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Old 07-23-2006, 03:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Rikko
I'm in for 1lb for sure, if we can still get more people in on it.

Chin, I didn't see in this thread if they said what they are willing to fit into a box. If we can organize 2 full boxes that should be fine, though if you don't want to handle all the foot traffic to pick it up from you, maybe someone else could receive that box.
I'd volunteer myself except I'm in the corner of the North Shore and somebody more central (Vancouver/Burnaby/Coquitlam) would probably be best for everyone picking up.

What do you think?
im in richmond and work from home.
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Old 07-23-2006, 04:49 AM
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Default one box

Originally Posted by Rikko
I'm in for 1lb for sure, if we can still get more people in on it.

Chin, I didn't see in this thread if they said what they are willing to fit into a box. If we can organize 2 full boxes that should be fine, though if you don't want to handle all the foot traffic to pick it up from you, maybe someone else could receive that box.
I'd volunteer myself except I'm in the corner of the North Shore and somebody more central (Vancouver/Burnaby/Coquitlam) would probably be best for everyone picking up.

What do you think?
Good thoughts but the method in which I am picking it up I will need to do my darnest to keep it to one box.
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Old 07-23-2006, 06:23 AM
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What method is that? Surely we could duplicate it for another 'receiver'?
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Old 07-23-2006, 09:47 PM
more1020 more1020 is offline
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I would like to take 2lb. Thanks!
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Old 07-24-2006, 06:56 AM
Tigger Tigger is offline
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Hey Chin

Did you get my order, or am I listed under the wrong name?
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Old 07-24-2006, 07:06 AM
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Default cost

Originally Posted by Rikko
What method is that? Surely we could duplicate it for another 'receiver'?
I am mitigating my risk at this time with this group buy; I did not expect it to get this large.
According to the FEDEX website, overnight shipping for a 17x17x20" container is going to cost me about $135 US. I am hoping to get 15-25 lbs of seaweed into the container which will cost me an additional $120-200.
I am just not prepared to double that cost because I am already going to have to pay $255-335 USD in advance (~ $280-350 CDN).
For me to ship two boxes will cost me anywhere from $600-700. And we all know from a group buy that somebody will "change" their mind and I will end up with more than I wanted.
My apologies to those who may be affected but I just can't afford the risk on two boxes. I am waiting for a response on the maximum weight for one box.

For those who are interested in what this may cost:
A) Shipping of $135 USD is about $150 CDN so shipping cost will be anywhere from $6-10 per lb depending on how much will fit in the box

B) The algae is $8/lb USD which is about $9 CDN.

So be prepared to pay anywhere from

$15 to $20 per lb of algae.

If anybody would like to change their minds, please let me know.
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Old 07-24-2006, 04:17 PM
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Chin, Why don't you just order the maximum amount and sell to hobbyists that reserved in priority sequence, then work your way down. From the looks of it, there appears to be more buyers than weed available so you should be in good shape. I'm also willing to pay you in advance.

I'd also make it clear that pick up should be on the day of arrival ro something of that gist or you might end up with holding onto weed until a "convenient day" sometime 3 weeks from arrival...
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Old 07-24-2006, 06:24 PM
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PM'd ya
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Old 07-24-2006, 06:43 PM
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i'm still in Chin if you are willing to ship to me after it arrives (of course I will pay for my cost of the original shipping and the cost of shipping to me) Send me a PM and LMK cost and I will send $ immediately.
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Old 07-25-2006, 02:43 AM
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I'd still be up for that, and considering the high upfront cost you're looking at, I think it's pretty reasonable to suggest everyone who's interested pay a deposit of what we think the final cost will be (and the final amount payable on pickup, because estimates are invariably wrong!).
Trusting one guy with 800 posts with 20 bucks of mine is easier than trusting a vast swarm of us with $700 :P
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