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Old 06-10-2006, 02:47 PM
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Default Starting a Nano

I recently purchased a 20 gallon Tru Vu tall acrylic hex tank for my fiancée to keep captive bread sea horses in, however after doing some research she decided seahorses might be a little too much work and difficulty for her so we decided to turn the tank into a nano. I am not sure if this tank qualifies as a true nano but I am posting here anyways. I was wondering what would be a reasonable number of fish such as gobies and clown fish to keep in a tank this size and also how much lighting would be needed to keep soft corals. I was hoping to stay away from metal halide and just go with power compact lighting at this point. The tank is 15 inches wide by 24 inches tall and is hexagon shaped.
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Old 06-10-2006, 05:20 PM
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how much live rock are u planning on adding, what about powerheads, and also are you going to be skimming,

personally on my nano right now i only have a small false perc, and a 6 line wrasse, and i will only be adding one more fish (midas or bicolor blennie) tanks this small arnt really ment for to many fish, i would say no more then 4 on yours
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Old 06-11-2006, 05:57 AM
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I was planning on adding approx. 20 to 25 pounds of live rock and I was hoping to use an Aqua Clear 300 filter as well as a small Hagen power head for water circulation (both of these items are left over from another tank). I do not currently have a protein skimmer for the tank but may possibly consider a HOB skimmer if 5 gallon weekly water changes do not keep the water quality up to par.
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Old 06-11-2006, 05:34 PM
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should be alright then, hey what are the LFS's like in kelowna, i might be moving down there within the next month
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Old 06-11-2006, 09:21 PM
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The LFS in Kelowna are surprisingly not all that great for a city the size of Kelowna. There are no stores that specialize in salt water only and most of the pet stores that do carry marine items have a very limited inventory. Believe it or not the 2 best places for salt water in Kelowna are run out of an automotive shop and the other one is run out of a couples basement.
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Old 06-12-2006, 12:10 AM
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I am still a newbie to this whole nano reef setup, but from my understanding the depth of the water (and coral types) is what is going to decide your lighting power.

I have a 24g nanocube dx, with 72watts of pc lighting, and it is 19" tall. Theory has it you would want to exceed 72 watts?

I also live in Kelowna too. I have bought all of my stuff from J&L Aquatics, and from Reef Keepers (the people in the basement). They are actually building a large addition on their house right now for more of a store like setting. Very very nice people, and not too expensive.

I have learned to avoid AJ's pet supply in vernon. I went there .. and well, they're very expensive, and very rude when I asked about the pricing. They said they were doing me a favor by charging me that much.
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Old 06-12-2006, 03:40 PM
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You are right about the people at Reefkeepers. I have been very impressed with their pricing and customer service. I was talking to Randy the other day and he was showing me the building in the back that will become their store. Hopefully when they get this addition up and running they will be able to carry slightly more inventory.

Last edited by Palster; 06-12-2006 at 03:44 PM.
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