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Old 05-08-2007, 07:39 AM
monitors-direct monitors-direct is offline
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monitors-direct is on a distinguished road

Thanks for the advise guys.

Well i land in otawa in 5 weeks and the wife is amazed that the first thing i plan is a basement swimming pool!

I am used to ottawa driving and have to say i find it far less streeful than UK roads that i have spent the last 18 years in a field based consultancy and role, not to mention running my own business, so I have fiund the ottawa roads a walk in the park.

Although my first drive from thre to Toronto was eventful, a 4 hour journey turned into a 7, my wifes friend got screaming sun burn and ear ache from ebing in the back of our sebring convertable all the way down to just outside Tornoto where we arrived in the middle of a monsoon and the rush hour.

If that was not enough, just as it stopped raining the traffic speeded up so I did the same and drove straight through a huge puddle going past an unmarked police car with hsi window down, I dont think I need to say what happened next. The wife found it hilarious, THEY DID NOT.

Welcome to Canada Michael!!!!

Back to the tank, I am needing a builder that can build in situ as the panels would not easily fit down the basement and a 6x4x2.5 tank does not exactly fit through mst doors!
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Old 05-08-2007, 03:59 PM
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You might have to order the glass then and piece it together yourself. It's actually not too bad to do, I know several people who have made tanks in that size range by themselves. Other than that I guess you'll have to find a local Ottawa builder.

The driving isn't really that bad in Ontario, I just like to poke fun at our eastern neighbours. There is one piece of truth though, and that is that I have been to Europe, Eastern Europe (before the Iron Curtain fell), Africa, and Australia, and I've seen some crazy crazy stuff (including an attempted carjacking in Africa ... twice .. in half an hour .. and a tanker truck having its gasoline load stolen from .. WHILE TRAVELLING 30km/h !! .. ) and I can safely say that the three worst drivers, and I mean, positively homicidal .. that I have ever seen .. all 3 had Ontario plates. I heard a saying when I was in Michigan, that in the U.S. they give blind people white canes, in Ontario they give blind people white license plates. Tee hee hee.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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Old 05-08-2007, 04:19 PM
monitors-direct monitors-direct is offline
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monitors-direct is on a distinguished road

EEk !! I can see it now a lop sided tank! I will try and find a builder, there must be one out there somewhere.

Luckily the house has large basement windows so getting the panes down there will not be that difficult.

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Old 05-08-2007, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Only time I ever did the drive was in a '71 Bug on our way to the veedub show, about 10 or so years ago now. So I guess my memory's a bit off about how long it took. (To me, shoved in the back seat, it felt pretty long enough!!)

Yeah, ... I almost forgot how you Ontario-ians drive. I've been all over the world and seen some crazy driving, but the closest I've ever come to .. you know .. actually dieing ... was outside Ottawa. (Twice. In about 5 minutes. Apparently when people cross the double-line to pass about 20 cars in a row, it is completely acceptable to run the traffic in the oncoming direction clear off the road rather than dart back into your own lane. Their own darn fault for not staying home, darn it!! )

Guess I digress. My only point was that it's not really THAT far from Ottawa to Toronto. Long enough that you don't go there to pick up a quart of milk, but not so long that you wouldn't just go every once in a while.
I was just havin' fun with ya. I had a '71 Super Beetle too! It's long gone, but I drive a Diesel Jetta now.
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