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Old 04-06-2006, 06:38 AM
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I bought some Reef-resh today. Started dosing early this afternoon. So we will see what happens. I also noticed JLs' display tank that things looked more vibrant today.

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Old 04-06-2006, 06:44 AM
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Originally Posted by seashells
I bought some Reef-resh today. Started dosing early this afternoon. So we will see what happens. I also noticed JLs' display tank that things looked more vibrant today.

are you seeing what you think you should be seeing though?
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Old 04-06-2006, 08:59 PM
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I am at day five now and am definitely seeing improvement in color and growth in all sps's and extension in LPS's. I have had two birdsnest frags for approx. 7mos....the growth last week surpassed the previous 2 weeks. My pocillipora has been in my care for 9 mos. and shows the same results as the pink birdsnest. I was a little skeptical at first, but I truly see improvent in my tank from corals I had for more than a year (cup coral) to the newest ones (blue acro). My brown corals have lightened up a bit and my orange digitata has shown more color. I also noticed that all of my zoos have noticeably longer tentacles but no color change. My orange plate coral'stentacles are noticeably longer too. No change to my open brains yet...but they look good anyway! My Kenya tree, toadstool and devils hand dont show much difference, but they thrive in my tank. I checked my water parameters before starting reef-resh and was showing approx. 5 for Nitrates...I checked today and no trace.....coincidence? I dont know.
180g tank(6x2x2) w/170lbs LR, 2-250W 1-400W Halides, 2-3ft t5 Actinics,H&S 1260 200 Skimmer, 1-Tunze 6000stream w/controller, 1-6060stream, 70g sump, 30g refugium Neptune controller, Sequence Hammerhead inline return, Lifeguard 25W UV, 1-Tunze osmolator, 1-Tunze wavebox, 1/4Hp Pacific Coast chiller, MarineTech calcium reactor
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Old 04-06-2006, 11:06 PM
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I would be suspect of anything that makes you think you see a difference after only 1 week, I think like stated befor, it is seeing a little of what you want to see.

best way to go about it would be to take a pic at day 1 and remember the settings, then after 1 month of feeding take a aditional pic with the same settings and don't adjust anything in photoshop with either pic (except maybe the size) then stop feeding for another month and take a pic and see if they revert back.. by paying more attention on a daily basis you might be doing something else that is contrubiting to the difference if there is one.

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

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Old 04-06-2006, 11:24 PM
Chrismo Chrismo is offline
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This stuff looks very interestng to me. Bacteria are such a great way to control nutrients... A lot of people seem to be giving it a try recently too. So we should have more feedback in the next few months.

A guy I know just started using it yesterday, I cant wait to see what he thinks of it. He's a very clinical & skepticle guy, so I'm hoping he wnt be suseptable to his own head games.

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Old 04-07-2006, 05:38 AM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy
I would be suspect of anything that makes you think you see a difference after only 1 week, I think like stated befor, it is seeing a little of what you want to see.

best way to go about it would be to take a pic at day 1 and remember the settings, then after 1 month of feeding take a aditional pic with the same settings and don't adjust anything in photoshop with either pic (except maybe the size) then stop feeding for another month and take a pic and see if they revert back.. by paying more attention on a daily basis you might be doing something else that is contrubiting to the difference if there is one.

