way outa whack (6.0 dkh and 330 calcium) I dosed baked baking soda and quick kalk over the course of a week to get it back on track. Needed almost 1/2 a cup of each to correct it.

Don't know how to correct the magnesium though, as I use a salt that's super high in Mg already.
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Old 05-29-2007, 09:34 PM
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Today's levels are:
Temp 81.2
pH 8.2
SG 1.023, I'm still raising this slowly, and its on the verge of 1.024
Ca 400ppm
dKH 6
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
Mg 1110ppm

The only thing that has changed is that I added Seachem's Carbonate to raise my dKH, and that was before I posed the original post. Calcium is up 60ppm, dkH is up 2 points, and Mg is up 150ppm. My tank is confusing me!

So my tentative plan is to do nothing for the next few days, as it seems like most of the levels are starting to fall into place. I'm also moving tomorrow, so it wouldn't be practical do to anything.

So my plan after moving is:
- get my SG back to 1.025
- adjust my top off water so that it has the appropriate dKH, I worry though because my kalk. reactor is in my topoff pail and draws directly from there.
- if needed then I'll raise my Mg levels, and finally my Ca levels.

Does this sound like a good plan?

If I raise the dKH in my topoff water can I still keep drawing that water for use in my kalk. reactor?
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Old 05-29-2007, 10:09 PM
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Originally Posted by michika View Post
Today's levels are:
Does this sound like a good plan?

If I raise the dKH in my topoff water can I still keep drawing that water for use in my kalk. reactor?
Yes I think you're on the right track... just go slow...

Check on dosing an Alk supplement... baking soda or whatever you are using... with Kalk... if my memory is correct I think Calcium Hydroxide and Sodium Bicarbonate will precipitate out of solution when mixed to form Calcium Carbonate just a little too soon for our corals...
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Old 05-29-2007, 10:18 PM
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I didn't have any luck on finding my answer on the Seachem website in regards to using topoff water with a higher dKH for my kalk. reactor. I sent off an email asking this, so hopefully I'll hear something back.

I know you need to leave at least 30 minutes between dosing alk, and ca, at least according to the bottles. But that being said, it doesn't help me with my question.

I'm thinking I will try to raise the dKH levels in my topoff water over the course of two or so weeks. I need to first figure out how the move to a new environment will affect my tank, e.g. evaporation levels, etc.
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Old 05-30-2007, 12:47 AM
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The best tactic has always been to leave you tank alone and do a small regular no more then 5% water changes.
the more you try to fix something the more you affect something else.
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Old 05-30-2007, 02:19 AM
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Originally Posted by andresont View Post
The best tactic has always been to leave you tank alone and do a small regular no more then 5% water changes.
the more you try to fix something the more you affect something else.
If I only do water changes and don't address my low dKH, Mg, and Ca levels, aren't I only going to make the problem worse in some areas?

I don't understand how just doing water changes will fix my levels? Can you explain it further?
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Old 05-30-2007, 02:46 AM
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Catherine I think if you fix the levels in your change water before doing the actual water change it will slowly bring your tank back into balance. That is what I was trying to get at a few posts ago in my own backarseward way. Do some 30 -40% water changes but before you do make sure that all the levels in the change water are where they should be. Let the change water sit with a power head for a couple of days before you use it and test it again before doing your water change to make sure that nothing has percipitated out.
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