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![]() I'm really hopping someone can help me out before something goes wrong.
I've just tested my alkalinity levels using the hagen test kit,the results of the reading was 24drops=240mg/l,i know this is high right??? I live in Regina and buffers are impossible to find,how can i bring my alkalinity levels in check?is there any home made recept i can use? Thanks guys and girls |
![]() I think your test kit's units are in ppm, in which your alk is pretty much bang on. 240ppm = 4.8meq/l = 13.5dKH.
M2CW |
![]() AAAHHH Cool
Thanks |
![]() There's lot additives that can be considered common (not specific to reef keeping) one can use. For an idea, go to the Product pull down menus from this calculator you'll see stuff such as Baking Soda and Dow's Flake.
![]() Alk is pretty much bang on? I thought the desirable range was 2.5 - 4 meq/L or 7 - 11 dKH or 125 - 200 ppm. So 240ppm seems kind high to me... 20% above the upper desirable limit. Mine was around there too so I stopped using my ca reactor, no more kalk and let it drop until it was at 9dKH. While it was dropping I was manually dosing calcium to get my levels up over 400ppm. Now that I'm there with both I'm using the ca reactor & kalk and I'll monitor both.
225g reef 3x250w MH 8x39w T5 Sfiligoi/ACLS, Deltec AP851, Deltec PF601S, Deltec KM500, Ozotech Poseidon, Aquatronica, Tunze TS48, Tunze Nanostream 6025s, Aqua UV 114w, MTC Ozone reactor, Cole Parmer peristaltic pump 67g reef, Euro-Reef RS135, 60g refugium, Mag 9 return, Tunze Nanostream 6025s, 4x39w T5 |
![]() NSW generally has a reading of 8dkh so I agree yours is on the high side. Don't forget that you should really be testing for Alk, Calcium and magnesium. All three have to be balanced and I try to shoot for natural sea water levels of all 3. The above link is a good one for things you can use to bring your alk. down or there are various online retailers including some of our sponsors that will ship additives to you for a very reasonable price (I know as I have to ship everything for my tanks given where I live)
![]() I Might also question the reliability of the Hagen test