Up for sale is a 24 gallon aqua pod. I have invested over 1100 dollers in this tank but it must go i need the cash..it has 2 clown fish.1 bubble tip anenome,1 cleaner shrimp,1 hamer coral 2 turbo snails and 1 big feather duster..(some of the corals not shown in pics) theres about 20 lbs of live rock in there ..that cost over $200 alone+ fiji live sand which wasent cheap either.the tank also comes with 2 pumps 1 in the sump and a maxi jet 1200 in the display..some sea salt, testing kits, fish food, gravity meter,digital thermonitor and a magnetic glass cleaner..the tank is also nicly cycled. this model is the one with power compact lighting...make me an offer.(live on vancouver island)