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Old 01-31-2007, 09:20 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by G1GY View Post
Now everyone knows.

Truth be known though......... You're still the apple of my eye Albert.
Hey thanks Dear. But I'm afraid our relationship must soon end. I just bought a new skimmer.
This and that.
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Old 01-31-2007, 09:24 PM
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Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
Hey thanks Dear. But I'm afraid our relationship must soon end. I just bought a new skimmer.



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Old 01-31-2007, 09:26 PM
Chaotic Cricket Chaotic Cricket is offline
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Originally Posted by Moogled View Post
Yadda yadda.

It's a case of free speech vs. political correctness, with the majority of society leaning towards the latter. Truth is, no one wants their forum torn apart due to the approval of differing opinions that cause discomfort. That is essentially why Vendor Reviews is now prohibited. Now that speech is somewhat limited, sometimes I see is mockery and sarcasm towards a member when disagreement insues.

No one needs a possible slander/libel lawsuit on their hands.

I'm all for free speech, but when I'm at someone's house, I want to respect and follow their rules the best I can. If I wanted to talk about how sh1tty a place is operated, I'd save it for when I was having a beer with a buddy.

One individual that's not afraid to speak their mind vs 500 politically correct users will never go in the single person's favour.
Political Correctness eh...
Let the Oprah Winfreyization of the world commence....

Jeebus help us all...
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Old 01-31-2007, 09:57 PM
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Old 01-31-2007, 10:17 PM
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The place in question has always greeted me and been friendly. no issues EVEr
OH and I already have my Bong,Thanks tho
to many tanks, enough time for half

Yo Mama's so ugly, she scares people with the lights OFF
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Old 01-31-2007, 10:35 PM
allincuddy allincuddy is offline
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So there is this monkey up a tree in the jungle smoking a funny cig.. An iguana walks by, smell the smoke, looks up the tree and says to the monkey "what are you doin up there?" Monkey says "smokin a funny cig. would you like some?" Iguana goes up the tree and has a couple of BIG puffs and say "that's the first time I have ever smoked this stuff and my mouth is getting really dry" monkey says "there is a pond just down the trail and to the left, go get a drink" Iguana walks off and finds the pond and starts taking a big drink. The Iguana satisfied with a nice cool drink looks up and sees a croc staring at him. Croc says "what are you doing taking a drink from my pond?" Iguana tells the story of the monkey smoking the funny cig. down the path and how his mouth got dry. Iguana tells the croc. he should go down the trail find the monkey and have a puff for himself.The croc. thinks that's a good idea and off he goes. The croc. smells the sweet smell of the funny cig. looks up and there and behold is the monkey, the croc.yells up "hey monkey come down and give me a puff" The monkey startled looks at the croc. and says

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Old 02-01-2007, 12:02 AM
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I cant belive i missed the post serves me right for going to work. But for the most part I am always greeted going into elite and golds. Well it depends whos working at golds, but for the most part i am greeted.

Both stores go out of their ways to help customers.

Colby goes out of his way every week to bring in crickets for me, yes crickets at a fish store. He is the only person working in the store, im sure he works alot harder then some of the people who shop at the store, and it can get pretty busy in there.

This forum is for hobby information not for vender reviews. You either shop there or you dont, thats enough said.

Soon enough someone will be made an example of for starting these threads, and it wont be me.

end rant....

Back in the good ole days
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Old 02-01-2007, 01:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Tarolisol View Post

This forum is for hobby information not for vender reviews. You either shop there or you dont, thats enough said.

Soon enough someone will be made an example of for starting these threads, and it wont be me.

end rant....
I agree. My apologies for creating this, I was only expressing gratitude.

Enjoy your tanks.
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Old 02-01-2007, 01:26 AM
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Hey colby you should just give me a part time job there and I will fix alot of your problems.
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Old 02-01-2007, 04:35 AM
Moogled Moogled is offline
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Originally Posted by Tarolisol View Post
I cant belive i missed the post serves me right for going to work. But for the most part I am always greeted going into elite and golds. Well it depends whos working at golds, but for the most part i am greeted.

Both stores go out of their ways to help customers.

Colby goes out of his way every week to bring in crickets for me, yes crickets at a fish store. He is the only person working in the store, im sure he works alot harder then some of the people who shop at the store, and it can get pretty busy in there.

This forum is for hobby information not for vender reviews. You either shop there or you dont, thats enough said.

Soon enough someone will be made an example of for starting these threads, and it wont be me.

end rant....
...Duuuuude I can't believe you broke the streak of nonsense talk!
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