Like I said, I was skeptical to begin with...I know how my corals have progressed since day one of reefkeeping. Everyday Im looking at progress, whats new etc. just like most people who have become so addicted to the obsession! To think I would put rose colored glasses on for one product over the many that I have crossed paths with is ludicrous. If I notice differences that werent present before I started using the product, I note them. These are not corals that I bought yesterday and know nothing about, I take note of the ones that I have had for awhile.
To try it for a month and then stop to see if they revert is not the way to see how well a product works because it has no scientific basis since you are not restarting with the same parameters of the subject. I think the weeks worth of results is significant since we all know how good or bad they can go in alot less time!
Who knows how far this product will go or when the results will plateau, all I know is that the majority of my corals are showing more than they did last week...I hope it continues.
180g tank(6x2x2) w/170lbs LR, 2-250W 1-400W Halides, 2-3ft t5 Actinics,H&S 1260 200 Skimmer, 1-Tunze 6000stream w/controller, 1-6060stream, 70g sump, 30g refugium Neptune controller, Sequence Hammerhead inline return, Lifeguard 25W UV, 1-Tunze osmolator, 1-Tunze wavebox, 1/4Hp Pacific Coast chiller, MarineTech calcium reactor
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Old 04-07-2006, 12:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike Olson
. I think the weeks worth of results is significant since we all know how good or bad they can go in alot less time!
Corals only go bad in less time, the good take a lot more, anyways not trying to say you are using the rose colored glasses, but from experence with new food fads/products, and being the most skeptical one out there, that a couple times it looked to me that stuff was making a difference but when I photographed, ect, ect, the growth rates were te same in the month couple months I fed as they were in the couple months after that I didn't feed, color and polyp extension was bigger, or so I though, but two months after I stopped feeding it was still the same.
I did notice a difference in the worms, bugs, mushrooms ect but as far as the SPS went ... no difference with 3 different products.

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

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Old 04-07-2006, 06:39 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy
I would be suspect of anything that makes you think you see a difference after only 1 week, I think like stated befor, it is seeing a little of what you want to see.
The appearence of new polyps at the base of the coral would not show up with rose colored glasses. The extension of the polyps would indicate something has changed. As for a change in color that could be subjective.

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Old 04-08-2006, 02:21 AM
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Originally Posted by seashells
The appearence of new polyps at the base of the coral would not show up with rose colored glasses. The extension of the polyps would indicate something has changed. As for a change in color that could be subjective.

New polyps at the base is simply growth,

Polyp extension, well seeing as we don't know what causes polyp extension that doesn't mean anything.. I get better extension during the day some people at night, some who feed, some who don't, see my point?

Color well who knows but I have found Alk levels make a huge difference in color where some haven't.. also lighting is a factor.

the problem is as in growth, a frag can sit there and do nothing for months then boom it starts growing when nothing has changed.. I personally believe that this is kinda of a recovery period from being fraged and a base laying period. so I'm my belief most frags don't start good growth until they have a solid foundation, how much of a base they need who knows but at some point I have found the base stops growing and the tips take off.

and like I said I have seen only guesses at to who the polyps extend. I have never had a problem with extension so I have never worried about it. It may be a good thing but then it may be bad, with my open brain I find it swells up when its hungry and shrinks when it is satisfied which seams to be opposite of what other think. all I know is when my LPS are swollen I feed them then they shrink down for a week then start swelling up again and so on.

Like I said this is my opinions and because there hasn't really been any research with SPS on these issues or if there is it isn't finished the questions cannot be answered and everyone will have there own opinion..
and as I stated before when I started feeding I thought there were drastic changes in growth and color, found out the color was because of an increase in my Alk and the growth was a combination of me just not noticing it before as I wasn't looking for an effect of feeding up to that point and corals just deciding to grow. heck I had one that worked on the base for almost 1 year with almost no top growth then boom it was growing 1cm a week from the tips.. nothing changed in 6 months prior to the explosion.

so we can argue this back and forth all year and no one will win as there is no proof or even studies that will affirm one way or another.


PS: I am not trying to discourage anyone from using it I started last week as I got a free sample in the mail, so who knows maybe this will turn out to be different that other foods and maybe not. Also one thing I just thought of is that if your lighting is a little on the low side for your corals maybe feeding will help a lot, but who knows.
*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

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Old 04-08-2006, 03:18 AM
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I think you have your products mixed up....

This thread is about Reef-resh. A bacterial export system. We never gave out samples of Reef-resh.

I think you are talking about Reef-roids which is our coral food for filter feeders.

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