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Old 03-11-2007, 12:20 AM
saltyreef saltyreef is offline
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Default BB Bottom Guard???

Hey Guys,
I am just in the process of getting everything bought and organized to start up my tank. I am just wondering what I could use to cover the bottom to protect it from the rock or chance of a rock falling. I know that you can use starboard but I would have to drive to pick it up or ship it. I wondered if any one thinks that coroplast would work. I thought I could double layer it and you wouldn't even see it the edges for the trim on my tank. This stuff is cheap as heck and comes in clear/ white / or other colors. Here is a link to what it is. It is basically cardboard made out of plastic. On another note Do you think I could go wrong goin with a euro-reef RS100 for a 90 G with. Thanks for the Help and advice in advance.
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Old 03-11-2007, 12:26 AM
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i would think that would work but i would make sure you seal the edges so that you don't get a whole lotta detritus build-up in between the corrugations.
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Old 03-11-2007, 12:28 AM
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Got my rock direct on the glass. Took time to place so was stable, secured some together with zipties and figure if any does take a tumble, it's not like dropping through air.
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Old 03-11-2007, 01:35 AM
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I also have my LR on the glass for about two years. Rearrange that tank often, and have had no problems with scratching or damage when rocks accidentally fall. I don't use cable ties or anything to keep my rock in place. I just make sure they are stacked solidly.

I considered putting cutting board on the bottom but was concerned that I couldn't seal it properly to prevent crud build up under the board.

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Old 03-11-2007, 01:51 AM
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Ditto. I have rocks directly on my glass, not secured by anything. I came home yesterday, and things had taken a tumble. The glass was fine, and although I thought my open brain was done's doing as good as ever tonight :-)

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