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Old 02-05-2007, 11:09 PM
Osiris Osiris is offline
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I have purchased before and was very happy with the prices and the quality of the things I bought. I would be more then willing to pay more, the prices are still way less then other places. The one thing is that as you said now days you never know who you can trust, but an envolope can be put in a pocket. A stereo or a big screen TV well they don't fit into your pants. As for what the Police said.. well i think being an honest tax payer they should have persued it anyways, not everyone can afford to just have it go missing, and you were ripped off. Don't get me wrong I have the Utmost respect for yourself and the service you provide in trying to make reef and saltwater keeping more affordable for everyone.

As for the person who did this i hope that they feel guilty for what they have done and hope they rott in hell.

UMM my 2 bits
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Old 02-05-2007, 11:59 PM
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I agree with everyone that this person's act was shameful and it reflects badly upon them. Personally I am thankful and appreciative of Neil's honesty, I think it goes a long way in the end.

Thank you Neil, and I hope you make back your stolen cash quickly and painlessly!
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Old 02-06-2007, 01:02 AM
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So why the change of hart, I'm just curious.

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Old 02-06-2007, 02:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Osiris View Post
..... A stereo or a big screen TV well they don't fit into your pants. .....
No, but they could fit in a truck later. "Staking" the place out, I think is the term. This is one of the risks to inviting strangers into our homes. Do they really want that used filter for $40 or are they more interested in what else could be "had"? In this case....frags, not a filter was the "invite". I wonder if any of the six had been to the residence before, and knew the "layout".

Anyway...just a thought.
Old 02-06-2007, 03:33 AM
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The charge of heart was due to the fact that I hate having to justify myself.
It is pretty bad when I feel like the guilty one in this whole thing, but yea...i do.
good thing I love this stuff so much and am not in it for the money.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP
Old 02-06-2007, 03:39 AM
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That's too bad I was hopeing for a happier ending. Well IMO you have the right to set what ever price you want for what ever reasons you want, and it's none of our business. So maybe don't tell us next time.

Again sorry there hasn't been more support and understanding

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Old 02-06-2007, 03:56 AM
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Default Sorry to hear about your loss

That sucks dude. I own a bussiness myself, if I was you I would just increase your prices a little. People buy from you because of the great prices, if you increased your prices by 5% I am sure no one would notice. If they did, so what your still alott cheaper than anyone else.
Old 02-06-2007, 05:41 AM
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You have absolutely nothing to justify.

Large box retailers such as Canadian Tire and Home Depot can lose amounts in the six-figure range annually PER STORE depending on location from both internal (employee) and external (shop lifting/fraud) theft.

They routinely build these losses into their prices, so we all pay for it.

It's simply a unfortunate part of business nowadays.
Old 02-06-2007, 05:56 AM
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We've had more than one suspicious "staker outter". We have large dogs.

The people in question weren't on this group long.

But as Johnny Reefer suggested, be careful about letting people into your home.
Old 02-06-2007, 12:51 PM
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Ya know what Neal you have absolutely no reason to feel guilty. The fact that you posted telling people why you were increasing your prices just shows that you are an honest retailer. It also indicates how closely you are holding the margin on markup of your products. Any retailer that says they will take a loss to their bottom line because of theft is either not dealing in reality or is soon to be filing bankrupcy. For those that don't want to pay a 10% theft markup to help out a fellow who is offering quality products at a price that can't be found anywhere else in Alberta - one word - DON'T. Go and shop at one of the wonderful Edmonton shops and just tell yourself you are getting a good deal and there is nothing included in the price that reflects that businesses do suffer losses because of theft.

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