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Old 01-20-2007, 05:49 AM
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I dunno i get the worm sting all the time and it doesn't hurt!it's is ich for about 2-3 houre then it forms a hard spot and peels skin for weeks..
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Old 01-20-2007, 05:57 AM
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Sometimes after rearranging corals with my hands, they get irritated and itchy. Yesterday, I had chest pains right after some aquascaping and tank cleaning. The usual layer of skin on my fingers had previously peeled off from blisters obtained while playing sports so that probably made it easier for toxins to enter my body.
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Old 01-20-2007, 07:12 AM
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Prodogg, glad you were ok!

I would agree if anyone has serious pains or swelling, safest bet is to head to the ER, but, I would keep in mind allergies, and the massive spectrum of toxins and chemicals we are exposed to in our tanks! For example, personally, I've never had any rash or any swelling at all etc... from dealing with SW. The worst I've ever had was itchyness for a few mins after being scrathed hard enough to break the skin, or with sharp spiny stuff. I've touched many anemones and of different species as well, black sponge, tons of corals, etc... I can even pick up bristleworms. With the big ones I get spines in the fingers causing a slight 'poke' feeling, but I just wash my hands off or pull them out, but no reactions at all. But again as I think EmilyB mentioned, some people are alergic even to just SW.
No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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Old 01-20-2007, 07:16 AM
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Originally Posted by EmilyB View Post
I spoke with one of the top allergy specialists in Calgary about palytoxin. There is no evidence in the world wide database about palytoxin death except by eating triggerfish.....

Seriously, consider the many people who handle rock and zoos, you'd have had a fellow reefer die by now.

Some people are more allergy prone than others and may be reacting to any of a number of things.

Use caution if you feel a danger. I know people allergic to saltwater.
Well palytoxin is more of a toxicology issue than an allergy one i think. Many docs don't know about it or dont know much about it. Im not knocking on your doc of course, just saying that it's better to be safe rather than sorry (please excuse the cliche).

besides there are stories of quite a few violent reactions from things ranging from nudibranchs to snails to zoos to blue ring octopuses. Just because one toxin may not kill ya doesnt mean others wont or won't give you a hell of a bad day. about blue rings: some people keep em in tanks. Their toxin (i don't know if it's palytoxin or not) is extremely deadly and can paralyze a full grown man in 5 minutes, kill him in 20. there is no antivenin.

That said, I don't believe in being scared of your tank. just wary and aware. I live by that.
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Old 01-20-2007, 07:32 AM
Kronk Kronk is offline
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Best purchase i have ever made for my tank keeps my hands dry and possible contamination out of the tank, really only use the right glove though.. any lefties want to buy the other one off me
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Old 01-20-2007, 03:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Kronk View Post

Best purchase i have ever made for my tank keeps my hands dry and possible contamination out of the tank, really only use the right glove though.. any lefties want to buy the other one off me
just turn it inside out!
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Old 01-20-2007, 03:47 PM
Myanth Myanth is offline
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Bristle worm stings don't bug me.... but I think that a Jason sting might.
This all started with a ten gallon and two clowns.
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Old 01-25-2007, 12:41 PM
finn-a-gin finn-a-gin is offline
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My wife had a cut on her hand and was doing a skimmer clean-out for me, she had some of the bacteria enter her wound, a day later swelling ensued. It swelled to a point where her finger "split". She was in intense pain for days before a culture came back as "fish handlers disease" Mycobacterium Marinium

The treatment was Tuberclosis meds for 3 months to remove stubborn infection. Now she won't even come close to helping now...GREAT!

Thought I would share...wear gloves
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Old 01-25-2007, 03:58 PM
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Marine venom is primarily protien based, treat the effected limb with very hot (not scalding) H2O. It will break down the venom. If difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath or prievious history or severe allergic reactions or analphylaxis exists call EMS; do not transport yourself to hospital for God's sake! For simple surface stings use vinagar.
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Old 01-28-2007, 06:44 PM
BCOrchidGuy BCOrchidGuy is offline
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The mention of mushroom was that the mushroom rock was moved on top of a "new" piece of rock. Who knows what was or is in that rock, it could have been anything. If in doubt I'd go to the hospital, you may not know you are allergic to something until it's on your tomb stone. My advice is not to take chances. Gloves are a great idea, I'll be picking up a pair before I start aquascaping my new tank. We see fire worms, fire coral, we see all sorts of life that has violent defensive mechanisms.
Glad the person who initiated the post is fine, sad to hear about other peoples experiences though. Myself I'm allergic to bee stings and a wasp sting last summer left me with a hockey puck size black messy crater in my chest, after an evening in the hospital the Doc says, don't mess around, carry the kit and use it if you need. I always thought, oh if I get stung I'll just head to the hospital but reactions get worse after each one not better.

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