At 2-3" long you'd better hope they don't breed for awhile. If they do they would be pretty stunted. They usually breed when they're about a year old and Discus usually get 5-6" in that time. They do better in larger groups, minimum 4 IME. Larger groups spread out the aggression and one fish typically won't get picked on by the others. With a pair at that size you inevitably get one bully and one whipping boy and the smaller one eats less, gets sick & dies. So by all means add a couple more at least. I'd consider quarantining new arrivals though. If you add more fish you should take a look at your water change regime and make sure you're keeping the tank clean. I've raised 50 fish in a 55g tank from 1/2" fry until they were 4" in size. But I had a large wet/dry filter, a couple HOT Magnums with micron and I changed 50% water 3x a week. So you can accomodate more fish if you maintain your tank properly.